7 | Crown Princes' of Ostria


This is hopeless.

I'm standing in front of the student government official room where we'll suppose to be entertaining the school VVIP's visitors when they come to visit. But as far as I know, there no important visitors coming to school this month.

Why am I here? I knock once at the door before turning the knob.

Imagine my surprise when the first thing I saw was my older brother, Albert. I was speechless until all three of my older brothers laughing and talking with Asha as they appeared from the back room.

"What the ... what are you all doing in here?! Why aren't I inform of your arrival?!" I am ... well .. I am not sure how am I suppose to react. This is too sudden!

"Albert? Henry? Martin? Philip? Well ... I'm waiting," I was tapping my foot on the floor while crossing my arms across on my chest. I can't believe they came to my school without telling me first!

"Well, mother and father insist that we come here to see what's going on with your life. Do we want to know what's holding you up? Mother has been sending you those pictures over email but you never reply even one of the emails at all." Albert smiled at me.

"She should know that I don't approve any of them. I don't like them." I stomp my foot down.

"Oh come on sister, what's so bad about marrying a future king? Look at us, our fiancées are the future queen. That makes us future kings. Don't you want to rule a kingdom someday, my dear?" Henry smirks.

"No ... I'm comfortable with being a princess. Why would I even bother to be a queen?" I asked him back.

"Do you even listen to yourself, sister. You're saying that you don't want to be a ruler! What is wrong with you?" Martin was not happy. I can't blame him, he's always been the grumpy one among us.

"So? There's no need for me to be queen. Why are you all so concerns about my life? My life, my choice. Can we just stop talking about it and go home!" I felt someone tapping on my shoulder.

"But sister, we're invited to Lady Natalya's birthday party. Mother and father can't make it so they sending us instead." Philip smiled before hugging me.

"Oh sister, I miss you. I'm sure the others miss you too but they're too proud of themselves to show them." I hugged him back before he pulling away.

So they're here because the principal invited them? Why would she invite my family to her birthday party? Do they know each other?

"Well my dear princes', I'm so happy that you meet your sister but please, would you all be so kind to join me tonight for dinner in my house? I'm sure my mother would be happy to meet the crown princes' of Ostria." Asha turned to me.

"That includes you, crown princess of Ostria." She smirks.

I really hate her for doing this.

"Take this chance to introduce Sasha to your brothers." She whispered. Introducing Sasha to my brothers?! Why would I introduce that obnoxious human being to my brothers?!

I sigh before pinching the bridge of my nose. I don't need this, I don't need this kind of stress right now.

"You know what ... do whatever you wish to do. I have a lot of matters to handle since the president decided to ditch her work to the VP." I leave my brothers in the hands of Asha.

When I closed the door behind me, I wonder if I did the smart move, leaving them with her.

What if she spills my secrets to them?

"Whatever." At this point, I don't even care anymore. I was on my way towards the school quad when I saw Sasha walking towards me.

"Adelaide." I ignore her call and walk past her.

"Adelaide ... wait up." I heard her footstep following me towards the quad.

"What is it, Miss Sasha? If you wish to make my day more miserable, you don't have to since it's bad enough now that my brothers are here." I keep walking, passing the quad.

"I know, that's why I wish to talk to you." Huh. I stopped walking and turned around to face her.

She abruptly stopped walking and nearly hitting my front before she smiles.

"You know?" She nod.

"Yea. Asha told me about the dinner tonight. I want to tell you that she invited Wyatt as well." She what?! Seriously, what is wrong with her?!

"And what did you told her when she said that?" I asked, wondering. She shrugged.

"So? You and Wyatt are together right?" I can't believe this. I am at my limits now.

"AHHHHHH!" I screamed in front of her face.

"Do I have to carve my feelings on your skins?!" I yelled before leaving her alone in the middle of the quad.



"Adelaide? You're going to the dinner as well?" Wyatt. He's such a sweet gentleman but ... I still can't shake this feelings I have for that useless teacher.

"Wyatt, hello. Yes, I'm going to the dinner as well, with my brothers." He was intimidated by my brothers as he took a few steps backward when my they climb out from the limousine.

"Why hello there. Care to introduce us, sister?" Albert smiled at him.

"Yes, Wyatt, this my oldest brother, Albert. Next to him is my second brother, Henry, my third brother, Martin and next to him is my fourth brother, Philip." Wyatt's hand were shaking when he shakes their hands.

"What a whimsy kid he is," Martin comments when they shake hands.

"Ahhh ... you're here. Come in. It's just a small house though." Albert was the first to walk up the stairs towards Asha who opened the door for us.

"I was wondering about that. Why are your family living here at such place?" He asked without thinking about other people's feeling.

"Well, I'm trying to teach my children how to be modest and not be ... like you bunch." I turned away before my brothers notice my expression when I heard the principal.

"Anyway, please, come in." Asha ushered us all in.

We were walking past the stairwell when Sasha walk down the stairs, wearing only a black shirt and jeans. My brothers were surprised to see her body filled with tattoos.

"You must be the famous Sasha Irisha. We all heard about your skills from our father." Sasha smiled at my brothers.

"You all must be Adelaide's brothers." She turned to Wyatt who's hiding behind me.

"Wyatt? Why are you hiding?" Wyatt looked up.

"Miss Sasha! I feel so out of place. I think I should go." He was about to go when Asha grabbed him and wrapped her arms around his shoulder.

"Don't be such a buzz kill. Enjoy your time here. This is your time to shine, I mean. You do want Adelaide as your wife, right?" I should remind myself to smack her head later.

"This is a little unorthodox, don't you think? I mean, lady Natalya, you're literally the princess of the Vladimir clan. Why would you even live in such ... home." I pulled Martin closer to me.

"Could you just stop being such a snob and enjoy the night already," I whispered into his ear.

"But seriously, sister, she's known as princess. Not literally but, she's rich enough to have her own castle, right?" Philip joining in.

Oh God, I'm so embarrassed to have them as my brothers.

"Brothers, please, they're our host. Don't be rude." Thank God Albert is somewhat reasonable.

"Are you having fun, making fun of the way I'm living the life?" The principal seems to tick off.

"If so, please, join us to the dining room. Don't worry, the food are exquisite enough for princes' like you." I just really want to apologize to the principal for my brother's behavior.

Hmmm ... at least they're happy to see these many beautiful maids.

"Well, you made it up with these beautiful maids of yours, Lady Natalya. I am impressed." Martin smile at one of them who serve him a cup of coffee.

"And beautiful music. Can I ask who's playing the piano?" Albert asked before we all turned to the pianist. I was surprised to see it's Sasha herself.

"My eldest, Sasha." The principal sound proud.

"My my ... what a beautiful sound she produces, for a killer." Here he goes again.

Sometimes I do think Martin doesn't have a heart. He speaks as if he's the only one who could hear them!

"Yes, she is a killer, but she's graduate top of her class and excels in many things she did. Did I ever mention she's fluent in 12 different languages." The principal informed us.

Even the prince and princess like us haven't mastered 13 other languages. Sasha smiled when she ends the piece before being replaced.

She made her way towards the dining table and took a seat between to Durov and Asha.

"Where did you learn to play the piano?" Albert asked.

"Volin." She smiled.

"Lady Natalya, is there any reason for you to summon us here? We could just meet at your birthday party tomorrow night, correct?" Albert redirects his attention to the principal.

"Oh yes ... it's about the contract we made with your father, the king. You know, about the diamond mine." Diamond mine?

"Yes, I am aware of that little contract. Any reason why bringing it up?" The principal smiled.

"Someone has been very naughty and interrupts my business with your country, my prince. I found fake diamonds in some of the crates that were sent to me. I don't appreciate it at all." My brothers were looking at each other.

"That's absurd. We always make sure that you will have the best. My parents are aware of your capabilities, Milady." The principal swallow her food.

"Well, I can show you better than I can tell you." The principal called the maid and showed my brother one of the fake diamond.

There's no mistake, it is fake and the principal is not happy at all.


"Asha, I don't think it's wise for me to stay the night here." I was having a second thought. After knowing that my country has been deceiving the principal, I don't think I should be here.

"It's fine. I'm helping you now." She creaked open a door and force me to enter this pitch black room. Was that snoring I heard?

"Where are we?!" I whispered.

"Sasha room. Look at her ... still sleeping with her night light on." Asha's gone too far now.

"Why am I here?! This is not what I expected when you said sleepover!" I tried to feel for Asha around the room.

"Asha!" I whispered before I notice the door being open and I saw Asha smirking face before closing the door. She's leaving me alone with Sasha.

"Adelaide?" I was surprised when Sasha suddenly calls my name before she turns on the lights. Surprisingly, the rooms quite normal for an assassin.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your sleep. Asha was just being a dick." She waved it off before she climbs off her bed and went to the bathroom.

I think I should leave her room while she's in there.

"Eh, you're leaving?" She asked when I was about to turn the knob.

"Umm ... Yea. I'm going to look for Asha and kill her over ... and over again." She chuckled before sitting at one of the couch in her room.

"Don't worry. She's just trying to get us alone. My sister is like that but she's a good person." Yes ... good ... good my ass. I told her that I will be doing this at my own pace. She shouldn't be interfering at all.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your sleep."

"It's fine. I'm not even sleeping that well. Reoccurring nightmare sucks big time." Huh, nightmare? Reoccurring?

"Well ... if you want to talk about it, I'm all ears." She smiled before offering me a seat. I took her offer and looked around her room. There's a lot of blue ribbons in here .. and trophies.

"Before becoming a teacher, you can say that almost every day, I was given a mission to end someone's life. No matter if it's a man, or a woman or children's, I'll do it without a second thought. After all, I want to be on Lady Irina's good side." She started.

Whoa, she actually told me all about it.

"I've seen things I never wish to see. I saw how human literally becoming God themselves. I killed those who defy laws of logic but sometimes I wonder if I'm doing the right thing myself." Sasha sighed before facing me.

"You are in the army, correct? Have you gone to missions?" I nod. Should I even share my experience with her?

"There's part of Ostria that's still in war with our neighboring country. Mostly because of the diamond mine. They are greedy." She chuckled.

"So you have killed another human for a mission?" I slowly nod.

"How do you coop with the fact that you kill another human?" She asked. I sometimes wonder that to myself as well.

"My brothers told me a secret that helps me with it." She raised an eyebrow.

"They told me to make myself busy. It will keep my mind off of the bloodshed I've caused." I was telling her what really happened but she laughs instead.

"So it works?" I slowly nod.

"Lucky. If that works for me, I wouldn't be having trouble sleeping at night." Just how many lives did she took?

"Anyway, how are you and Wyatt?" Wyatt?

"Nothing much. He's just someone I know." That peak her interest.

"Wait, you two aren't together?" I slowly shake my head no. She smiled at me.

"But, I'm sure after I'm graduate from the academy, my parents will force me to meet countless men of their choosing to be my groom. I'm almost at the age that I am allowed to marry someone." Her expression turned grim.

"Hmm ... that includes Wyatt?" I nod.

"Yes .. he is one of the many suitors my parents want me to consider. Most of them want to marry me because of my status. None of them likes me for the person I am." She rested her chin on her hands.

"What kind of person are you?" She asked.

"Well .. I'm a loving person ... but also ... I'm a jealous type. I have my own bad side as well, you know." She smirks.

"I like that in a girl. Loving ... yet violent and brutal huh." That's the first time someone said that when I reveal my true self.

Maybe she's a keeper after all.


I decided to join discipline committee in making rounds around the school campus after I force Asha to lead the meeting with the teachers.

There are a few matters that the current student government need to fix before we let the newer generation takes over.

"Adelaide, we should make rounds around the back of the school gym. We received complaints from the coaches that some students were caught smoking while in class." Emily the leader of the discipline committee informed.

Smoking? Honestly, I'll be doing the same thing as well right now. As we were making our way towards the back of the gym, all of us heard something

"Did you heard something?" One of the girls in the group asked.

"Somebody's talking." Said the same girl. She's right. I heard voices as well.

When we're about to turn the corner, my eyes caught on something that clearly we're not supposed to see. I forbid the rest of the group to continue their step as took my phone out and take a video of this 'transaction'.

When they're about to go, I decided to walk out and pretend that I accidentally walk into them. Both of the junior boys were so surprised, they dropped the little package on the ground.

"I see ... drug trafficking within the school campus? I have a feeling that our juniors have been very naughty since the start of this school year but I haven't had much proof of it." They're speechless.

"I know the students in this school came from a various background but I never thought that you're dumb enough to do businesses within the school ground that's wholly own by the Irisha's." I turned to the discipline committee leader.

"Emily, bring them to see the president. I'm sure she will have a field day, knowing someone has been crossing their boundary." They were horrified at the fact that they will be meeting the president of the student council.

"Don't escape from us. It won't be pretty if you decided to defy us. I have proof of this transaction after all and a lot of witnesses." I winked before we continued to do our rounds.

"Seems like everything is in order. I'll be going back to the student council room. If there's anything, don't hesitate to inform me." I leave the discipline committee members and made my way to the student council room.

"I can't believe the principal letting such brute educator into this establishment. For someone who able to manage the special class must've been quite a person." I heard a group of teachers talking among themselves.

"I know right. Even the best mind in the world can't handle the special class then comes this woman who's also her daughter, easily do such thing. I am curious about how she was raised. We all know how strict the principal is." I can't believe they're badmouthing about their own employer.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat as I walk past them. Their attention was drawn to me as I smile at them.

"If I were you, I'll be careful from now on. That's just a friendly reminder after all." I winked before leaving them to their thought.

When I arrived at the student council room, I notice Elra sitting alone at the very corner of the meeting table.

"Elra? What's going on? Why are you here alone?" She sighs when she sees me taking a seat next to her.

"Seeing my sister at work, I don't think I'll be as good as her when I'm President after she's graduated. I am hopeless, Adelaide." She seems down.

"Do you ever show your true colors to your sisters or brother?" She shakes her head no.

"Well, sometimes, it's a good thing to show your true colors. As an example ..." I asked for her permission to use the fork she was using to eat the cake.

With a smile on my face, I threw the fork towards Sasha who's coming through the student council room with a woman I'm not sure even a student here in this school. She's lucky that she managed to avoid being stab by the fork.

I smile when she glared at me.

"See, Elra, it's great to show your true colors." I heard Sasha footsteps getting closer to us.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! You do realize that you threw a fork at me!" I face her with a nonchalant expression.

"I am aware. Who is that woman you came in with?" I turned to the tramp who seems confused about what just happened.

"She's my aunt!" I don't buy it.

"Elra, is this true?" I asked before she nods.

"That is our mother's older sister, aunt Annushka." Ah ... if I recalled correctly, Asha did mention about her aunt coming to see her.

Oh boy ... that leaves a bad impression, isn't it?

"I'm sorry. I didn't know that you're family." I apologized for my behavior. Annushka smiled.

"It's fine. I'll be leaving you kids with your ... Hmm ... activities." Annushka excuse herself before motioning Elra to followed her towards Asha's room.

I sigh heavily before facing Sasha.

"What is wrong with you? The last time I've checked, we not even together. Why would you act that way towards me? What if the person who I came with is one of the VVIP's? Would that be appropriated for a princess to do?" She's pissed off!

"No ... it's not appropriate." I looked down. I can't believe I'm being lectured by her of all people.

"Tell me, Adelaide. What exactly do you want me to do? As far as I know, even if I'm going to ask for your hand In marriage, you probably decline. Why are you jealous whenever I'm with another woman?" She's getting me corner now! I hate this.

"I just ... I don't like it, that's all." I said before leaving her alone. There's no way I can keep up being submissive in front of her.

I have my own ego to think about.
