Friends and Foes

Lucas had set out all the take out boxes on the table and moved the bags over to the counter. He was sitting at the head of the table, but had yet to start eating.

"Your breakfast, sir," Lucas joked. "Or lunch, I guess."

"How are you feeling Lu?" Vinny asked right away.

"I'm alright." His voice had a slight rasp to it.

"Hungover?" Vincent asked.

"My head hurts like hell." He complained.

"And there you were last night telling me I shouldn't drink too much, and how my mother wouldn't approve."

"I was right." Lucas groaned. "Drinking sucks. I feel awful. Aren't you glad now that you didn't drink as much as I did."

"Definitely." Vincent smiled. "I'm certainly glad I didn't get hungover."

"You know, I still feel bad that you had to take care of me.. I wish I could have made you the food instead of ordering it from some shit diner." Lucas explained.

"Oh? Are you cooking now?"

"A little bit," Lucas shrugged. "I've had to."

"It must be awfully lonely." Vinny thought aloud. "I'm sorry. I didn't.. I'm sure things are great, I didn't mean to suggest..."

"It's alright. It does get kinda lonely." Lucas looked around the large apartment. His parents made sure he had every comfort possible, but he never had their comfort, and that stung. "It's good to have you back, Vin. It's just.. I feel like I can tell you things I can't tell anyone else.. I really, even though I acted like a drunken idiot most of the night, I really enjoyed spending time with you again."

"Me too." Vinny agreed. "Aside from you acting like a drunken idiot.

"Hgh," Lucas winced.  "I'll try not to do it again. No promises though."

"Of course not."

     "Did you use my soap?" Lucas paused and sniffed the air.

      "Uh... yes?" Vincent flinched. "I'm sorry I didn't realize you were possessive over it... I didn't have anything so I just... I should have asked."

      "I'm not possessive over it." Lucas' face went blank. "Don't be sorry about it... I like it. You smell nice."

"Do I not usually smell nice?" Vincent's brows furrowed.

"No! I mean... no that's not what I meant. Yes you always smell great... not great. Just fine. Alright... regular." Lucas coughed and cleared his throat. "How're the eggs?"

"Very good." Vincent grinned. "But your toast is the star of the show."

"I should expect nothing less." Lucas joked.

The pair enjoyed the rest of their meal in comfortable conversation. To Vinny, it felt like old times, like they'd never even stopped being friends, and he was grateful for that. Discussing what went wrong would have made things awkward, so he was glad they both seemed perfectly content with avoid the topic, for the time being at least.

"Shit." Lucas cursed after he finished eating. "My car's still at Ryan's from the party. How are you going to get home?"

"I can..." Vinny paused. "I can call Hailey. I don't think she works until later."

"Oh. Yes, you should do that..." Lucas looked like he wanted to say something but held it in. "I'm sorry. I wish I could just drive you home."

"It's really alright." Vinny assured. "Oh, do you want money for breakfast?"

"No!" Lucas tutted. "That was repayment for you taking care of me. Don't worry about it."

"Okay. Thank you then." Vinny mumbled.

"No, thank you. Despite the headache I had a really nice morning."

"I'm glad." Vincent smiled. Lucas had a way of making him feel like the most special person in the world. He made him feel as if he was so special, and so important to everything. It was a good feeling. Vinny only hoped he could return the favor.

Hailey showed up at Lucas' house not long after Vinny called. She had a giant smile spray painted across her face.

"You spent the night!" She exclaimed as he got into her car. "I can't believe you spent the night!"

"It wasn't like that! We were.. we were drunk." Vinny explained.

"That's how it starts."

"Whatever.. it was nice. We had a good time. It just wasn't something more. I don't know why you seem to want to take it there."

"Geez. I'm sorry." Hailey shrugged. "I just figured you might like him."

"Why would you think that?" Vinny sat up straight.

"I don't know Vinny... you don't really ever seem interested in girls.. I just figured maybe..." Hailey trailed off.

"Maybe." Vincent sighed in annoyance.

"We can talk about something else. Let's.. we should talk about something else." Hailey paused awkwardly. "Was Ryan at the party?"

"It was Ryan's party." Vincent scoffed. "He threw the damn thing."

"Oh." Hailey frowned. "I'm sure.. I'm sure he had to, like he felt pressured. Like by an unjust society."

"He's a victim of fun really." Vincent shrugged. Hailey would figure it out soon enough anyway. She was very smart and he reckoned it would only be one more slip up on Ryan's part before she got over it and moved out. "I want you to be careful about this Hailey. I don't like this boy and I don't want to see you get hurt."

"Don't worry about it. I've got everything under control. You just need to lighten up." Hailey chuckled.

"I hope you're right." Vincent conceded.

"Alright. This is your stop. Call me tomorrow, alright?"

"I will. Thanks for driving me."

By the time Hailey dropped Vincent off and he got back into his room it was around three in the afternoon. Vincent was thankful he didn't have classes that day, but overall felt like he'd wasted it. Most of the day had been spent in bed, true in bed with someone... very special, but still Vinny felt like he should have done more.

When Vincent got into his room he flopped back on his own bed, letting the warmth of the covers soothe him. Dustin was out, probably with his girlfriend, and Vincent was glad for the peace and quiet.

There wasn't much to do, so Vinny elected to take the time to rest, a rest which was interrupted by the ring of the phone. Vincent sighed, the peace ruined, and pulled out his phone. Part of him hoped it was Lucas calling to chat, but another part of him assured that that was impossible, since they'd literally just seen each other and Lucas likely had loads of other better friends to chat with.

     "Did you make it back to your dorm alright?" A deep voice that didn't belong to Lucas answered.

     "Who is this?" Vinny asked, surprise costing his voice.

"Somebody cool." The voice answered.

"Marty?" Vinny's brows furrowed, once he recognized the voice. "Why are you calling me?"

"Keep your shirt on little dude, I just wanted to make sure you made it back alright." Marty explained.

"Oh." Vinny paused. "Why?"

      "Cause you were in a pretty bad state when I left you."

"Oh... uh.. alright. I'm okay." Vinny pursed his lips. "How did you... how did you get my number?"

     "Lucas gave it to me." He said plainly.

      "Why would Lucas give you my number?"

      "Well... I suppose you could argue that I convinced him to give it to me." Marty said with a chuckled.

      "You tricked him?" Vinny's frustration mounted. "Honestly Marty... why would you even do that?"

"I just wanted to know how it went with Lucas? Did you talk to him?"

"Of course I talked to him, Marty." Vincent sighed.

"Nothing of any importance?" Marty prodded. "No realizations or anything?"

"No realizations... Marty what are you on about?"

      "I've got another call. I should be going." Marty said and Vinny heard the line click off.

"Wait, Marty, what?"
