Chapter 3: Sneaking Out

That night, Hilda waited for her mother to go to sleep. Then she pulled out a foldable ladder, and she climbed out of her window. She slowly, and quietly climbed down. She then folded the ladder back up.

Hilda: "Okay, Twig. Ready to go?"

Twig nodded his head.

Hilda: "I'm sorry, boy, but this is for my own good. I'm glad you decided to come along with me."

Alfur: "I'm coming too, you know. I can't bare to see you suffer anymore. And I honestly hate telling your mother you left the house or not."

Hilda: "Thank you, Alfur. Now, come on. Let's go."

Hilda then walked in the direction of the train station. On her way, she saw McQueen.

Lighting McQueen: "Hey, Hilda. What are you doing out this late?"

Hilda: "I'm running away, McQueen. Just because mum got mad at me over a little accident." 

Lighting McQueen: "Yeah, about that. That was my fault. I honked my horn, and scared you. I'm sorry."

Hilda: "It's alright, McQueen."

Lighting McQueen: "Why don't I make it up to you, by giving you a ride to the train station?"

Hilda: "I would like that. Thank you, McQueen."

Lighting McQueen: "Hop in, then."

Lighting drove Hilda to the station. Along the way, they talked.

Lighting McQueen: "So... Where are you running away to?"

Hilda: "Sodor."

Lighting McQueen: "That's a good choice. I'm sure you can find a good home there. Oh. We're here."

Hilda: "Thanks for the ride."

Lighting McQueen: "No problem. See ya, kid. And don't worry. I'll visit you."

And McQueen drove off.

Hilda: "Well, Twig. Let's get our tickets."
