19 | Parts & Revelation


"Sir, are you listening to Camila Cabello's song, real friends?" I look up to my niece with a smile. Was it that loud?

"Yes, why?" Sasha shrugged her shoulder before looking out at the windows. We had just arrived in Ostria and currently on route to Ostria's royal palace.

"So, am I suppose to just stand behind you while you deal with the royal family?" I nod my head.

"Yes, you only speak when I ask you to," Sasha nod before she looks outside again.

"This kingdom is peaceful, except for the war that happens because of the location of the diamond mine," I turned to my niece.

"What war?" I asked since no one ever told me about it.

Sasha explained to me how the neighbouring kingdom wanted to claim the diamond mine to be theirs. This is such a troublesome news since I wish to own the mine myself. I pinched the bridge of my nose before thinking of a way to negotiate with those who will on the way of my plan.

"How did you manage to get an audience with the king, sir?"

"I told him that I'm going to make him prosperous than he already is. I never knew the king would be that greedy while his people suffer like so," Sasha looks out and noticed a few homeless people on the street, begging for money and food.

"Taxes are high but wages are low. How do you think a normal citizen could survive like so? Adelaide want to change that and with my help, she can have this kingdom," I can see the palace by now. It's big, but... the Vladimir palace is bigger.

"How do you plan to make her the ruler? The princes suppose to be the next ruler and I think the princes will never just agree to let their little sister be their ruler," I smiled.

"Sasha, you've known me since you were born. I think you know how capable I am when it comes to politics," the car stops in front of the palace entrance. I can see the envoys who suppose to greet us standing with a couple of concubines.

"Lord Gustow Vladimir, it's nice to finally meet you," I was greeted when I got out. He offered his hand to me.

"I hope the king doesn't too unhappy to see me with my guard," the envoy looks behind me before his face shows how disgusted he is.

"Well, she is forbidden to enter the palace but for you, my lord, anything is possible. We all know how you work and we, the minister of Ostria doesn't want anything bad to happen to us and the kingdom," So they heard about my wife's exploitation around the world huh?

Good job, sweetheart!

"Will the princes be joining us? I haven't met any of the princes. Who's going to take the throne when the king retires?" The envoy invited us both in.

"That would be Prince Albert, my lord. He's the oldest and has what it takes to rule a kingdom. Please, follow me. The king is expecting you," hmmm... let the fun, begins.


"Lord Gustow, meet my sons, Prince Albert, Prince Henry, Prince Martin and Prince Philip," for a Prince, they don't have the attitude of one. Am I suppose to bow to them? How rude.

"My sons, he's. or your regular Duke. You suppose to bow to him," the king said but they didn't bow at me at all.

"What? I never heard of a duke who has more power than a Prince," If I recall correctly, this is the next king, Prince Albert. I can see the downfall already.

"Albert, don't be rude to our guest, he's not like other regular Duke," the king insisted but his son just ignores him.

"A duke is a duke, bow to us," this ... is ... I raised my hand when Sasha seems agitated. He wants me to bow? I'll give him a bow.

"My lord!" The king and queen get on two knees when they saw me bowing to their sons.

"Father! What are you doing?!" I straight up my body and look down on both the king and queen.

"You useless child! Do you want to be at war with the Duke's family?!" I smiled at the princes before offering my hand to the queen. She took it with a heavy heart.

"Don't worry, I won't be doing such thing to you, my queen," I lean in.

"Your daughter specifically said to not harm you. Except for your husband and kids though, she wishes to end them," the queen's expression changes when she heard Adelaide has been with me.

"Addy is with you?" I nod before leaning away and turned to the king.

"I believe that the princes only acts this way because of your own teaching. You've been teaching them your nasty way of ruling a country and now they don't even know who they're dealing with. I am ashamed to know that such great empire will be ruled by such close-minded future king," the princes were not happy when I belittle them.

"Anyway, the purpose for my visit here is..." I turned to the elders who's been standing by the corner.

"I wish to have Princess Adelaide of Ostria to be the next ruler," everyone gasped but not Albert, he was furious.

"Who are you to come here and demands stuff? You don't even have any ties with Ostria!" Everyone turned to Sasha.

"She's Adelaide's fiancée. Once she's married to my niece, a blood of a Vladimir will be in this kingdom," Albert was about to attack when Sasha immediately stood in front of me.

"Even if you graze your arms with my lord, I'll punish you the way it should be, by impale!" Sasha shouted.

"Elders, you should think about this kingdom's future if you letting a Prince-like him rule it. You all know what type of person your princess is. You were there when she was growing up in front of you. It's your decision when it comes to crown the next rightful ruler," I snapped my finger before a couple of my escorts enters with a couple of briefcases filled with gold, money and jewellery.

"I am not bribing you all, just a simple reminder if you let Princess rule instead of him. I am fully aware of the kingdom's debt and the princess promise to solve it within her reign," the elders look at each other before whispering into each other's ears.

"NO! The throne is mine! YOU DON'T HAVE ANY RIGHT TO TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME!" Albert just lost it. Seems like the elders just made their decision.


"We have made our decision and it's based on the next generation of Ostria. If we let the princess rule, she will be marrying a woman and not a man. As much as we wish for the prosperous living, we're more concern of how the royal family will provide us with heirs for the future," the leaders of elders informed me while Prince Albert smirking at me.

"I wouldn't be too worried about that. The Vladimir possessed a far more advanced technology money can buy to procreate. With today's science, it's possible for two women to have a child. I mean, Vörös has made it possible for it," the elders were looking at each other again.

They probably knew what happened between Volin and Vörös a few years back.

"The project that made us all wonder about humankind trying to defy God. We all know about that. You were part of it, to stop it that is. Tell us your real reason for making the princess as the ruler, my lord. I have a feeling there is a hidden agenda in all of this," since the elders asked and the royal family presence, I guess I should just be bold.

"Revenge. The princess wishes to end the king and princes who ruined her life. She only wants nothing but happiness but the king and princes took it away from her," I smirked.

"And she wants to be the ruler so she can see you all live a life of peasants! A king who only cares about wealth, with princes who only cares about their own life, doesn't have any place in this kingdom, she said," I stood up from my seat.

"If the elders decided to make him king I won't hesitate to take this kingdom by force. Once I make a promise, I won't be backing down, not even for a tea," I glare at the king and the princes before walking out with Sasha and my escorts.

Part 1 of my plan is complete.

"What should we do now, sir?" Sasha asked as we walked down the palace hallways.

"What? It's only just a beginning. There's more to come," Sasha was quiet until she spoke out.

"You actually know that this will happen?" I nod.

"I've done this many times with your aunt Anastasia, Sasha. Why do you think I marry her? The first plan is complete, now for part 2 of my plan, through psychological," I bet she doesn't understand what I'm trying to say.

"What do you think is the most important in a man's life?" Sasha shrugged.



"Hello, ladies. I'm so glad you all willing to see me on such short notice," I smiled at the prince's fiancés.

"We have no choice in that matter, our fathers told us about your devious plan for those who oppose you," I smiled at the prince's future partner before asking Sasha to close the door.

"Great, now that you're all here, I have a proposal to make. What will you do if I told you-you'll be marrying into a family who doesn't have anything in like .... a few weeks?" They were looking at each other before asking me to continue.

"My dears, I hate to see you suffer because of what I'm about to do so, I have a solution for you," they nod.

"You all can marry my sons instead. They're currently looking for someone to marry and I'm sure they will love you all," they were applaud by what I said.

"All I'm doing now is to help you have a better future and with you all carrying my family name and produce heirs for me, I'm sure our wealth will... double in the figure," they seem to be offended since I sound like I'm using them.

But what the hell, it's my family and the boys wanted me to find them their life partner since they trust my judgement.

"To be honest my lord, we never thought that someone from such a prestigious family would even come out here and say such thing to us. We... love the princes. We've been friends since we were children, there's no way we could betray them like this. Even for money and rank," wise... but of course I have something under my sleeve.

"It's one-sided since the princes seem to be having fun in a brothel with all these ladies," I threw stacks of picture proof that the princes cheated on their trust.

They look at the picture with wide eyes.

"I ... I can't ... this is all photoshop. It's impossible..." I shrugged my shoulder before through another stack of pictures of the princes in front of the ladies.

"I'm not saying that my sons are perfect but they at least won't do such thing to the woman they suppose to marry. I've raised my kids with dignity and implant kindness in them since birth. I may be a bastard in many eyes but for my kids, they shouldn't treat anyone with disrespect," I turned to Sasha when one of them cry.

Sasha offered her handkerchief to one of the ladies before standing beside me again.

"This... we... we'll do as you wish, my lord. We don't care anymore," they all nod as a sign that they agreed with my proposal.

"Good, I'll talk to your parents and making arrangement for my wife and me to see your parents for a hand in marriage," that was easy.

They have probably been through this countless times. Well, my princes, part 2 of my plan is done And now, for part 3.


"You ducking piece of shit! What have you done to my fiancée!" Albert came bathing in our hotel room while I was eating my dinner. Before I could put the food into my mouth, he slapped it away from my hand.

"I was about to eat that," he grabbed me by the collar while one of his hand balls into a fist.

"You ducking prick!" Before he could hit me, Sasha came into my room grabbed him by the collar and pulled him away from me.

"Don't touch me, you bitch!" Albert's eyes widen when Sasha was about to pull the trigger.

"Sasha!" I stopped her from shooting the prince with her gun.

"Wait for my order, will you," Sasha nod.

"Prince Albert, I've been meaning to ask, what actually happened to you?" Albert gets up from the floor before facing me.

"I was told that my fiancée wanted to break our engagement off! Why would the person who was with me since we're still in the womb would just simply break it off while you're here?! Bitch you did something to her! TELL ME WHAT YOU DID!" Sasha aimed her gun again.

"Sasha, stay down," I stood up from my seat and face the prince who's a little shorter than I am.

"You barged into my hotel room, doing something this ridiculous to me because of a hunch? My God my prince, you've done it," the Prince was taken aback by my height.

"What? Don't you want to hit me? Hit me! Come on my Prince, hit me now and just release your anger to me. I am here, breathing in front of you. Yes, it is I who told your fiancée to leave you because they will be marrying my son instead. Face it, my prince, you're done," I winked.

"Fuck you!" I told Sasha to stay where she is when Albert hit me with his fist.

"Good job, my prince," what a weak punch that was. But good, this is good.

"Why you!" Sasha grabbed his fist before it hit me again.

"Once is enough," Sasha pushed him away from me as I took a picture of myself with my phone.

"If I sent this to my wife, what do you think will happen to Ostria?" I showed him a picture of my bruised face.

"The Duchess doesn't like to see me with a bruised on my face, you do know that right?" The Prince was speechless.

"Good, now you're in a mood to negotiate. Now, let's talk about the throne. Will you agree to give it to your sister now that you've hit me?" The prince showed his middle finger to me before running out of the hotel room.

"What a comedian he is," I chuckled.

"Part 3 is complete. Now, for the finale," I smiled at Sasha.


"Natalia? What a surprise! So, Adelaide with Sasha?" My sister nods her head.

"She was not happy when she knows we're coming here instead of going home. I hope you've done your part, Gustow. She's coming here is not something she wishes," I smiled.

"Relax, I've done my part, now it's time for the finale. Why would I ask you two to come here if that wasn't the reason? Have faith in your brother will you," she chuckled.

"Thank you, for all of this. I never thought you would be the person who be helping me, brother," ahhh... it's been ages since she called me by that.

"I like that... brother. The last time you called me that was when you had Sasha. Because you were scared," Natalia blushed.

"That was ages ago. I called you that because Silas refuses to be with me," I offered my hand to Natalia.

"Natty, you know I always have your back right? Don't worry about it much," she took my hand with a smiled.

"What happened to your face?" She asked.

"Albert hit me because I asked his ex-fiancée marry my son instead," she laughed while patted my hand.

"Gustow, that's too much. What did Anastasia say?" I shrugged.

"She said it's okay as long we can use them for our own selfish reason. But your nephews like the picture I sent them so it's a go," she continues to laugh before facing the door where Adelaide and Sasha walk in.

"Mom, sir, we decided to get married soon. I've explained the current situation and Adelaide agrees with your plan," that's good news indeed.

"Wait, What plan? Gustow What is going on?" I patted my sister back before leaning in.

"Oh, nothing much. You'll know soon enough," I stood up from the couch and went to look at He scenery by the windows. Since she agrees with my plan, I have bribe the elders to crown Adelaide as the next ruler.

But looking at that old geezer, they seem like someone who loyal to their kings. This is hard work! If it's Anastasia, she'll be done with this the first day she's here. But for this, I need to be careful.

I don't want to lose what I plan to have. I turned around, watching my sister, my niece and her fiancée talking animatedly to each other.

"What's on your mind, brother?"

I shake my head. They don't have to know what's in my mind. Now, how should make her the ruler legally? I'm sure the king is going to do something about this. I should think a few more steps ahead of him and his sons.

"Umm... Gustow... I don't know if I'm seeing things but I think your wife is here," Natalia pointed at the news.

Wait, what? Anastasia? What is she doing here?

"Oh God no!" Sasha sighed heavily.

"What's going on?" Adelaide asked, confused by the others.

"Seems like you're going to meet my wife," I chuckled. My God... who would've thought she really coming. This is interesting.
