Chapter 4: A Nighttime Ride

Hilda walked into the train station. Spencer the Sliver Engine was there.

Spencer: "Well, what do you know? Hello, Hilda."

Hilda: "Hi, Spencer. Are you going to Sodor?"

Spencer: "Yes. And I heard what happened with you. You want a ride to Sodor?"

Hilda: "Yeah! Just let me get my ticket."

Hilda went to the ticket office.

Stationmaster: "Hello there, young lady. What can I do for you?"

Hilda: "One ticket to Sodor, please."

Hilda handed the money to the stationmaster, and the stationmaster gave Hilda her ticket.

Stationmaster: "There you go. Enjoy your ride."

Hilda: "Thank you. I will."

Spencer: "Lucky you. You get to ride in my front coach."

Hilda then pulled out a conductor's whistle. She then blew it.

Spencer: (laughs) "Thanks for that. Well. Hop in. We must be on our way now."

Hilda then hopped on board, and Spencer pulled out of the station.

Spencer: "And here we go!"

And so, Spencer clickity-clacked along the track. Over bridges, through tunnels, and over hills. Hilda was happy to be going to a new home, and to have new friends. 

Hilda: "Spencer! Are we there yet?"

Spencer: "Not yet. We won't get there till tomorrow morning. Why don't you go to the sleeping car? You wanna be up bright and early when we get to Vicarstown Station in the morning."

Hilda: "Now that you mentioned it. I'm getting pretty tired. Goodnight, Spencer."

Spencer: "Sleep tight, Hilda. See you in the morning."

Hilda got comfy in the sleeper. She laid in one of the beds. Twig curled up next to his owner.

Hilda: "Goodnight, boy."

And with that, Hilda went to sleep.
