Sleeps and Creeps

     "You're sure you're okay with staying the night?" Marty confirmed.

     "You act like I had a choice." Vinny scoffed. "I'm fine."

"I just wanted to make sure you weren't planning on flaking out on me or leaving in the middle of the night, because-"

"Because Lucas will be punished?"


"I don't... I just don't understand, Marty. I don't understand why I'm here, and I certainly don't understand why you're doing this to one if your closest friends."

"I'm doing what's best for Lucas. If he can't see that... If you can't see that, then I'll take matters into my own hand. I don't care what I have to do." Marty explained.

"Marty, you're making it seem way more dramatic than it is. Why can't Lucas and I be just friends, why can't he have other friends besides you?"

"You really don't get it do you? How clueless are you, seriously?" Marty sneered.

"What do you mean?"

"You still haven't figured it out? After all this time? You still can't put two and two together?"


"Lucas likes you Vincent! He doesn't just like you, he loves you! He's obsessed with you. He has been since you were children, and that's why you can't ever be just friends, because bring just friends with you... it kills him Vincent, it kills him." Marty exclaimed with an exasperated sigh.

"I can't believe you." Vinny said with an accusatory tone. "I can't believe you would make up a rotten lie like that."

"It's not a lie, Vincent! It's obvious! Everybody knows! How can you seriously, seriously, seriously not see that?"

"Because I live in reality. Grow up, Marty."

"You grow up! You can't use and abuse someone's feelings like that. Lucas can't live like that forever, and if I have to step in then I will." Marty shrugged.

"I can't even talk to you right now." Vincent sighed. "Where am I sleeping? I need to get away from you."

     "I don't have a second bed."

"So what's the plan?"

     "I don't mind sleeping on the floor." Marty stated. "You can have my bed."


"Because you're a guest and I want you to be comfortable."

"We just fought, why are you being nice to me?" Vincent narrowed his eyes.

"Geez, Vincent, why do you have to make everything so difficult?"

"I don't trust you."

"Well right now you don't have a choice. Get in the bed." He demanded.

Marty then went off to check his sister for bed and went back into the room where Vincent was waiting. "Here." Marty said handing Vincent a t-shirt and some gym shorts to sleep in.

"Thanks." Vinny muttered bitterly. They'd ended up fighting, just as he knew they would. Vincent wanted nothing less than to spend the night, but if Marty was willing to make up such outrageous lies about Lucas to him, who knew what he'd be capable of telling the school.

Marty instructed Vincent on where everything was in the shower, and Vincent moved as quickly as possible. He changed then came back into Marty's room where the boy stood without acknowledging Vincent and went into the bathroom. Vinny waited impatiently for Marty to finish up. After a few minutes he came back into the bedroom wearing nothing but a towel, water dripped slowly down his sculpted chest. Vinny gulped trying not to stare.

"Ugh" Vincent turned away. "Clothes?"

     "Like what you see?" Marty smirked noticing Vincent's discomfort. After a few moments Vincent turned back around to see Marty wearing a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. He had gotten sheets and blankets at some point during Vincent's visit and set up an uncomfortable looking bed on the ground. Vinny sat down quickly, determined to not sleep in the bed. "No." Marty said plainly, and Vincent knew not to argue with him. "Good." Marty replied going straight to his place on the ground.

"Stop being nice to me."


"Because you being nice doesn't take away the fact that I'm only here because you're such a jerk."

"You know what? It'd be a lot worse if I wasn't, and you'd still have to be here." Marty shrugged and Vincent narrowed his eyes. At least he wasn't attempting to make this any worse than if needed to be. "I can sleep on the floor and still get what I want."

"Fine." Vinny didn't think he was going to sleep at all that night with everything going on, but eventually he drifted off.


    Vincent woke up with a start to the blaring of an alarm clock on the bedside table next to him. Vinny went to turn it off, but found he couldn't move. Vinny looked down, noticing Marty's arm draped across his chest holding him in place.

     "Marty!" Vincent whisper yelled to no answer, "Marty!"

     "Ghwhat?" He stirred, but he had a little smile.

     "Get off me, you creep."

     "Five more minutes." Marty said with a yawn, tugging him closer, and deeper under the covers.

     "No, get off of me! I'm serious. We're going to be late!"

     "Then we'll be late." He said closing his eyes and digging his nose into Vincent's hair. "You smell nice."

      "You don't. Now let go?" Vinny asked trying struggle free, but Marty was much stronger. "Weren't you on the ground?"

     "The ground was cooooooollllllddddd!" He whined, and Vincent rolled his eyes. Finally Vinny was able to roll of the bed catching him off guard. Marty continued to lay in bed snoring away.

     "Marty! Marty!" Vincent shook him. "I don't have new clothes."

     "Wear your clothes from yesterday." Marty groaned.

     "I can't"

     "Why?" He grunted into his pillow.

     "Because people will notice." Vincent said under my breath.

     "People like Lucas?" Marty asked suddenly fully awake.

     "Marty." Vinny rubbed my eyes in exasperation.

    "Wear mine." Marty said, quickly getting out of bed, apparently no longer tired. He went into his closet picking out a black hoodie with some kind of logo Vinny didn't recognize, but he knew it was something Marty wore often. He handed it to Vincent, who took it gratefully, glad to have something. Vinny could wear it with his jeans from the day before, so he was sufficiently satisfied. Marty smiled when Vincent came out of the bathroom; his hoodie fell down to Vinny's mid-thigh. "Perfect" Marty grinned.

     "Come on." Vinny sighed, "I did my time, now get me out of here."
