
"soo, your mom's at your house already?" jimin asked.

"probably, i think she brought my younger sister." minjeong said, faking a cry.

"why cry? dont you wanna see your sister?"

"i dont know honestly. she always messes up my house and my mom blames me for not keeping my house clean." minjeong replied, taking out her phone from her pocket and reading messages from her home page. her mom had texted her, so as the group. she decided to tap into her group's messages first.

minjeong getting a girlfriend when?

heyy unnie, we went to your place and your mom and sister is there.
your mom asked us to stay for dinner.

your sister is stealing my girlfriend.
jk, they look so cute playing together.
your mom is going to cook a scrumptious meal.
im so excited to eat, come home straight away after you end your work. IM HUNGRY!!!

your mom is tidying up your place and is complaining to us about how messy you are.
LOL i understand where she's coming from.
jokes, dont kill me when you come home thanks.

okay ning yizhuo.

minjeong then tapped into her mom's chat.


Im going over to your place now.
Im bringing yuna over.

she decided not to answer her mom's messages and just packed her things, getting ready to go home.

"do you want me to fetch you home? i think you can make it home faster than taking the bus." jimin asked, swinging her sling bag over her head.

"sure." minjeong simply replied and stood up.

"let's go then." jimin said, walking towards the door and switching off the lights.

"thank you for the ride home." minjeong said, putting her hand on the car door handle. just as she was about to open the door, jimin suddenly held her wrist. minjeong looked at jimin with confusion plastered on her face.

jimin didn't know what came over her to pull minjeong back, but she just did it. minjeong let go of the handle and stared at jimin with a blank and confused face.

jimin leaned in and this moment felt like forever to minjeong. jimin leaned in closer and closer each time she moved. minjeong closed her eyes, not knowing what she was expecting. suddenly, minjeong felt a pair of soft lips on her lips. oh my god, she's kissing me? what is going on? minjeong thought to herself, opening her eyes slowly. before she could do anything else, jimin quickly pulled away.

"im so so sorry, i don't know what came over me but i just.. i-i don't know what to say.. im sorry. um.." this was very awkward..

"sorry, um, i hope your headache gets better soon, you should go in now." jimin was rambling. minjeong found it cute honestly but at this point, she can't think of anything else but the fact that jimin kissed her.

"um, have a good night. bye." minjeong quickly said and gets out of the car, speed walking back into her house.

"minjeong, calm the fuck down." she whispered to herself, taking a deep breath before opening her door.

she walked in, seeing her house totally clean and tidied up, all four of them sitting on the sofa, watching a movie.

"minjeong sweetie! you're finally home!" taeyeon, minjeong's mother, said, walking towards minjeong, giving her a tight hug.

"i can't breathe mom." minjeong said and her mom lets go of her.

"hi minjeong." "hi unnie." aeri, yizhuo and yuna greeted and minjeong just gave them a smile.

"let me just go put my things in my room first." minjeong said, walking to her room. when she was finally in her room, she closed the door and slammed herself onto her bed, burying her face into her pillow before screaming into it. the sight of jimin kissing her kept replaying in her mind.

she was sure she doesn't like jimin in any way like that, or so she thought. suddenly, her room door opens and thought that it was yuna.

"get out of my room yuna, i'll be down in a second." minjeong said into her pillow, hoping that she would hear footsteps drifting further away from her, but instead, she hears her door close and felt a dip in her bed, beside her.

she looked to the side and saw aeri staring at her.

"yes? do you need anything? i'll be down in a second, you can go down first." minjeong said.

"i heard you screaming, i just wanted to come in here to tell you that dinner will be served soon." aeri said, "what's wrong?"

"jimin kissed me." minjeong blurted out without a thought. aeri eyes widened at what minjeong said.

"jimin kissed you?" aeri repeated and minjeong nodded slowly.

"what did you do about it?" aeri asked.

"i didn't do anything, before i was about to do anything, she starts apologising and it was really awkward so i just quickly told her to have a good night and came into the house as quickly as i could."

"well, did it felt good? something electrifying in your heart? stomach having butterflies?" aeri asked as if it was the most normal thing for an actress to kiss their makeup artist. 

"what the fuck aeri?"

"what? that's how i felt when i had my first kiss with yizhuo. everyone probably feels the same. come on, don't be shy, tell me." aeri replied.

"yes it felt good and yes to whatever you asked, but she just suddenly kissed me. i don't even know how i feel about it and it's totally wrong if i feel like that about her." minjeong replied then buried her face back into her pillow.

"what's so wrong about feeling like that about jimin? it's your feelings, what can you do about it?" aeri said, stroking minjeong's hair.

"she's an actress, worldwide famous actress, aeri."

"so? doesn't mean you can stop your feelings." aeri said and just as minjeong was about to say something, her room door opens again, she looked up to see yizhuo standing at the door.

"ms kim asked me to call the both of you down for dinner." minjeong and aeri stood up and went down for dinner.

"minjeong? are you listening?" taeyeon asked, snapping minjeong out of her thoughts.

"huh? what? sorry. did you ask something?" minjeong replied, shaking her head, trying to get rid of the image of jimin kissing her.

"yes, i asked you how's your work and studies." taeyeon said.

"work and school is fine." minjeong replied, playing with the food on her plate with her fork.

"you seem out of spirit. are you okay?" taeyeon asked.

"yes im fine. im full already, thank you for the meal mom." minjeong said, picking up her plate and bringing it to the kitchen. she started washing her plate and washed her face with the cold water after that. the image of jimin kissing her was surely going to be stuck in her head for the next few days or even weeks.

"minjeong sweetie, we're going to head home now." taeyeon said and stood up while yuna whined.

"noo i wanna play a little longer with aeri unnie!" yuna whined.

"no yuna, we are going home, your sister is going to work tomorrow she needs to get rest." taeyeon said. at least she's understanding about this.

"yeah yuna, i'll see you again next time." aeri said and patted yuna's head. yuna huffed and stood up, following her mother out of the house not before giving minjeong a hug.

"soo minjeong unnie.." yizhuo trailed earning a confused face from the older.


"i heard that jimin unnie kissed you?" yizhuo said.


"she forced it out of me, not my problem." aeri replied defensively, and walking to the kitchen to grab a cup of water.

"did it felt good?" yizhuo asked.

"you're literally the same as your girlfriend. yes okay, i will admit, it felt good. don't ever say this to anyone, not even jimin."  minjeong warned.

"and why didn't you do anything about it?" yizhuo questioned.

"why are you interrogating me?" minjeong replied, more like "scolding".

"okay relax, sorry." yizhuo said.

"hey, don't scold yizhuo." aeri said, sitting beside her girlfriend.

"welp, sorry. anyways you guys should go home." minjeong said.

that night

minjeong laid in bed, still thinking about the moment jimin kissed her. the vibration from her phone snapped her out of her thoughts. she looked at the notification, seeing jimin's name on it.

yu jimin

hey, im sorry about what happened just now, not sure if you wanna talk about it but if you dont it's fine.

wdym talk about it?

actually, it's fine, i don't know either, sorry.

alright alright stop apologising.

i did it without consent, im sorry.

it's fine jimin, now stop apologising, you're making me feel bad.

alright. i hope your headache is better, sleep early, rest well. goodnight <33

thankyou, sleep well. goodnight <3
