Scary Movies and Spilled Drinks

Dustin was incredibly excited as he drove Vincent over to Lucas' complex. He rambled on about how cool it was that his roommate was so close with the Lucas Marshall, and Vinny just smiled along and nodded. He wasn't very close to Dustin, and felt a little used. He liked Dustin, and there was nothing wrong with the boy, but sometimes Vincent felt like he only cared when he was talking about Lucas.

       When they reached the door one of Lucas' friends greeted them, and led them into the living room, where a small group of teenagers sat around the television. It was by no means a party, but still Vinny felt that the group was thoroughly rowdy enough to sound like one. Still, Vincent hoped it would settle into a more chilled hangout.

"Hey, Vinny." Lucas said standing as Vincent entered the room. He wrapped his arm around the smaller boy's shoulders, stepping in between him and Dustin. "And you're..? Don't tell me. Dustin?" Lucas asked. Dustin beamed at the fact that Lucas remembered his name.

"Yes, Lucas Marshall." He said as he shook Lucas' other hand. Lucas gave him a curious half smile and let his arm slip from Vincent's shoulders. Lucas sat down on the couch and patted for Vincent to join him, and Dustin sat down next to Vincent.

"That's..." Lucas began pointing to people around the room. Vincent saw a couple people he recognized from the party, but not the one person he was dreading seeing; Marty.

"Where's Marty?" Vinny wondered aloud, instantly regretting choosing to speak up.

"He's coming late." Lucas responded his smile faltering slightly. The boys decided they wanted to watch a scary movie, and the lights were turned off so they could focus.

    When Lucas sat back down from fiddling with the remote, Vincent was extremely aware of how close the soccer player was to him. Vincent had always hated scary movies, but didn't want to ruin the fun.

       Dustin's face lit up with screen and he smiled in delight as the friend group stupidly spit up to hide from the killer. Vinny pushed his head into his sleeve covered hands, jumping slightly with the screams. Suddenly there was a warm sensation by his ear, as he felt somebody's breath tickle his cheek.

"I forgot you hated scary movies." Lucas whispered. "Here. Squeeze my hand if you get scared." He said offering one hand, the other rested comfortably on Vincent's back. Vinny looked up at Lucas and smiled taking his hand.

       Perhaps it was weird to hold hands with a platonic friend. Perhaps Vinny didn't care.

        The movie played on for a few moments, and Vincent gathered his courage to look up, until a jump-scare, and then he clamped down on Lucas' hand.

"Monster grip." Lucas chuckled, and Vincent sheepishly let go of his hand. Lucas' eyes lingered a moment flashing down for a second so quick Vincent was sure he had imagined it.

"What?" Vincent asked.

"You're cute when you're scared." Lucas leaned over again and whispered in Vincent's ear sending shivers down his spine. Vinny bit his lip nervously. "Oh.. uh... I meant you're—"

"It's Marty here to start the party!" A voice boomed, and Lucas and Vincent practically shot apart on the couch. Dustin looked over and gave them a funny look.

       "What're you guys up to?" Marty asked too loudly for the movie. A few people greeted him, and one of the girls from the party, Sarah, motioned for him to sit down next to her. Instead he walked over and sat in between Lucas and Vincent forcing them to move apart. "Make some room boys." He chuckled, and Vinny rolled my eyes already annoyed with Marty's attitude. Out of spite Sarah shushed him and returned to watch the movie. Vincent was envious of her, she got to sit alone.

There was another jump scare, with some sort of demon popping up on the screen. Vincent let out a small gasp, and Lucas reached his arm behind Marty's head and affectionately patted the scared boy's shoulder. In response Vinny reached up to grab his hand and squeezed it lightly twice in response. Marty, noticing Lucas' arm looked over at him.

"Look man. I like you, but not like that." He said as he ripped Lucas' hand from Vinny's, placing it back on his side of the couch. Lucas' face flushed bright red and he leaned back on the couch. Marty turned to Vincent and forcefully grabbed his hand.

"Let. Go." Vincent whisper yelled decisively.

"No. You're playing with his emotions and I want you to stop. You can't hold his hand if you're holding mine." He sneered, pinching the boy's smaller hand harder.

"You're hurting me!" Vincent whispered slightly louder than he should have, his voice breaking. Lucas looked over from the screen his eyebrows arched in concern.

"Marty, man, let go." Lucas said, calmly patting his back. The commotion had Dustin and Sarah looking over at us.

"Oops!" Marty shouted happily, and dumped his root beer all over Vincent.

"Marty!" Vincent screamed standing up trying to brush off his white sweater.

"Let's go clean it off in the bathroom." He said through clenched teeth dragging Vincent roughly by the wrist. He forced the smaller boy up onto the counter once they got into the bathroom.

"You did that on purpose." Vincent scolded.

"So what if I did? You told me there was nothing going on between the two of you."

      "There isn't." Vinny swatted at Marty's hand. "We're just friends."

       "Friends don't hold hands and snuggle. Seriously dude. You're clueless." Marty accused.

      "So what? So what if that isn't what friends do? It's what we do and it's none of your business."

      "It is my business because it doesn't work for Lucas."

         "Oh so now you speak for Lucas?" Vinny rolled his eyes. "He's a grown ass man. He can tell me it doesn't work for him if it doesn't work for him."

"Dammit Vincent. It doesn't work for him.. he won't tell you but you're killing him because he likes you and you act like you like him and then-!"

"He does not like me! I can't even believe you would stoop so low as to make up a lie like that." Vincent attempted to slide off the counter, but Marty pushed him back up.

"How the hell can you not see it Vincent! He was holding your hand for crying out loud? What's wrong with you?" Marty practically yelled.

"Oh shut up, Marty. Just shut up. You don't know a damn thing about him, or me, or anybody else."

"I know a hell of a lot about everyone, and I know that you are hurting Lucas, and if you don't leave him alone, I'll have to step in... more than I already have."

"What Marty? Step in how? You're going to get rid of me? It's not like I trusted you anyway." Vinny accused.

"Maybe. If I have to."

"Is that a threat?" Vinny asked incredulously.

"Vinny?" Lucas called from outside the door, Marty shot Vincent a knowing look in response to the nickname. "There's been a lot of muffled yelling, are you alright in there?"

"He's fine." Marty called back.

"Vinny?" He asked, his voice laced with concern.

"Yes, I'm fine." Vincent replied hoping he could reassure Lucas so he'd leave.

"I brought you a new shirt."

"Thanks." Vinny replied, as Marty chuckled bitterly.

"I'll uh leave it outside the door." Lucas stated, and with that his footsteps walked away.

"Stay away from Lucas and we won't have a problem? Alright?" Marty stated with finality. Then opened the door and stormed out. Vinny stood, still stained with coke in awe.

On the floor outside the door sat one of Lucas' jerseys and Vinny quickly pulled it over his head. He wanted to ignore what Marty said. He wanted to believe Marty couldn't hurt him, but he knew that wasn't true.

   Lucas was sweet to lend him his jersey. Vinny didn't want to think Marty was right, he didn't want to believe he was hurting Lucas, but the fact that the shirt that Lucas picked to give him said 'Marshall' on the back, especially when Vincent was spending time with Marty seemed like a bit of a possessive power move. Vinny pushed the thought to the back of his head, deciding Marty was crazy, and Lucas had meant nothing by the gesture.

      Marty was a dirty filthy liar. Lucas wasn't gay; he'd had a girlfriend. And Vincent  remembered that very well.
