Solutions and Substitutions

      Marty had learned his lesson; never ever under any circumstances trust Lucas to react rationally when Vincent was involved. No matter what Lucas was going to find a way to say Vincent was somehow innocent, to say he wasn't leading him on or playing with emotions. Lucas was always going to find an excuse to be around Vincent.

And that was understandable, Vincent's family had practically raised him. The way Marty saw it, it was an abuse of power. Vincent had control over Lucas out of gratitude, and try as he might he could not find a way to relinquish the boy from that. Well, a moral way.

But Marty was never fond of morality anyway.

He had to make his friend understand, had to make his friend see that he was being used. Lucas couldn't get there on his own, he needed a big old Marty sized push.

     Marty had his next class with the pair and he could barely contain his anger from the moment they entered the room. Vincent was too happy for the hurt he was causing and Lucas was so naive. It was obvious. Whatever the reason the redhead kept him around, be it to gain friends or social standing, it was going to end with someone getting hurt.

Vinny felt a prickle in his back as if someone was watching him. He turned around in confusion, and saw Marty sitting directly behind him. He was clearly furious at Vinny, but offered no explanation as to why.

"What?" Vinny mouthed, but Marty ignored him, so Vincent just rolled his eyes and turned back round in his seat. He was in too good a mood to allow a negative person like Marty to even attempt to drag him down.

Classes passed painfully slow, with Vincent's anticipation for the lunch only growing. Never had he had a boyfriend or any type of significant other before and he was more than ecstatic to share the news with Hailey. She'd been his best friend since high school, and he wanted nothing more than to have her know everything that was going on with him.

     "Hey.." Lucas called as Vincent entered the hallway. Vincent had a second class before lunch, but Lucas didn't, and evidently the boy had elected to wait for him.

"Hey." Vincent responded.

"What're you doing for lunch?" Lucas rolled on his feet.

"I was planning on going somewhere with Hailey."

"Oh." Lucas' face fell.

"You can come if you want, I'm sure Hailey won't mind... besides we could tell her together." Vincent took Lucas' hand in his own.

"I'd love to go... would you mind though if maybe we held off a little on telling Hailey...I don't want you to think I'm ashamed of you, because I'm not, I want to shout it from the rooftops... I think we should at least discuss what we actually are before we start telling people... I'm just--"

"Worried?" Vincent finished for him with a smile. "That's okay! We can wait as long as you want to."

"Thank you." Lucas grinned, then pulled Vincent in to whisper in his ear, "I'll make it up to you later, I promise."

The morning air was growing brisk more brisk with every passing day, promising the beginning of winter. Still, the bright autumn leaves still clung to their trees like colorful ornaments. Vinny tugged at Lucas' jacket, sinking deeper into the warmth, thankful for the small amount of protection it provided. The walk to the restaurant Hailey had selected wasn't far at all, but Vincent was still glad to have Lucas at his side.

"Hey Vin, I almost couldn't find you." Hailey pulled off her jacket and sat down across from the two at the booth. "Am interrupting something?" She asked, noticing Lucas beside Vincent.

Lucas looked to Vincent. Though he wasn't ready to tell he was leaving it up to Vincent to make the final decision. 

"Nope. Lucas just wanted to come along... you don't mind, right?"

"Not at all." Hailey smiled. "It's always good to see you- off or on the field."

"Thanks." Lucas smiled. "Have you eaten here before?"

"Loads of times." Hailey nodded. "Very edible."

"Where'd you just come from?" Vincent asked.

"I just had Chem." Hailey smiled to herself.

"What's so good about Chem?" Lucas raised an eyebrow.

"Ryan's in Chem." Vincent stated plainly.

"Shush!" Hailey scolded. "He knows him, you can't just say that when the person you're talking to knows the person I have a crush on!"

"Ryan?" Lucas frowned. "Hate to break it to you, but I think he and Megan Roberts just started dating."

"What?" Hailey's face fell.

"I told you that boy was up to no good."Vincent exclaimed triumphantly.

"I think you dodged a bullet there, Hailey." Lucas exclaimed. "Him and Megs will be broken up within the month, he sorta rushes through different girls."

"Whatever. I'll get over him." Hailey said with new confidence. "I'm a warrior."

"There you go!" Vincent agreed. "He was never worth your time.

      The waitress came round to the table and dropped off their meal. The group began eating until Lucas wiped his face with his napkin and swallowed to talk.

     "Well if you're ready to forget about him, we don't have a game, so I was thinking of having a party this weekend. You're both invited if you want to come."

      "That sounds great." Hailey grinned. "Especially since I missed the last one."

      "I'm free." Vincent shrugged.

     "Cool." Lucas nodded. "Would you be free to help set up beforehand?"

       "Totally." Hailey added. "Shit. I've got to get going to my next class. Catch you guys later?"

     "Definitely." Vincent smiled.

      Once Hailey was gone Lucas leaned back in the booth and wrapped his arms around Vincent. Vincent snuggled into him, enjoying the scent of warm cinnamon and vanilla cologne.

      "Damn. I wanted to spend some time with you alone before the party." Lucas whispered, and his breath tickled at Vincent's ear. "You're still coming over? Do you have an afternoon class?"

      "Nah." Vincent replied. "Do you?"

      "No. Come on, I'll drive you. I want to spend time where we can be alone."
