
third person pov

they ordered some tteokbokki, kimbap, budae jjigae and two cups of coke. the food soon came and they talked as they ate. minjeong learned so much about jimin.

she used to be in dance and singing, she joined many competitions and won them. she went for acting lessons just to accompany her friend and here she is, a famous actress, earning big money.

she told minjeong about her high school friends too, some are also famous singers while some are just living their normal lives. what shocked minjeong was that heejin is her close friend since high school.

"heejin? like jeon heejin? the famous singer?" minjeong asked in shock.

"yes, jeon heejin the famous singer." jimin replied casually as minjeong gasped.

"holy shit! i love her songs!" minjeong exclaimed.

"she would be really glad to hear that. do you wanna say hi to her?" jimin said as she took out her phone.

"it's fine, it's awkward." minjeong quickly denies but jimin turns the camera to minjeong and she had no choice but to wave. jimin was taking a video, minjeong waved and said hi to heejin and told her that she loves her music.

soon later, jimin showed me heejin's replies and oh my god, it's literally like my idol noticed me.

'aww shes socute.'
'tell her i say thankyou, and im glad that she likes my music.'

"oh right, there's a rumour about her dating a girl named kim hyunjin? her best friend from high school?" minjeong asked curiously.

"oh yeah, i heard about that. i dont know about that though." jimin replied and minjeong nodded, not wanting to pry into her idol's privacy.

they talked more about themselves and turns out it's really going great! it's not even awkward and minjeong thinks that they just got closer this time.

time passed

"im so full!" minjeong exclaimed as she stretched.

"same, this was a great meal." jimin said.

"i agree, how much was it?" minjeong asked.

"you dont have to know."

"i wanna know, im not going to pay i swear i just wanna know."

"it's pretty cheap honestly, just like 50 bucks." jimin said.

"woah damn that expensive?"

"it's not that expensive." jimin said as she handed her card to the waiter.

soon later, the waiter came back with jimin's card and they left the restaurant. it's now 11.30 and minjeong is thinking if she should take the bus or catch the last train.

"should i take the bus or catch the last train?" the younger asked jimin.

"i think i should fetch you home, where do you live?" jimin replied.

"you have a car but we walked to the restaurant?" minjeong asked, feeling so confused like why??

"well, i parked my car opposite the restaurant and not near the studio soo." jimin replied and minjeong just formed her mouth into an O shape.

"well, can i fetch you home?" jimin asked and minjeong nodded, walking to jimin's car.

her car is so nice what the hell.

"where do you live?" jimin asked and minjeong said her address.

"you live alone?" jimin asked and minjeong nodded my head.

"why do you live alone?"

"my house was too far from my school, so my parents decided to just buy this house here for me so that it's nearer to my school."

"it's landed?" jimin asked.

"well, yes but no? i dont know."


"do you wanna come in to see how it looks like or something?" minjeong invited. why the hell did i just do that..

"sure, if you dont mind, since i got no schedule for tomorrow." jimin said. OMG SO THAT MEANS I DONT HAVE TO WAKE UP EARLY TOMORROW

"wait, you don't?" minjeong asked, containing her excitement.

"yeah i dont." jimin replied.

"ah okay." minjeong said.

they soon reached minjeong's house and she offered the older some warm water.

"you have a nice house." jimin complimented minjeong house.

"thank you, i try to keep it clean most of the times." minjeong said.

"can i see your room?" jimin asked. minjeong doesn't usually allow people to see her room or go into my room but it's fine i guess.

"sure." minjeong said and she leaded the way to her room.

"woah. you have a nice room too. it's simple, but looks cozy."

"it is really cozy. i like my room the best. it's lonely in this house so i just stay in my room, not too big not too small." minjeong said.

time passed

they were now on minjeong's bed, doing nothing, jimin doesn't wanna go home because she's lazy, so now jimin's just using her phone while laying minjeong's lap.

minjeong didn't mind it at all of course. in fact, she is actually enjoying this.

"minjeong ah, look at this." jimin laughed as she showed minjeong a funny video on her phone.

"jimin-ssi, you should really go home. it's literally 1 am." minjeong said but the older refused.

"how about i stay here." jimin said.

"what?" that was so sudden and random.

"well like you said its 1am. dont you think it's dangerous for me, a woman, to be going home alone at 1am?" jimin said and yeah minjeong agrees.

"oh right, okay then. i'll just get you some pjs to change into." minjeong said as she moved away from jimin and went to get a set of pjs.

jimin changed into it and went back to mjnjeong, this time laying on minjeong's shoulder as she uses her phone. she likes to lean on minjeong, she didn't know why, but the younger didn't mind it at all, in fact, she likes it.

but when jimin does it, minjeong's heart starts racing and it just feels weird, like she doesn't know how to explain the feeling but she really do like it.

"oh right, minjeong ah." jimin suddenly called out and the younger hummed in response.

"just call me by my name or whatever you want next time. just not jimin-ssi. it sounds way too formal." jimin said and minjeong just replied with a small, "okay."

"i think we should sleep now." minjeong said and jimin removed her head from minjeong's shoulder to the pillow.

time passed

its 2.30am and minjeong couldn't sleep. she wonders if jimin could sleep and as if she read her mind, minjeong heard someone calling her name.

"minjeong ah." minjeong hummed in response.

"i cant sleep." she added.

"hm? are you homesick? i told you to go home." minjeong said as she turned to face jimin, thinking she was facing the other side but she was already facing minjeong, making their face only a few inches away.

it was supposed to be normal for her to see jimin's face up close because she always does jimin's makeup, but this time it's different. minjeong took a deep breath and backed away.

"im not homesick, i just cant sleep, dont worry." jimin said.

"have you tried forcing yourself to sleep?"

"many times." she said and sighed.

"dont sigh, you're still young, you have no reason to sigh." minjeong said and the older let out a light chuckle.

"okay mom." jimin said, earning a frown from the younger.

"you sound like my mom." jimin added and laughed.


"hey, dont apologise. it was a joke." jimin said and minjeong just let out a light chuckle.

"well, do you wanna talk?" jimin asked.


"anything. so what do you like to do during your free time?" she asked.

"sometimes, when i feel like it, i'd take out my guitar and just play it and sing some songs. or i'll just stay in bed and use my phone." minjeong said, "what about you?"

"having free time or a free day is like a blessing to me so i usually sleep in or, like you, i'd just stay in bed and use my phone." she replied and i hummed in response.

"i have a random question, i dont know if it's sensitive to you, but you can choose not to answer it if it is sensitive." minjeong said and jimin just replied with a, 'yes?'

"have you ever been in a relationship during your actress life, whether it was girls or guys and when did you find out that you were into girls?" minjeong asked, there was silence after that. before she could say anything else, jimin spoke.

"well i've only been in one relationship, and it was my first, with a girl. she was my first ever girl crush. she made me realise i liked girls, but it wasn't during my actress life, it was during high school. her name is ryujin, she was the sweetest girl ever,she helped me through my toughest times, she would surprise me with things i wouldn't even expect. but suddenly, one day, she decided to have a "talk" with me," jimin shared, "we ended it off because she said she just wanted to focus studies and because it was my first relationship, i didn't know how to act, i really loved her, i couldn't even fight for her, fight for us. i cried over her every single night. then one day i saw her with another girl, she looked so happy, she looked way happier than she was with me and so i decided, since she's happy now, i should just move on. and i did, look where i am now."

"woah, i didn't know your life could be like this, im so sorry."

"it's not your fault, minjeong." jimin said as she sniffed.

"hey hey, are you crying? dont cry." minjeong said, naturally pulling the older closer to her. jimin snuggled har face into minjeong's neck as she sniffed. few minutes later, the older moved away from minjeong and she could see her face from the light coming from the sides of the blinds.

"sorry about that, what about you? what's your love life like?" she asked.

"well, i've dated a few, guys and girls, mostly girls. honestly, the guys were nothing, and when i dated girls, damn it felt so different especially with this one girl, it's my most recent ex. it was during high school too, we broke it off because she told me that she started catching feelings for this guy, and it was my ex. how funny. but she was the one i loved most, the one i couldn't move on from, the first person i cried over everyday after we broke up. but i learnt to move on, and i didn't date anyone after that. i was too afraid of falling in love again, i always envied those couples i walked past in school or in public, but god knows what they've been through right?" minjeong explained with a light chuckle at the end.

"awww, i understand. i hope you're feeling better." jimin said.

"i've never told that story to anyone, you're the first. i was so scared people would judge me for it, but since you told me your story, i will too." minjeong said and the older just pat minjeong's head.

"it's getting really late, we should sleep for real now. and i'm getting tired" minjeong said as she looked at the time from her phone.

"yeah, goodnight minjeongie." she said and minjeong's heart fluttered from that small nickname.

"goodnight unnie." the younger said as her eyes started to close.
