
"baby come here!" aeri called out. yizhuo jumped onto the bed, accidentally bumping her girlfriend's head.

"owww!" aeri flinched, rubbing her head.

"oh no, im sorry babe." yizhuo apologised and pats aeri's head. aeri pouted and that made yizhuo melt.

"stop pouting, you look bad." yizhuo teased but in fact she thinks that aeri is way too cute when she pouts.

"yahh!" aeri whined and moved away from yizhuo.

"hey hey, baby, i was joking, im sorry, don't be mad." yizhuo said, tapping aeri continuously but the older just ignored her.

"heyy, im sorryyy." yizhuo said, trying her best to get aeri to answer her.

"heyyy, babyyy, babe? honey? darling? my love?" yizhuo said, calling her girlfriend whatever endearments she could think of. yizhuo then successfully managed to turn her sulky girlfriend over to face her.

"sorry babe." yizhuo apologised again and pecked aeri's lips. aeri pulled yizhuo, connecting their lips once again. this time, the kiss lasted longer, with the younger girl teasing, licking the older's bottom lip, causing the older to pull away.

"okay, i forgive you." aeri said and leans in to peck yizhuo's lips again.

"anyways, i was stalking your instagram account just now. you have alot of posts, and i just realised your profile picture is me?" yizhuo said.

"hey, why'd you stalk? and yes my profile picture is you. you look way too good in that photo for me to not put it." aeri replied.

"i like to stalk your instagram, it reminds me of our past experiences with each other." yizhuo said, taking out her phone and going into aeri's instagram.

liked by yiningzhuo, jeongminter and others

uchinagari dance practice with this baby(?)

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jeongminter: ok.
> uchinagari: ok.

yiningzhuo: hehe
> jeongminter: hEHE
> yiningzhuo: shut up minjeong.
> jeongminter: HE HE
> uchinagari: bruh..

chenle_zz: wows, cute.
> uchinagari: thanks bro.

liked by yiningzhuo, jeongminter and others

uchinagari cutie~~ ❤️

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jeongminter: 😢😢
> uchinagari: what.
> jeongminter: #justiceforthesingles
> uchinagari: HAHAHAHAHA

yiningzhuo: i love you💗💗
> uchinagari: heh💗

liked by yiningzhuo, jeongminter and others

uchinagari AHHHDJSHAJSGSJSBSK😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️

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jeongminter: okay, fanpage for ningning.
> chenle_zz: i know right, i agree.
> uchinagari: fanpage for my girl.

> uchinagari: YOU LOOK SO CUTE
> yiningzhuo: NO
> uchinagari: YES STOP DENYING
> uchinagari: I LOVE YOU TOO

liked by yiningzhuo, jeongminter and others

uchinagari: happy birthday my love <33 ❤️

tagged @yiningzhuo

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yiningzhuo: thankyou baby❤️😽

jeongminter: happy birthday ningning 😻😻
> yiningzhuo: thanks unnie🫶🏻

chenle_zz: happiest birthday noob🫡🫡
> yiningzhuo: what noob😢😢 anyways thankyou bro.
> chenle_zz: noob in pubg? duhh
> yiningzhuo: fku chenle 🙄🙄
> chenle_zz: aw hell nah, @uchinagari come claim yo girl.

liked by yiningzhuo, jeongminter and others

uchinagari another birthday post to my one and only, i love you baby. have a good one.❤️

tagged @yiningzhuo

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yiningzhuo: thankyou babe, i love you so much😭😭

liked yiningzhuo, jeongminter and others

uchinagari christmas party!!

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yiningzhuo: cute.
> uchinagari: you.

jeongminter: okay, a ring, i see you🤓🤓
> uchinagari: shhh

liked by yiningzhuo, jeongminter and others

uchinagari "huh?"

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yiningzhuo: 🙄🙄
> uchinagari: 😽😽

"i love that photo so much." aeri said, stopping yizhuo from scrolling further.

"which, this?" yizhuo said, pointing to the post that aeri had put 'huh?' on her caption.

"yes, that. you look so cute." aeri said and squished yizhuo's cheek.

"yah!" yizhuo exclaimed, pushing aeri's hands away but aeri just took hold of the younger's hands and interlocked their hands.

"what's your wallpaper now?" yizhuo asked. aeri double tapped her phone screen, showing her wallpaper.

"this, i love this photo so much." aeri said, "what's your wallpaper?"

"candid photo, i love it." yizhuo said and aeri gave a soft smile.

"you're so cute when you smile, smile more okay?" yizhuo added and kissed aeri's cheek.

"i'll smile for you." aeri replied.

"please do."

"oh right, you called me just now when we were walking home, you still haven't told me why you called me." aeri said.

"i forgot what i wanted to ask, whatever, it doesn't matter." yizhuo said and aeri let out a chuckle.

"okay." yizhuo crawled up onto aeri's lap and stared at her.

"yes?" aeri said.

"i wanna ask, if we've never met in junior year, who in your class would you date?" yizhuo asked.

"hmm, probably somi, i mean, i've liked her before anyways." aeri replied earning a frown from yizhuo even though she was the one that asked.

"why her?"

"well, she's pretty and caring, she would notice every small detail about me and she could tell whenever i was sad and would try to cheer me up. we were really close last
time too, that's also probably why i liked her." aeri said.

"okay." yizhuo replied with a hint of jealousy in her tone.

"are you jealous? you're the one that asked me about it though." aeri said.

"im not jealous!"

"okay whatever you say." aeri replied.

"soo, how did you know me anyways? i've been wondering." aeri asked.

"i saw your yearbook picture and thought that you were really pretty so i asked minjeong unnie about you and she said that the both of you are actually kinda close and yeah." yizhuo said.

"why'd you like me?" aeri asked again.

"dont wanna say, you're gonna cringe." yizhuo said and frowned.

"im not gonna cringe, trust. please tell me." aeri said and yizhuo took a deep breath before speaking.

"well, you're really pretty and you're really nice, i like how you're always nice and kind to people, you're always willing to help them no matter what, you're so forgiving and you're really easy to talk to. you have really pretty eyes and you give really good hugs, you dont think twice whenever i asked you to help me with things and you just help me straight away. when we had our first kiss together, you have no idea how happy i felt, the butterflies in my stomach was going crazy and my heart did many flips." yizhuo said with her pure and innocent eyes, staring at aeri.

"i loved it whenever you hold my hands, whenever you hug me, how you would always cuddle with me, how you're always so clingy to me and i especially love it whenever you kiss me. your lips are so soft and kissable like it was made for mine. i like how you would always get jealous whenever i got too close with other guys or girls, it just tells me that there's no way you're gonna let go of me so easily and i love it when you reassure me whenever i overthink and how you went from a party girl to a home girl just for me."

"i like how you don't mind it whenever i just crawl up onto your lap and snuggle into your neck or chest because that's what i love to do, you give me so much warmth, you always let me cry into your shoulder and you would always stay with me no matter what, no matter how long i cried, you always stayed by my side. and overall i just really love you for who you are and i do not ever want you to leave me."

"woah.." that was all aeri managed breathe out. yizhuo looked away shyly, and wanted to get out of aeri's lap as soon as possible because of the overwhelming shyness and embarrassment she felt after she just confessed her entire feelings for aeri even though they have been dating for 3 years.

just as yizhuo was getting off aeri's lap as quickly as possible, aeri pulled her back immediately.

"where are you going? i thought you said you loved it when you snuggle into my chest or neck when you're on my lap?" aeri said and yizhuo felt even more shy after that. a blush crept up onto her face so quickly, the younger immediately hid her face into her girlfriend's neck, hiding her blush and trying to contain her smile. aeri wrapped her arms around the younger, hugging her tightly.

aeri kissed yizhuo's head then yizhuo looked up at aeri. the older loosened her tight grip on the younger, allowing her to move freely.

"i love you." yizhuo said, connecting their lips, aeri took awhile to reciprocate. the kiss lasted longer than the previous one. aeri tilted her head to the side, deepening the kiss, just casually slipping her tongue into the younger's mouth to which the younger let out a slight moan in response. both of them pulled away after awhile, catching their breath.

"i love you, so so much" aeri said, leaning her forehead against the younger's.

yizhuo made herself comfortable on aeri's lap, snuggling into her chest and then falling asleep soon after. when aeri realised that yizhuo was already asleep, she slowly moved her from her lap to the bed and stood up, wanting to go to the toilet. aeri felt a hand grabbing onto her wrist, she turns around to see her sleepy girlfriend holding tightly onto her, mumbling a small, "dont go."

"hey, im just going to the toilet, i wont leave you, ever." aeri said softly and the grip around her wrist loosened.

after awhile, aeri went back to yizhuo, seeing her sleeping so soundly made her melt. aeri lay down beside the younger, pulling the younger closer to her. yizhuo snuggled into aeri again and aeri wraps her arm around yizhuo, then she let sleep take over her.
