Rightful and Romantic

      Lucas, Vincent, and Jennifer pled into the dark apartment with a sigh of relief. It had been a long day for everyone, and each one was glad in their own way that it was over. Vincent began rushing around offering Lucas food, or medicine, or anything he could possibly want. He changed Lucas' leg position several times to makes sure it was optimal for healing, and asked again and again if he was in pain.

     Lucas watched in pride, glad to have someone who cared about him so much, but always insisted he was alright, not wanting to admit the true pain he felt. Jennifer all the while sat in the middle of the huff wondering what she ought to do. She felt displaced, and unwell. Like she was somewhere she didn't belong, and somewhere she'd never understood. 

     "I'll get a hotel for the night, and leave first thing tomorrow." She said, and Lucas and Vincent both looked over at her in shock. 

     "No." Lucas shook his head. "Stay. You said you were going to stay longer, so stay." 

     "I..." She looked around in confusion. "Lucas, are you sure?"


     "I'm sorry." She stood up, looking down at herself mortified. She looked as if she'd suffered a complete fall from grace. "I never should have-"

     "Can we.. can we talk in the morning?" Lucas asked. "I'm exhausted, and I need to rest... but I want you to be here when I wake up."

    "Okay." Jennifer contained her smile. "I'll move my things into the guest room... you should have the better bedroom while you're healing." She stood up quickly and disappeared into the hallway. 

      "I'm sorry." Vincent sat down next to Lucas after she'd left the room. 

     "What are you sorry for?" Lucas' brows furrowed. 

     "For not being there."

     "That wasn't your fault." Lucas shook his head.

      "I'm still sorry."

     Lucas turned over onto his side and engulfed Vincent in a bear cuddle, nearly pushing them both off the couch and onto the ground. Vincent buried his face in Lucas's shirt, inhaling his addictive scent and feeling instant comfort.

     "You're leg!" Vincent called, realizing it'd fallen from the pillow throne he held it up on. 

     "You have nothing to be sorry for," Lucas explained. "The only one who should be sorry is my mom."

     "Oh!" Vincent frowned. "Promise me you won't tell her that- I know you're upset- but she's really hurting right now, I just don't think it's a good idea."

     "I won't.. I want to scream at her to get out of my apartment... but you're right. She doesn't look well," Lucas stated, and Vincent agreed. "Let's go to bed."

    Vincent and Lucas practically chased each other to the master bedroom, newly cleared out of Jennifer's influence, and Lucas tackled Vincent onto the bed, surrounding him in kisses, devouring his face with love.

     "Careful," Vincent scolded, reminding Lucas about his leg. 

     "It doesn't hurt all over," Lucas shook his head. "As long as my leg isn't involved, we're fine."

     "Well-" Vincent began, but Lucas was already on him again, smothering him in kisses. He held Vincent's face tight in his hand, and kissed him a million times over. 

     "If my damn coach wasn't there I would have kissed you like this right there in the locker room," Lucas said between breaths. 

     Lucas lifted Vincent up, fixing his position on the bed to be more comfortable. Vincent flipped the boy over so Lucas was instead lying on the bed, leg now in a proper position, and straddled Lucas so he was the one doing more of the physical work. Lucas grinned devilishly and rose to kiss Vincent with more fervor, no longer needing to exert effort to stay above him on one leg. Vincent kissed his way from Lucas' cheek and kissed down his neck, a familiar thing for them.

     On his way down, he discovered a new sensitive spot just under's Lucas' defined jawline to which he paid more attention. Vincent pushed himself further to get a better angle, and focused his attention. At the action Lucas' head fell back, his mouth falling open in extreme pleasure. His face was a glow of blonde hair and tanned skin that sparkled in the dim light. Vincent coupled the effect with his hands, feeling up and down Lucas' chest as he continued his conquest of Lucas' sensitive neck. 

     Lucas in return was practically completely incapacitated, letting everything happen to him, too joyful, and satisfied to even attempt to make a single movement. 

     "I like it when you touch me..." He mumbled once he was able to catch his breath. Vincent lifted his head and eyed Lucas in the moonlight. The boy's soccer jersey had been pushed up around his chest, and the neckline pulled down enough for Vincent to have full access to his neck. His entire stomach, hard with definition, lay at Vincent's fingertips, Lucas offering no resistance to anything Vincent could imagine. His blonde hair was messy, sticking up in a million different directions, but gracing his face with an untamed magic. His green eyes sparkled when they were open, and Vincent beheld the sight of glory. 

     Lucas raised his large hand, defined as the rest of him, and bearing a few rings making him even more attractive. Vincent didn't know you could be attracted to body parts like hands, thighs, and forearms, but on Lucas everything was so perfectly sculpted that they each demanded their own appreciation. His body was as majestic as a renaissance sculpture drawing thousands in a church in Europe.

     "Everything I did... getting fit... all of it, every work out, every weight I lifted, it was all for you. Everything I did, I did for you... you touching me... it's like the validation that it was all worth it... it's like I'm finally totally yours." Lucas explained.

     Vincent could no longer contain himself, and he ripped Lucas' shirt over his head. Lucas' devilish grin returned, and he resisted, pushing Vincent onto his side, and taking Vincent's shirt as retribution. Lucas tossed Vincent's from the bed, and Vincent gave the same treatment.

     "As much as I love that..." Lucas paused. "I want you to feel that too." 

     Vincent was a mess of adoration as he looked into Lucas' eyes. He pulled the boy into him again, kissing away the pain of the day. Lucas ran his hand over Vincent's much leaner form, and  gingerly switched their positions with tantalizing patience. 

     Vincent, unlike eve before, was suddenly desperate to be touched, desperate to feel everything Lucas felt. He knew the boy loved him, but he wanted to feel it. Feel it shooting through his veins, and exploding through his body. 

     Lucas' hands were larger than Vincent, and Vincent thought that must feel better as Lucas ran his hands across the boy's chest. He couldn't imagine anything he'd done to Lucas could possibly feel as good as what Lucas did. The blonde boy dipped down and began kissing across his chest, littering remarks as he went. He found Vincent's nipple and took it into his mouth, prodding it with his tongue. Vincent had never understood why that was meant to feel good until Lucas did it.

       With Lucas, everything felt good.

      "Wait," Lucas sat up, and Vincent was breathless. He sat up in mortification, assuming he must have done something to turn Lucas off to him. "I want to do things right."

     Vincent wondered what exactly right meant as he eyed Lucas. They both looked at each other with lust filled eyes. 

     "We should get some sleep," Lucas turned away from Vincent, and the boy eyed him with panic.

      The switch had flipped faster than he thought possible, and he sat awake for a while, staring at Lucas' muscular back.

      What have I done?
