
jimin pov

i woke up with someone cuddling me. i looked down at the sleeping minjeong who's head was snuggled under my arm. i did not know i put my arms around her but goddamn she looks so cute.

i took this time to digest her beauty. her long eyelashes, her perfect nose and her perfect jawline, her face is absolutely flawless and i love every part about it. oh my fucking god, staring at her just makes my heart race. what is going on with me? i loved this moment so much that i decided not to move until she woke up.

suddenly, i felt movements and i looked at her again. she shifted her position and now she's cuddling with me even more. im going to explode. i tighten my grip around her as i moved her closer to me and fell asleep again since it's a free day.

few hours later

i woke up and saw that minjeong was still sleeping, still
cuddling me. i slowly shifted to get my phone to look at the time. woah 11am already. i used my phone for awhile because i was lazy to get out of bed.

suddenly, i heard groans and felt movements coming from my side, i turned to look at minjeong who just woke up. she looks so clueless and looked around her room like a lost puppy.

"goodmorning." i greeted and she turns to look at me with confusion on her face. SHES SO CUTE OHMYGOD

"goodmorning." she replied with a small and tired smile on her face.

"what time is it?" she added and i scrolled down on my
phone to check the time.

"11.30am" i said and she just nodded.

"do you want to have brunch together?" i asked.

"sure, after i wash up. where do you wanna go eat? or you dont wanna go eat because you're scared someone might recognise you." minjeong replied.

"we can go out, you can protect me it's fine." i said casually.

"you're going out with your makeup artist, not your manager." she said and pushed me lightly.

"same thing minjeong, you should go wash up now." i said and she walked to the toilet while i continued using my phone. then i got a notification from heejin.

miss jeon heejin🫰🏻💗

hello bff
do you have a schedule today?

hello, no i dont have any schedule tdy.

wanna go out for lunch?

i cant babes sorry.

stop w the babes and WHYY

im going to have lunch w minjeong.

i thought u alrdy had dinner w her yst 😢

yeah well, long story short i slept at her place yst night and now im here.


idk if we're THIS close, but we just got closer LOL SHES SOCUTE THO.


do uw me to tell hyunjin the thing?


so u do want me to tell her


you've been saying that for the longest time ever. so when??


when is the "soonnn"


okay sure.
anyw i gtg, byeee

okay, have fun on ur date w ur future gf!

oh hell nah, she just called minjeong my future girlfriend. minjeong has been my makeup artist for about three to four months now and we just got closer, i've always wanted to get closer to her. she's so cute and she just looks like a really nice person but we were very awkward with the relationship of just artist and makeup artist. i decided to stop the awkwardness and tried my best to do everything i could so that i would get close to minjeong, and here i am. we got close, closer than i would've ever imagined from 3 months ago.

"unnie, have you washed up?" minjeong asked as she walks out of the toilet drying her messy wet hair with her towel hanging from her neck.

"nope, i dont have anything, minjeong." i said.

"oh right." she said as she walks back into her toilet and rummaged through some cabinets.

"here, a towel, your own personal toothbrush. and you can just take any clothes from my closet." minjeong said and passed me those things.

"actually, i'll just pick out the clothes for you." minjeong added as she walked to the closet and looks for some suitable clothes for me. she found them and passed it to me. it was an oversized plain white long sleeved shirt and black jeans.

"thank you, minjeongie." i said as i took those things and walked to the toilet to wash up. im honestly so excited for this day with minjeong. this was so impromptu but im so excited.

minjeong pov

minjeong getting a gf when?


yes baby ningning?

hey hey, watch your words. my baby and only mine.

woah, okay. jealous much?


what are u laughing about, miss ning yizhuo?

more like "what are you laughing about ms uchinaga yizhuo?"

oh shut up minjeong unnie.

HAH! wld you like to be called that, m'love?

i dont see why not babes.

stfu stop flirting.


anyw, ningning, why'd you text me?

oh right! was wondering if we could come over for dinner.

hm, i'll let u guys know again.

u cant confirm w us now?
u usually just allow us to come to ur house tho.
or do u have someone over at ur house, ur secret girlfriend or smt???

oh shut up.
i'll let you know again, really.

okay fine.
bye minjeong unnie, im going to go cuddle w my gf now while u do u in ur single life :(

tmi ningning and attacking me w the fact that i have no gf 😭😭 okay byee.

ugh yes im living a sad and miserable single life. okay well not quite sad and miserable, but yes very single.

"hey do you have a hair dryer?" jimin asked as she walks out of the toilet with her wet hair. she looks so hot with wet hair wtf. OKAY MINJEONG STOP THINKING LIKE THIS. i was stunned, idk what i was stunned by but i think i was stunned by her beauty.

"hello? earth to minjeong?" jimin said as she snapped her fingers infront of my eyes. i blinked a few times before looking away.

"oh uh right! i'll get it for you." i said as i walked to my closet and got the hair dryer for her.

"oh right unnie." i called out and she hums in response.

"aeri and yizhuo wants to come over for dinner so i think you should go home after we have lunch." i said.

"oh, why can't i stay for dinner as well?" she asked.

"because my friends wants to come over. they'd freak out if they see you in my house."

"well that's fine, you can always introduce me to your friends! we can all be friends. please let me stay for dinner." jimin said as she pouted. her pout is so cute wtf😭

"ahh okay fine. why dont you go home though?" i asked.

"staying at home alone is so boring, now that i have you, i just wanna stay with a companion longer." jimin replied and i understood where she was coming from. it gets lonely in this house anyways whenever yizhuo and aeri doesn't come over.

few mins later

"okay, you ready to go out?" i asked as i zipped my small sling bag which i will be bringing.

"yeah, let's go." she said as she puts her phone into her pocket and grabbed her coat that was hanging behind my door from yesterday, grabbing her cap after that as she stuffed a mask into her pocket.

"wont you get cold?" jimin asked.

"i dont know, hopefully not. but that's fine, im strong!" i exclaimed and she laughs.

jimin puts her mask on when shes at the mall and surprisingly there wasn't a lot of people.

"im so hungry!" i exclaimed as my stomach started rumbling.

"same, let's just quickly find a place to eat." jimin said and we continued walking.

"how about this?" i asked as i pointed to a ramen restaurant.

"sure, let's go." she said and we waited to be seated. we asked to sit at far back again as it's the yu jimin here after all.

i realised that there's this cute habit of jimin, is that she likes to scrunch her nose everytime she takes out her mask, or basically she just does it without knowing AND ITS SO CUTE HONESTLY I CANT STAND IT.

"you know, you have a really cute nose scrunching habit." i said and she lets out a light chuckle.

"i have been doing it since i was young, i dont even realise myself doing it sometimes." jimin said.

"well, it's cute." i said and a blush crept up to jimin's face.

jimin pov

god minjeong is complimenting me so much, and my stomach has butterflies whenever she compliments me, make eye contact, or when she smiles at me. she's literally the cutest person ever. oh god, am i really falling for her?
