Tall Boys and Sleepy Boys

Vincent slowly drifted off to sleep next to Lucas. It was a big bed and there was more than enough room. Though he intended to move back to the floor he found it too difficult to move and his eyes fluttered shut. He wasn't accustomed to drinking much either, and it really tired him out.

Behind Vincent's eyes colors and pictures swirled around, until taking the shape of his childhood bedroom back home, and him as an eight year old standing in front of his mother.

   "Can Lucas sleep over?" Vincent asked his mother in the dream.

    "Sure dear, just don't stay up too late." His mother replied. Vincent's mother loved Lucas and knew that he didn't really have a great family to go home to. She watched the boy often so he wouldn't be home alone, or stuck with a nanny when his mother was working.

     "We won't" Vincent and Lucas chorused together. They'd been in the middle of a play date, and Lucas had begged to stay over, not wanting to go home alone. Vinny, knowing his mother would say yes, asked her immediately. That was how things were, Lucas slept over so often, Vinny's home had become his second one. Lucas' parents were away that weekend, as they were most weekends.

     "What do you want to do?" Vinny asked Lucas after his mother left the bedroom.

     "You pick." Lucas darted around the question.

"I picked last time... besides you're the guest, so you get to pick."

"Okay... how about...I don't know? A board game?" Lucas suggested. Vincent gave a missing toothed smile, knowing Lucas'd picked that because he knew that was Vincent wanted to do all along. "What do you want to play as?"

"You pick." Vinny shrugged, and Lucas handed him the dog, knowing it was his favorite. Lucas liked the dog best too, but he didn't care much that he got to do what he wanted.

Vincent would catch on a few years later, but Lucas often used to let the other boy win. Lucas was competitive by nature, but Vincent got so excited when he won, so Lucas often let him win.

"I'll go first." Vinny cheered, before rolling the dice. He landed on property a few spaces down but decided not to buy it. Vinny always wanted to save his money but in turn never made any new money. That was another reason Lucas let Vinny win, Vinny was awful at monopoly and never had won on his own.

     "So that's about a hundred wins for me, and two for you." Vinny teased. Lucas liked to let the boy win, but the part where Vincent taunted him afterwards made him regret it all.

"I'm sure I'll win next time." Lucas said, lazily tossing an arm round Vincent's shoulders. Vinny shrugged him off walking over to the dresser.

     "It's getting late. My mom will want us in bed soon. Do you want to borrow pjs?" Vinny asked pulling out two pairs from his drawer.

     "Nah, I don't think yours will fit me anymore." Lucas smirked.

     "Why?" Vinny asked turning to him.

     "Cause I'm so much taller than you now." Lucas broke out into a grin, revealing a few missing teeth of his own.

     "You are not." Vinny countered stubbornly. "I've always been taller."

     "I hit my growth spurt." Lucas shrugged smugly, "I'm two years older, so it makes sense that I'd be taller than you, short stack." He spat the nickname. Vinny walked straight over to him, and faced back.

     "Turn around. Back to back." Vincent reached his hand up to the top of his head and slid it towards Lucas'. Sure enough Vinny's hand ran into Lucas' head, which reached just about an inch above his own. Vinny pulled at his ginger bangs angrily, "When I have my growth spurt I'll be taller than you. You'll see."

     "Quit being a baby, baby." Lucas mocked, "My mom says I'm going to keep getting taller, cause my dad is really tall."

     "Well...I'm sure my dad is taller. I'm sure my dad is so tall he makes your dad look like an ant."

     "How would you know? You've never even met him." Lucas countered.  Vinny felt his face grow hot, and hid it behind his hands in embarrassment, "Oh Vinny. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I'm sure your dad is very tall." Lucas attempted to comfort Vinny by wrapping his arms around the small boy.

     "I'm fine." Vinny struggled slightly to get away from Lucas, but was held too tightly.

"I don't think you are," Lucas accused. "Don't lie to me."

"I am. I swear... just let me go!" Vinny struggled against Lucas.

     "Nah.. not until you really feel better. I bet I'm stronger than you now too."

     "You are not!" Vincent shouted, and began pushing harder against Lucas' arms as they crushed him.

     "If you were stronger than me, you could get out." Lucas teased, grinning all the while. Vincent struggled a little harder, but sure enough was trapped.

     "Let me go!" Vinny whined.

     "Hmm.. Nope." He squeezed a little tighter, "I think you're good like this."


     "Fine. I'll let you go if you admit it." Lucas offered.

     "Admit what?"

     "Admit that I'm taller, and stronger." Lucas grinned.


      "Alright. I could stay like this forever." He squeezed even tighter, and Vinny thought he was beginning to feel his ribs crack.

     "You're taller and stronger, now let me go!"

     "And?" He looked at Vincent expectantly.


    "You love me." He wiggled his eyebrows.

     "Ew. Gross." Vinny whined. "Why do you always have to be so weird."

     "You do!" He insisted. "Don't you?"

     "Fine! I love you Lucas."

     "Ahh." He sighed finally letting Vincent go. "That felt nice."

     "Whatever." Vinny groaned, "What are you going to where to bed if you can't wear my pjs?"

     "I'll just sleep in my underwear."

     "Not in my bed you won't." Vinny looked at him in disgust. "If you don't find some clothes, then you can't sleep in the bed."

     "Why not? We always sleep in the same bed."

     "You can sleep on the floor." Vincent said in an emotionless tone.

     "The floor?" He frowned, "Pwes can I sleep in the bed," He said with his best puppy dog eyes.

     "Not in your underwear."

     "Pretty please? Married couples sleep in underwear together all the time." He insisted. "So it's no big deal... besides I don't want to sleep on the floor, all cold and alone..."

     "Ugh fine, whatever." Vinny relented, "Go bed. Now."

      "Yes sir!" Lucas saluted and hopped excitedly into the bed.

     "Come on. You're taking up too much space." Vinny begrudgingly walked over to bed, turning off the lamp on the way. Once the lamp was off Vincent got into the bed and made himself comfortable under the covers. After a few moments Vinny felt Lucas' arm snake around his chest.

     "What are you doing?" Vinny asked after a moment of silence.

     "I'm cold. I'm not wearing any clothes, you know."

     "That was your choice." Vincent reminded him.

     "Come on. Why can't we snuggle?"

     "Because its weird!" Vinny whisper yelled.

     "When we're really married we're going to sleep in the same bed and snuggle all the time." He whispered moving his arm back off of Vinny's chest.

     "Go to sleep."
