
jimin was finally done with her shoot for today. everyone already left the set and now it's just left with minjeong and her. minjeong started packing her things, or basically just throwing everything back into her tote bag.

"would you like me to drive you home?" jimin asked.

"its fine, i dont think there's a need to." minjeong said, swinging her tote bag around her shoulder.

"you sure?" minjeong nodded in response, going to switch off the lights to the room.

"let's go." minjeong said and jimin followed minjeong out of the room.

"get home safe okay, text me when you're home." jimin said, talking to minjeong like she's her girlfriend.

"you too." minjeong said and they went their separate ways.

it's not too late now for minjeong to go home by herself, she usually goes home by herself anyways. minjeong got onto the bus and went to the back seat, by the window, again. it's hee favourite seat, she gets to enjoy the scenery while going home and minjeong is just texting the group with her best friends all the way home.

minjeong getting a gf when?

unnie, we're at your house.
bring jimin unnie home too please.

are you not done w work yet?


hey sorry, i didn't check my phone right after work.
jimin left already.

she didn't drive you home?

yeah, there's no need to.


what did i do?

please text her and ask her to come please ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

i think she likes jimin more than she likes me.

HAHAHAHAH no yizhuo. what if she's tired? i bet she's tired, she had a long day today.

ask her if she's tired then.

ning yizhuo.


aeri i understand what you mean now.



hey! im here you know.

we know ning, we know.

unnie please.



yu jimin

hey, you home?

not yet, why?

are you tired?

not really, why?

do you think it's convenient for you to come to my house? yizhuo wants you to come.


yeah, now


is it convenient?

yup, don't worry. see you there then.

okay, see you.

minjeong getting a gf when?

she's otw.

yizhuo says "YAYYYY"

why are you even typing for her?

she says she's lazy to text.

oh wow. okay.
what are you both even doing at my house.

you know, to be honest, i dont know either.
yizhuo just insisted we come over. i had no choice.

wdym you had no choice, you had all the choices.

i didn't want her to be sad okay. please understand that, minjeong. the last thing i want is for her to be sad.

okay fine. just because she's the youngest and she's cute.

right yes, anyways, where are you?

walking back from the busstop.

okay see you.

is jimin there yet?



minjeong finally reached her house and she punched in the passcode. she pushed open the door, revealing yizhuo and aeri cuddling on the sofa, well kinda? yizhuo was on aeri's lap, hands wrapped around the older's neck while snuggling into her chest and aeri is just using her phone with one hand wrapped around the younger. minjeong is so jealous of their relationship, they are way too cute.

"oh hey minjeong, welcome home." aeri said, looking up from her phone.

"hello, is she sleeping?" minjeong asked, pointing to yizhuo and the older nodded.

"hey, minjeong, dont close the door yet!" minjeong turns to the direction of the sound and saw jimin running towards her house.

"hello." jimin greeted while panting.

"hey, the girl who wanted to see you the most is sleeping." aeri said as she looks down at her sleeping girlfriend. jimin gave a soft smile before removing her shoes and walking to the sofa.

"hey, baby, your favourite girl, jimin is here." aeri said, lightly tapping yizhuo. the younger slowly removed herself from her girlfriend and rubs her eyes. anyone could see how aeri melted in that situation.

"hello unnie!" yizhuo greeted excitedly after seeing jimin beside her.

"hello yizhuo." jimin replied, patting yizhuo's head.

"here, have some warm water." minjeong said, walking out of the kitchen with three cups in her hands.

"thank you." jimin replied, giving minjeong a soft smile which also made the younger melt at how cute the older was.

"also, babe, i heard what you said just now." yizhuo suddenly said which made all three girls looking at her with confusion, especially aeri.

"huh? what did i say?" aeri asked with confusion in her tone.

"you said that jimin unnie was my favourite girl." yizhuo said and that made jimin chuckle.

"what about it? is she not? seems like she is." aeri scoffed.

"she is, but you're my most favourite, no matter what. did you forget that?" yizhuo replied then she gave a peck to her girlfriend's lips.

"okay." aeri simply replied.

"here, have some water." aeri added, handing the cup to her girlfriend.

"minjeong?" aeri called out and minjeong hummed in response.

"when is school starting again?" aeri asked.

"like i dont know, 3 months later?" minjeong replied and aeri nodded her head and went back to facing her girlfriend.

"how was work, jimin unnie?" yizhuo asked, getting off aeri's lap and sitting beside jimin.

"work was fine but really tiring though," jimin replied, "how was your day?"

"my day was fine, i just hung out with aeri the whole day, i mean that's what i do everyday." yizhuo said and jimin let out a chuckle.

"do you like minjeong unnie?" yizhuo suddenly whispered into jimin's ear and jimin blushed almost immediately.

"what? n-no?!" jimin replied defensively.

"hmmmmm" yizhuo just said and turned back to her girlfriend with a smile.

"what did you ask her? she looks so flustered." aeri asked and the younger just shook her head, "nothing!"

"huh?" minjeong said, looking at aeri and yizhuo with confusion on her face.

"nothing!" yizhuo exclaimed.

"are y'all planning to go home soon? im really really tired." minjeong asked.

"yes, we'll give the both of you alone time, bye bye. see you tomorrow jimin unnie." yizhuo said.

"no 'see you tomorrow minjeong unnie'? only to jimin?" minjeong asked with a frown on her face.

"see you tomorrow minjeong unnie." yizhuo said and pulled her girlfriend out of minjeong's house.

"soo, what did you ask jimin?" aeri asked.

"nothing, i just asked if she likes minjeong unnie."

"oh, that's why she's so flustered. she def likes minjeong." aeri said and yizhuo nodded excitedly in agreement.

aeri and yizhuo's house is just walking distance from minjeong's house so now they're just holding hands and walking back home. it's a quiet walk, but not those suffocating quiet, it's a calming and peaceful quiet, just what they like and feel comfortable with.

"baby." yizhuo sudden called out.

"yes, my love?" whenever aeri calls yizhuo 'my love', the younger would tend to not function properly for awhile.

"darl, you called me and you wont say anything?" aeri asked again.

"um... s-sorry wait i am kinda malfunctioning right now..." yizhuo stammered which caused aeri to chuckle.

"ahhh you're so cute baby i swear." aeri said, pulling yizhuo closer to her.
