Meals and Deals

Vincent stood over the snack table, face a mess of red and eyes livid with anger. He couldn't catch his breath he was so upset. How dare they!

And yet he knew he couldn't be too mad, as nobody knew he and Lucas were dating. Those girls were bitches, but they never would have talked so openly about liking Lucas if they knew they were speaking to Lucas' boyfriend, still it filled Vincent with a red hot rage.

Vincent was angry with Sarah too, but he also felt bad to her, being so left out from everyone. That was why Sarah and Megs had been able to play truth or dare with the boys; the girls were off together and excluding them. Though Megs seemed to be fairing just fine.

Vincent felt a pair of arms sneak up behind him and wrap around his waist. "Lucas!" He turned around, with Lucas' arms now locked behind his back. "You startled me."

"I know." Lucas said with a cheeky smirk, "You're cute when you're started."

"What if somebody sees?"

"They're too drunk to notice." Lucas waved off the concern. "Hey, are you alright? You look upset."

"I'm fine." Vincent lied.

"Come with me." Lucas said, taking Vincent's hand and leading him towards the bedroom. Once inside he sat Vincent down on the foot of the bed. "Now tell me what's wrong."

"Won't they miss you out there?"

"I made an appearance. Besides, I'd rather spend the night in here with you. So come on, what's bothering you?"



"Alright fine. It's just Sarah spent the whole night hanging off of you, and I don't even understand why you invite her, and then I was talking to Tom's girlfriend and a bunch of other girls and they said that they would leave their boyfriends for you and-" Vincent rambled and Lucas' face broke out into a prideful smile. "What?"

"You're jealous."

"No I'm not! I just don't want them talking about you like that!"

"You're so jealous!" Lucas grinned.

"Okay fine. Maybe a little. It's just you've got all these gorgeous girls around you and they'd do anything for you.. and I just... I don't understand why you'd pick me." Vincent explained and Lucas' smile grew bigger. "You like that I'm jealous."

"I love it." Lucas placed his hands on Vincent's shoulders and kissed him. "Besides, I can't be angry about you being jealous because I was about to kill Marty when I saw you wearing his sweatshirt, and we weren't even dating yet."

"Lucas. I.. just don't understand."


"Why you like me."

"Vincent." Lucas took Vincent's hand in his own. "I invite Sarah to the parties because she's Ryan's sister. I've rejected her a million times, I just don't want to be mean because Ryan and I have to play together. As for the rest of those girls, not a single one holds a candle to you. They're snarky and nasty and.. and you're so kind and so genuine. I love you. That type of girl surrounded me for five years and it just made me love you even more."

It was Vincent's turn to smile, which Lucas wiped off with another kiss.

"I don't want you to be upset." Lucas said between quick little kisses. "I admit... I feel proud that you're jealous, but that's selfish." He kissed again. "So if it makes you feel any better, I'll never talk to another girl for the rest of my life. I promise."


"I mean it. The next time I have a party none of the girls will be allowed. Hell none of the boys will be allowed. I'll just have you over and be happier than I ever would with a thousand parties."

"You don't have to do that Lucas. I've just got to get over it."

"Vincent. I refuse to let anything in the world come between us, okay?" Lucas wrapped his arms tight around Vincent. "I'll be damned if I even let air in most of the time."

"So you don't think I'm being crazy?"

"Vincent, I'm jealous of Dustin that he gets to share a room with you. I'm jealous of the clothes you wear because they get to be so close to you. I'm jealous of the mattress on your bed because it gets to sleep with you. I'm jealous of everything. You don't need to ever feel bad about being jealous around me. Okay?"


Lucas pulled Vincent in for a final kiss, pulling him back onto the bed. Lucas let himself fall back down Vincent's neck paying careful attention to the spot that made Vincent gasp. An honor he was once again granted.

Lucas tugged at Vincent's sweater and kissed deeper down the collar, Vincent burying himself in Lucas' blonde hair to keep from crying out.

     The music from the party faded into the background as Vincent fell into Lucas more and more. The events of the day didn't really seem to matter anymore as they kissed each fear goodbye.

      "Can I...?" Lucas tugged at Vincent's sweater again and in turn he eagerly nodded. Lucas took the support and pulled the fabric away. "Are you sure you're okay with this? It isn't the alcohol talking?"

"I haven't had anything to drink." Vincent shrugged.

"Me neither." He then began kissing down Vincent's chest, gentle over the tender areas that were bruised from their previous endeavor.

     Lucas wrapped his arms back around Vincent's body continuing his descent kissing each part of the boys chest. After a few minutes his fingers found Vincent's nipples and he began prodding them playfully. Once they were stimulated he reached up and kissed one earning a stronger gasp from the mortified Vincent.

      "Is everything alright?"

      "Yes." Came the firm response, so Lucas continued, prodding and teasing all the more. He picked Vincent up, the boys legs wrapping around his waist and sending instant pleasure shooting through Lucas's now tight pants. In this position Vincent was able to kiss down Lucas' neck as well. Lucas was louder with his support for this, though his shirt remained on. As Lucas continued kissing, the only access point for Vincent was the sliver of his neck and the top of his back if he could move the collar of Lucas' shirt properly. Lucas was equally satisfied with Vincent's actions.

      "Hey! Lucas!" A voice called from outside the room. "Lucas, are you in there?"

      "Dammit Marty. I swear to God if he comes in here I'll kill him." Lucas cussed. He was still kissing Vincent's chest in between words, but Vincent had stopped and he could sense the growing discomfort.

      "Lucas!" Marty's voice rose in urgency and Vincent and Lucas shot off each other so Vincent could pull on his sweater just before Marty burst into the room. Thankfully no further clothing had been removed.

     "Hey, what's going..?" Marty stopped as he entered and looked between the two boys. Vincent was refusing eye contact, but his face was crimson and his hair a mess. Lucas too was flush, but holding his composure much better. "No."

      "What do you want Marty?" Lucas asked in an annoyed tone.

      "What were you guys doing in here?"Marty asked, though everyone in the room clearly knew what they'd been doing.

      "Just talking. I was sick of the people out there."

      "Really?" Marty asked incredulously. "That's what you were doing?"

     "Yes, now what exactly did you want?"

      "Are you two together?" Marty ignored Lucas' question.

      He was met with silence.

      "Are you together?" He repeated.

     "No." Lucas stated unconvincingly.

      "You're really not going to tell me?" Marty glared. "As if I don't already know."

      "There's nothing to tell."

      "Like hell there isn't." Marty shouted angrily. "I've been by your side since the beginning and this is how you repay me? Are you fucking serious?"

     "Marty, honestly?"

     "Are you fucking serious." Marty repeated. "Tell me you're together. I can see that you are, so just tell me."

"Marty." Lucas mumbled.

     "You won't tell me because you know I'm right. You know he's just fucking using you, but you don't care. Don't lie to me Lucas." Marty yelled.

     "Marty, please." Vincent's voice rose in fear.

      "Shut up kid, Lucas needs to deal with his own mess."

"Don't fucking talk to him like that!" Lucas stood up defensively. "You can be angry with me but you don't have the right to drag him into this."

     "He's the reason I'm angry with you!" Marty shouted back.

"You know what? We are together. And this is exactly why I didn't tell you! Because I knew you were going to react like.. like a spoiled brat."

Marty winced.

"You're the fucking spoiled brat, living in this massive damn apartment and doing whatever the hell you want without caring who you hurt!"

"As if you ever worry when you hurt someone." Lucas scolded. "You're being a fucking shitty friend."

"Fine. Then you don't have to worry about me being your friend again."

And with that, Marty stormed from the room.
