18 | Life of the Dead


After talking to Natalia, Valentine decided to visit someone who's currently living in his basement just to make sure he's alive still. He received specific order to keep him alive for something no human ever think of.

As he entered, a group of medical team was trying their best to tend to the persons wound, especially the deep cut on his throat. Valentine watches as they work but look away when the person suddenly bleeds out again.

"Valentine, I thought she wants him dead? Why would she want him alive and make things complicated than it already is?" Asked one of the doctors who work for Valentine.

"You really think Natalia will let him go after what he's done to her and her family? Death is a privilege for someone like him. That woman is sinister and she wishes to make him suffer like she does," everyone cringe as they remembered how evil Natalia can be.

"She wants him alive just so she could make him suffer? That is so Natalia," Valentine nod as he looks down on Silas who's in deep sleep.

"Everyone thought as she gets older, she will change how she normally acts but, I saw how much she capable of doing and that was recent. That woman will never change and it's slowly transferring to her daughters. Her dark thoughts, her action, her boldness, her kids have it and slowly, she nurturing it into a perfect Natalia 2.0," the others look at each other and imagine if both of daughters becoming their mother.

"I'm more scared of Sasha becomes like her mother. Aren't you afraid? She is your daughter," Valentine shrugged.

"Guys, she already shows us all that she's a Vladimir and I'm sure that she will use that name to gain whatever she wants," Valentine knows that even if he said something, nothing can change the fact that Sasha's been living with Natalia since she was born.

"I mean she even developed in Natalia's body for 9 months. I'm sure Natalia's monstrous urges for blood is overwhelming for an unborn child," Valentine chuckled at how one of the doctors interpreted it.

"Whatever you do, just keep him alive. We really don't want Natalia herself skin us all alive. And I'm not even joking, this is serious. Just ask Peter over there," Valentine pointed at one of the guys whose standing behind Valentine.

As Peter removed his mask and everyone gasped at his face.

"She really skins his face off?! OH MY GOD!" Valentine nod.

"And this is all because he forgot to do one crucial task she had given him," Peter nod. Even after what Natalia did to him, he can't leave her side because he promised to serve her for life. Even if he tried to escape, Natalia will surely come for him and finish him off.

Valentine excuse himself before he went out together with Peter who followed him closely behind.

"Tell me, Peter, why did she skin you alive?" Valentine asked as they walked up the stairs.

"Because I tried to kiss her," Valentine giggled at his misfortune.

"What a naive little boy. Yes, she did say all those sweet words to you but that doesn't mean she wants you. You learned that from the hard way huh?" Peter nod.

"Anyway, What is she planning to do to him?" He asked.

"She's Russian. What do you think she'll do? She's going to keep him alive and torture him like he did to her. It's payback time," Valentine explained the motive of keeping Silas alive.

"She doesn't care about her wealth that he took, she simply wants to teach him a lesson he won't soon forget," Valentine added.


"What will Sasha think if she knows that Silas is alive but barely? Natalia, you are playing with fire here," Athena was not happy knowing her sister is trying to create more hectic than it is now.

"What? He took everything from me and if he dies, the wealth that he owns will be given to his mistresses! I don't want my hard on money to fall to another woman. It's my money, my husband, my sweat!" Athena sighs heavily.

"You asked for a divorce and you signed a prenup, your own mistake for making such move," Natalia smiled.

"I haven't file any yet. Honey, do you think I am that stupid? He still my legal husband and I still have my share in his name. Before he's gone, I will have to forge some document to transfer everything into my name. Then if he dies, he dies," Athena was astounded by how her sisters think.

When it comes to money, Natalia doesn't care much about anything except for her own selfishness. She was just raised that way.

"As of now, my lawyers are doing what they can to salvage Silas's wealth and changed it into my name. If those bitches wish to fight me in court, I just have to fuck the judge to let me win, easy," Athena chuckled at the thought of that.

"You're old! That judge is a lot younger than your honey," Natalia raised both eyebrows. She simply showed her bare breast to a couple of younger guards and watched them gets excited.

"Now tell me I have lost my appealing? Those boys want me," Athena shakes her head before pulling her sisters dress up.

"I may be old but my body is still amazing. It's in our gene, honey," Natalia winked before she felt her phone vibrated. She picks it up and read the text that Valentine had sent.

As Adelaide walks into the room where both Athena and Natalia at, she noticed a couple of guys facing the wall rather than guarding their mistresses. She was confused but she knows whatever happens in this household meant something.

"I'm here," Natalia looks up from her phone and smile at Adelaide.

"Great. Now, let us sightseeing in the country where I was not and raise it," Natalia stood up followed by Athena.

"You're not going to wear anything thicker than that?" Adelaide asked.

"Honey, a couple shots of vodka will fix that coldness... of course you're underage..." Natalia leads the way towards the front entrance and called for a car. She was still texting Valentine about her plan.

"Where are we going?" Adelaide asked.

"Vladimir's famous landmark. We're going to have breakfast there," Athena answered Adelaide question when Natalia seems busy with her phone.

"You guys have a landmark? Even I don't have one in my country," Athena chuckled.

"There's a reason why we were called as the prince and princesses of Vladimir. You'll know soon enough," Athena smiled.


"Miss Sasha, we're tired so please, let us go home!" Sasha places her hands on her waist before smirking at her students.

"Oh... um... no way. There are 3 more hours until 5 pm. You have to be here until then. If I know anyone of you sneaks away, I'll make sure to get your ass to detention. Guys come on, even Alani who's pregnant does her job well then you guys," Alani blushed when Sasha praise her diligent.

"Miss Sasha, is Adelaide okay?" Alyssa, one of Sasha student asked. Sasha smiled.

"She's currently in Russia, for a vacation," the students gasped.

"When finals just around the corner? Well, she is smart after all. She doesn't need to study much," added Alyssa.

"What happened to ... the person who..." Wyatt asked. He always has been in love with Adelaide. He was angry when he knows what happened and he wishes to end his own teacher for being careless.

"I killed him," Sasha simply said while her student looks at each other. They were all thinking about the same question, did she really just killed her own brother?

"Miss Sasha, you do realise that my father is a police officer and if we told him about this, you'll be in jail for it," Elizabeth, daughter of the city police superintend said.

"He can arrest me all he wants but my mother will make sure I'm out of it in ... I don't know... a few hours?" Sasha smirk.

"What is your plan now, Miss? Who knows she might get preg...." before Clayton could finish his sentences, Alyssa smacks the back of his head, telling him it's not something he should be asking.

"Pregnant? That depends on her. If she wishes to keep it, keep it, if she wants to get rid of it, that's her choice. Any girl doesn't want to be reminded of the person who raped her," Sasha turned to her male students with an intense glare.

"If any of you boys seduce a woman, remember this in your thick skull. If you make a girl pregnant, never leave her because if you do, I'll be coming to get your fucking head. Don't think once you graduated, you'll be leaving my grasp, boys and girls. I have eyes everywhere," of course Sasha was just playing but her students took it seriously.

"Now, get back to work or ill skin you alive!"

"YES, MA'AM!" Sasha smiled when her students listened to her rather than lazy around.

"There's no harm in inflicting fear to underage students, right?" She asked herself while shrugging her shoulder.


When Silas finally wakes up from his slumber, he was surprised that his hands were chained on the bed with machines all over him. As he tried to remembered what happened to him, his brain hurts even more.

"Hi there," Valentine smiled at him while waving his hand.

"You... what are you doing here? Laughing at me while I'm bound?" Valentine shrugged his shoulder.

"This is my home. You're currently inside my basement with MY medical team using MY equipment and MY money to survive," Silas scoffed, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Why am I here? I thought Sasha had finished me," Valentine smiled before showing Silas a few files that Natalia had left him.

"You need to sign this agreement so Natalia won't have your head as a decoration in her office," Silas cringe when Valentine mentioned her wife's name.

"What? Divorce papers? Good. I'll sign everything she wants me too," Silas smiled as Valentine showed him the agreement. As he reads it, his eyes widen.

"What... this is not a divorce paper! This is an agreement that stating I agree to transfer my wealth in her name!" Valentine looks at it before patting Silas's shoulder.

"What do you think it is? You really think Natalia will keep you alive because she loves you and because of she afraid of the prenup agreement? No way man, she's only letting you alive because she wants everything that YOU own because of HER hard work," Silas was in rage.

"SHE'S MY WIFE! It's the wife's job to make the husband satisfy! She's a bitch who should be here, taking care of me! Where is that whore?" Silas was speechless when Gustow suddenly appeared by the door staring at him.

"This is how you appreciate my little sister after she sacrifices her youth to make your family name back at the top again? You useless man, she even slept with some of the Larove and Christ family for you!" Gustow was expecting anything to happen but when he heard this vile man calling his little sister a whore, he just lost it.

"There's no doubt she slept with everyone but still, she's not some cheap woman like your mistresses," Gustow sigh heavily when he took the agreement from Silas.

"Wait, you only worth the amount I make in a month? I basically came here for nothing?!" Gustow turned to Valentine.

"But Natalia did tell me to do whatever I want. Hmm... business can be such a drag,"

"Are you done Gustow? Come on, we're meeting the Larove in few hours. I don't want to be late," Yuri ushered his brother to make it quick.

"Even Yuri's here? Don't tell me the whole Vladimir clan is here," Silas was joking around until Gustow confirms it.

"Why yes, except Athena and Tatiana. They're with Natalia and Adelaide in Russia. Tatiana won't be coming here since she's about to give birth. Athena, Natalia and Adelaide will arrive in a few days because they have something to do in Russia. The others are here, waiting for me outside," Silas was speechless. Gustow hands the agreement back to Silas.

For the Vladimir siblings to gather in one place, something big is happening.

"It's time for this city to be under our clutches. And next to our list, would be Ostria, the country where Adelaide was born at... the land where all the diamonds and natural resources at," Gustow laughed before leaving Silas with Valentine. 


"Can I touch it?" Tatiana was surprised when Adelaide suddenly appeared and took a seat beside her.

"Touch?" She asked.

"Your belly. Is it moving around?" Tatiana giggled before lifted her shift up.

"Oh yes. They just couldn't wait to get out of me,"Adelaide's eyes widen.

"They?" Tatiana smiled.

"Twins. I was as surprised as you are when the doctor told me," Adelaide smiled when she felt a kick in her palm.

"Do you love kids?" Adelaide nod.

"That's good. Because Sasha doesn't hate them just he's annoyed by them. I asked her to babysit my step kids once, they ended up beings scolded by her for being a kid," Adelaide chuckled.

"She said this one woman in Volin can make me pregnant her child. I was not convinced because logic doesn't work that way," Adelaide was sceptical but not Tatiana.

"Hynera's research revolves around her mothers. She was raised in a tube until she was 7 years old. She has a mind of a computer, a genius. She wasn't born like us. She was made," Adelaide looks up to Tatiana with her hands still on her belly.

"What I meant to say is, Hynera are fully supported by the Vladimir Industry. She possessed something far more advanced in terms of machines," Tatiana smiled while Adelaide literally speechless.

"So, it's possible?" Tatiana nod.

"Honey, Hynera exist, all she has to do now is to perfect the machines and method was used to create her," Tatiana patted Adelaide's hand.

"Don't worry. Our family has the best medical facility in the world," Adelaide suddenly wonders.

"How did the Vladimir became this powerful? I was born into a royal family and what I find out here is more than my family capable of doing," Tatiana smiled before she pointed at her parent's portrait that was hung on the wall.

"Believe it or not, my parents were nobody when they meet each other. My father was the son of a small business owner while my mother just a woman who came from a privileged family. Her family doesn't like my father because, in their own words, my father doesn't have the vision to be great," Adelaide listened tentatively.

"But that greatness soon is a tragedy when one of his ambitious plans killed thousands of people," Tatiana took her phone from her side and type in something before showing Adelaide a news report about a Vladimir nuclear power plant that cause thousands of casualties.

"Oh my God..." Tatiana smiled.

"Yea. The result from that affected our family until Gustow took over from our father and create a massive empire from it. My brothers joining in followed by my sisters and their partner. Well except for Silas and Natalia's first husband. They're not what my parents want into the family. Their favourite would be Annushka's wife, Eloise," Adelaide gave Tatiana's phone back.

"Also, the reason why my brothers suggested that you should be the next ruler of Ostria is that he wants to get his hands on Ostria's biggest natural resources. He's basically using you, using your anger for your family," Adelaide looks down.

Deep down she knows about it but now, it's confirmed.

"So, I'm sorry... for that.." Adelaide smiled at Tatiana.


"Sasha," Sasha bow to her uncle. It's something she always does whenever she met her uncle Gustow. After her mother, she has more fear in him than any other man he knows.

"I want you to marry Adelaide as soon as she graduated," Sasha nod her head. Gustow was curious.

"That's it? No questions ask?" Sasha shakes her head no. She knows if she said no, her uncle will force her to do it anyway.

"Good, from now on, you have to learn about the steps in ruling a country," that made Sasha curious.

"Why?" Gustow smiled.

"Because after you married the princess, she'll be the ruler of Ostria," Sasha's eyes widen.

"But what about her brothers? The rightful heir to the throne?" Gustow shrugged his shoulder.

"Who knows what will happen to them. Probably ended dead in a ditch or something once I'm done with my plan. All you have to do is to protect the princess after she was crown as the next ruler of Ostria," Sasha was taken aback.

"But sir..." Gustow raises his hand.

"Adelaide agreed to do it and she can't back down from the decision she had made with me," Gustow smiled while Sasha sigh.

"She went to Russia just so my family could use her... Sir, I know I'm not capable of stopping you from doing what you have to do. I'll do whatever you wish me to do," Gustow patted her back before leaning in.

"Good... because I've taken care of all the assassins who targeted you because the king asked for your head," Sasha now her head, grateful for what he has done for her sake.

"Sasha, you know I love you. I will never let anyone hurt my family. Your mother is my little sister after all and you're her daughter," Sasha noticed her uncle place something on the table.

"If anything happens to me while I was doing my visit in Ostria, you have my permission to hurt anyone who tries to attack me. Do you understand me, Sasha?" Sasha nod before she took the gun.

"Good, pack your things, we're going to Ostria for the weekend. I know you have a tight schedule. Also, we don't have to tell your mother and fiancée about this. It should be our little secret, okay?" Sasha smiled.

Honestly working for his uncle is better than any job out there. 
