
minjeong woke up early to get ready for school, not wanting to wake her sleeping girlfriend up, she did it quietly. she thought she had succeeded until she walks out of her room with a sleepy girl hugging her from behind as they walk.

"babe, i said go back to bed." minjeong turns around and cups jimin's face with her hands.

"i will, later." jimin replied, wrapping her arms around minjeong's neck and pulling her into a hug.

"get more rest, i'm going to school now." minjeong said, pulling away from the hug to give jimin a kiss on the forehead.

"i will, be careful okay, text me when you're in school." jimin said and leaned in to give a peck to minjeong's lips.

"okay, bye baby, rest more." minjeong said and left the house.

in school

"hey minjeong! how was your break?" yunjin greeted cheerfully.

"hey yunjin, my break was great, what bout' you?"

"my break was soo fantastic. kazuha made my break so so fun. we did so many things, we had sleepovers, we went to the movies, to the carnival, just so many things!" yunjin exclaimed excitedly.

"what did you do during your break?" yunjin added. "got yourself a girl?"

"actually, yes."

"OH MY GOD! REALLY? TELL ME ABOUT HER." yunjin screamed.

"not so loud, yunjin. please lower down your volume."

"my bad my bad, tell me about her."

"okay, um, she's honestly the most attractive, most beautiful girl i've ever met, she's so genuine with everything thing she does and she's just so damn sweet, everything she does is sweet, and honestly, i love her so much."

"awwww that's so sweet!" yunjin exclaimed.

"what are you guys talking about? yunjin seemed excited." minju came up to them and asked.

"we're taking about minjeong's girlfriend!" yunjin said.

"you have a girlfriend? and you didn't tell me? come on minjeong, i thought we were best friends!" minju teased.

"shut up oh my god. where's your girlfriend, minju?" minjeong rolled her eyes and said.

"she's in class, i walked her to class."

"that is so cute!" yunjin exclaimed again.

"everything's cute to you, yunjin." minjeong said and smacked yunjin' arm.

"of course! my girlfriend's the cutest though." yunjin said with a big smile on her face.

"okay class settle down." their teacher, ms park said, walking into the class. everyone went back to their seats, and minjeong laid on the table, sighing.

"are you okay?" minju asked.

"yeah, im just tired." minjeong replied, closing her eyes.

"did you sleep?"

"yes, of course, just still really tired." minjeong said with her eyes closed.

"okay, rest well minjeong." minju said, "oh right, have you heard about jimin's new series releasing this wednesday?" minjeong shot up at the name of her girlfriend.


"yeah, that actress, yu jimin. you do know who that is right." minju said. of course i know who that is, that's my girlfriend.

"yes of course i know who that is, minju." minjeong let out a light chuckle.

"right yes, so, her series is releasing this wednesday, and i dont even know if i have the time to watch it! there's gonna be so many homework and im gonna be so tired!" minju groaned.

"it's okay, you can still find time." minjeong said and minju just nodded.

"oh right, did you see how jongin acted with jimin in that series, they look so good together!" minju exclaimed.

"huh. no they dont." minjeong said and it came out so naturally. "no wait, i didn't mean it that way."

"no, i get what you mean, they dont look good together in real life but they look good together in the series."

"uh yeah.." minjeong scratched her nape awkwardly.

"minju and minjeong, stop talking." ms park shouted across the class.

"sorry." both of them replied in unison.

minjeong's phone buzzed with a notification at the same time. she picked up her phone and used it under her table, it was a message from jimin.

my love <3

hi baby <3
so i was thinking
ill pick u up after school, and then let's go for lunch!!

hi ml
dont you have any schedules for today?

thank god.

u tired?

very, and i miss you sm :(

i've only been gone for two hours

two hours too long :(

aw, you'll see me aft school okay.

pic!! i miss u😢

pic in real time? cantt, my teacher's gonna catch me using my phone.

oh my, pay attention in class!!
text me when you're free okay.

i will

go go

bye ml <3

"your girlfriend?" minju asked with a teasing smile.


"aww that's cute, how old is she by the way?"


"oh one year older than us?"


"damn, when did you two get together?"

"last month."

"ohh cute." minju said and minjeong just hummed in response. she's trying to keep her replies as short as possible so that the teacher wouldn't catch them talking again.

"what school does she go to?"

"she doesn't go to school." minjeong replied way too bluntly.

"huh? she doesn't?"

"uh i mean, uh, she's in college now, cant tell you what school it is." minjeong rambled.

"uh huh.. okay.." minju replied, sounding unconvinced.

time passed

"class dismissed!" that was the last second class of the day, its now lunch.

"oh my god finally! im starving!" minjeong groaned as she quickly put her notes into her bag, taking her wallet and phone while rushing yizhuo to hurry.

"let's goo!" yizhuo said, dragging minjeong to the cafeteria.

my love <3

hi ml
im having lunch rn
ning's dragging me to the cafeteria.

hi baby
enjoy your lunch!!!
eat more okay

school food's not good

i'll bring you to have better food later, for now eat as much as you can!!
i dont want you to starve

okay i will baby


have you eaten?

yeah i ate a slice of cake just now

from the fridge?

yup, the leftover from yesterday

is that enough? are you not hungry?? i dont think that's enough baby

it's finee, im not that hungry
dont worry too much babe

are you sure?

yes im sure, i rather eat better food with you later

well i gotta go
ning's asking me to hurry

byee i love you❤️

i love you too ml ❤️

"c'mon minjeong! stop texting your girlfriend and buy your food!"

"okay okay." minjeong said and went to get her food.


"finally! school finally ended!" yizhuo exclaimed, throwing whatever she has into her bag.

"yeah finally!"

"how are you going home?" yizhuo asked.

"jimin's coming to pick me up and we'll go for lunch or early dinner, whatever." minjeong replied, carrying her bag on one side of her shoulder.

"aww that's so sweet, okay im gonna go find my girlfriend. bye minjeong, enjoy your date!" yizhuo said.

"i will, byebye." minjeong said, walking to the school gate.

my love <3

helloo ml <3

hi baby <3
you done?

where are you?

the convenience store opposite your school


minjeong quickly made her way to the convenience store, she was so excited to meet her girlfriend after a whole day of not seeing her.

she spotted jimin's car and rushed towards it. when she opened the door and got in, a pair of arms wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her into a tight hug.

"miss me?" minjeong chuckled, caressing jimin's hair.

"yes, very much." jimin replied, letting go of the hug and placing a peck on minjeong's forehead, nose and then the lips.

"i missed you too."

"you better." jimin teased.

"i did, trust me." minjeong said, giving a peck to jimin's lips.

"okay, now where do you wanna go for lunch?" jimin asked.

"im fine with anything, i bet i could eat anything, im so hungry." minjeong said.

"did you not eat in school?"

"i did, im still hungry." minjeong replied.

"okay, let's go to my favourite restaurant." jimin said and drove them to the restaurant near her house.


"table for two, please, preferably a one near the back." jimin said to the waiter and he brought them to their table.

"thank you." minjeong bowed and took her seat, opposite her girlfriend.

"what are you gonna eat?" minjeong asked, looking through the menu.

"im gonna have the curry katsu don, that's my favourite." jimin replied, looking up at minjeong. she looks so focused trying to pick her choice of food, with her teeth biting her lower lip, eyebrows furrowed, she was serious about this and jimin thinks that it was way too cute so she quickly took her phone and snapped a photo of her.

"hey! i saw that!" minjeong whined, "i look really bad now."

"you dont, baby, you look as perfect as you usually are." jimin said and showed minjeong the photo.

"new wallpaper, set." jimin added and showed it to minjeong.


"what do you mean 'ew'? excuse me, kim minjeong, you're the prettiest, most beautiful, most perfect girl i've ever met, stop downgrading yourself."

"okay okay." minjeong nodded, "i'll have the same as you, with sprite."

"okay." jimin said and called for the waiter to order their food.

"oh right, was just wondering, what's your wallpaper?" jimin asked.

minjeong took out her phone and showed jimin her wallpaper. it was a selfie of the both of them. 


let's take a look at minjeong's private instagram.

liked by @ijimny and 2 others

jeongminter my pretty girl❤️

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uchinagari: who's the one posting about her girlfriend now???
> jeongminter: shut up

ijimny: i love you ❤️
> jeongminter: i love you more <3 

liked by @ijimny and 2 others

jeongminter take a look at my girlfriend, she's the only one i got ❤️

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ijimny: BABY
> jeongminter: HI MY LOVE <3

liked by @ijimny and 2 others

jeongminter i'll let you hold onto my heart. no, i wont run away <3

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yiningzhuo: CUTE 😭
> ijimny: my baby's cute, right?
> yiningzhuo: you're both very very cute

ijimny: god you have no idea how much i love you :(
> jeongminter: god you have no idea how much i love you too ❤️

liked by @ijimny and 2 others

jeongminter matchy w loml <3 SHE IS SO CUTE I LOVE HER SO MUCH

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> jeongminter: i really love you, i swear 😭😭
