8 | Birthday Fiasco


The house is packed! Never knew that my mom would be the person who invites people to her house.

"Did you see the list of the people mommy's invited? Even the country's presidency dinner can't gather this many world leaders. Just how did that woman manage to get them in her grasp?" I shrugged, not knowing anything.

Honestly, the ballroom completely filled with powerful and influential people in the world. Even the Larove, Billion, Christ, Avilia, Grimaldi and the Clemonte's family are here.

"Have you ever wonder how did she manage to get our family name at the very top of the list? I mean, we're literally above the legendary Larove family. Even the Vladimir's on fifth place." Asha seems curious.

But knowing our mom, she has a lot of trick under her sleeves.

"Maybe she uses the power of her breast to conquer the men's world." I joked. We ended up laughing at ourself for saying such things.

"Sasha ..." my eyes widen when I saw my mentor, Irina Volin standing behind me.

"Ma'am." I saluted.

"At ease, I'm here for the party." Irina smiled.

"I must say, this is quite a gathering. A lot of them wanted to talk to Hynera and she has to seek refuge from them by standing behind Natalya all the time." I apologized for what happened.

"It's okay my dear. It's not your fault. By the way, how's life? I heard that there's a lot of request for you at the academy. Are you sure you still want to be a teacher?" She smiled.

"I wish to see my students graduate, then I'll come back to the academy. I'm sorry if my decision troubles you."  She waved it off.

"I don't mind at all." She turned her gaze to Asha.

"This must be your sister. Isn't she the one who wanted to be a student of Volin?" Asha nod her head a little.

"Yes, ma'am. I am Asha." Irina was looking at her from head to toe.

"Seems like you have your mother's ... assets." Irina eyes were fixed on my sister's chest. I facepalm myself when Irina decided to be her usual self in front of my sister.

Can't blame her since my sister wearing such clothes in front of her.

"I'm flattered, ma'am." Asha winked at Irina. Irina chuckled before being called by a group of man.

"I'll be looking forward to having you ... in my school, Asha." Irina winked back. She excused herself as we both watched her walk away.

"Did that just happened? Did you just flirt with my mentor?!" I asked my sister who shrugged. She hummed.

"I might've." She laughed as she leaving me alone since she has to greet the guest. I sighed while standing by the side, watching the guest comes in and out of the ballroom.

It was when the doorman announced that the princes' of Ostaria and the princess arrival that I decided to make myself look decent.

I smiled when I saw Adelaide walking in the ballroom looking like a full blown princess!

"Wow ... you actually look like a princess for a change." She blushed before hitting my shoulder.

"Anyway, enough with your flattery, what's going on here? I haven't seen these many world leaders since my parent's inauguration." I shrugged.

"Who knows what kind of tricks my parents are planning to do. Since the issues with the diamond mine, they're on edge at all times." She seems uncomfortable when I mentioned that.

Maybe she knows a thing or two about that issues.

"If I may have your attention please." My mom's voice echoes from the speaker.

"I would like to thank everyone for attending this little birthday party of mine and I really appreciate the kind words, wishes and presents you all given me. Once again thank you." The guest clapped.

"I also wanted to take this opportunity to welcome the royal siblings of Ostria, thank you for coming." My mom smiled.

"Same goes to every single one of you, thank you for taking your time in your busy schedule for celebrating this birthday with me." Again the guests clapped.

"Oh ... I almost forgot the most important announcement tonight." Huh? There's an announcement?

"I would like to welcome Princess Adelaide of Ostria into my family since ... she's going to be my son's bride after she's graduating from the academy. Adelaide, Durov, please make your way to the stage with me." Wait, what?

What? WHAT?!

Albert ushered his sister to the stage while my father pushed Durov to the stage. What's going on here?!



The party went on as both Durov and Adelaide standing by my mom's side, smiling at the guest who's beginning to take their leave.

I sat at the bar, watching them tentatively. How remarkable it is that my crush going to be my sister in law after she's graduate?

"Sasha ..." Asha touched my shoulder with a smile on her face.

"I swear I have no idea that mommy was planning to marry her off with Durov. If I knew, I wouldn't be pushing her to you." I look up to my sister nonchalantly.

"This is my problem because ..." I down the whole thing before asking for another shot. The bartender nod and pour another shot of whiskey.

"Don't lie to me, I know you have feelings for Adelaide. It's not too late you know." Is she serious? Going against our mother would mean death, even if I'm her daughter.

"Durov's seems happy. Maybe he has feelings for Adelaide as well." I pointed out.

"He does actually. Come on, she's been to our home countless of times. Durov saw her first before you did. Of course, that man has feelings for her as well." As I was talking to Asha, I noticed that the only guest who remained are the underground bosses.

When the ambassador walk out from the ballroom, the door was closed and that's when Adelaide turned grim to her brothers.

"What is the meaning of this?! You know well enough that I will choose my life partner on my own terms. What is wrong with you?" She was yelling at Albert.

"Either this or our sovereignty will be wiped out. You wish to see our parents become beggars?" What ... Adelaide turned to my mother. .

"Why? I don't wish to marry him, no offense." Durov didn't say anything, but he is clearly hurt by that.

"What? Who else do you wish to marry?" I stood up from the bar and face them. My mom noticed me and realized she made a mistake.

"Oh ... I see. Well ..." mother was interrupted by Durov.

"No!" Durov glared at me.

"I will marry the princess. I'm sorry Sasha, but I'm in love with Adelaide since the first day I laid my eyes on her." He turned to the princess.

"Please, Adelaide, give me a chance to be a better man for you. I have fallen hard for you, my princess." Adelaide blushed when Durov said that.

When she turned to me, I gave her a plain look even though I wish to scream at the top of my lungs.

"Adelaide, listen, marry him and our family will be fine. After the diamond mine  scandal, we owe the Irisha a hefty amount of money. This marriage will make those debt go away, right Lady Natalya?" Albert asked my mom.

"Yes, of course." Mom nod.

"You still marrying an Irisha. Besides, you get to be a mother if you marry the son rather than her." Albert just has to open his faulty mouth.

"Sasha .." Asha touched my shoulder but I forbid her from touching my shoulder.

"Don't touch me ..."

"But Sasha .."  I cut Asha off.

"I said don't touch me!" She took a step back when I yelled at her.

This ... is absurd, totally absurd. Is this what I get for taking that much time to say 'I like you'? Is this what I get for being a Lady than a tramp?

"Do as you wish. As the oldest, I'll be the bigger person." I smiled before turninv to face Irina.

"If you have any mission that needs an immediate kill, give me a call." I smile at my mentor before leaving my family behind.

"Sasha you know you can't go on your mission if you're working for me." My mother yelled. I turned to face my family and the other remaining guests.

"I ... don't ... care ... mother." I gave everyone my middle finger before leaving the ballroom and went to my room.

I close the door behind me, lock it and went to bed without changing into something more comfortable.

Not long after that, I heard somebody knocking on my door but I decided to put on the music and turn up the volume so I don't have to listen to what they have to say.

I have no time to hear their excuses.


Waking up the next morning made me realize how childish I was acting last night. I sighed before walking to the bathroom and getting myself ready for the day.

After I'm done, I went downstairs for breakfast where the situation are more awkward than usual.

"Sasha, I'm sorry for doing such thing to you, I didn't know. The only thing I know is that Durov has feelings for the princess. It never crosses my mind that you be too." My mom apologized while I eat.

"I thought yesterday was final?! Mom, I will marry the princess, not Sasha." He closes his mouth when I face him.

Even though he tried to act as if he's brave but he isn't, he's scared me of me.

"Don't worry. You get your hands on her soon enough. Even I can't argue about having a penis. Mark my words brother, once you slide your ring to her finger, we're enemy. I am not your sister, I am your worse nightmare come to life." Our parents wanted to say something but they just don't have anything to make this all better.

"Sasha, you went too far." Asha, who's sitting next to Durov said.

"I went too far? That bastard stole my crush from me!" I slammed my hands on the table while glaring at him.

"I don't appreciate the tone, Sasha. As long as you living under our roof, you just have to follow whatever our decisions are and our decision is that for Durov to marry Adelaide. I know what I'm doing is not to your liking but ... the king request for an heir from this marriage." Our father added. Again with the heir!

I took my fork and stabbed the dining table before standing up and facing my parents.

"Father, you don't have to remind me that I don't have a penis! It must be great to have a stick between your legs huh, Durov." Our father suddenly slammed his hand on the dining table with fury.

"Sit down! As far as I know, this discussion is over! Sasha, be the bigger person and accept this decision. It's time for your brother to have his own life." His own life?

What about me?!

What about my youth that they took from me?!

"His life? As far as I know, he's having a great life living under your care since he was born! Why didn't thou raise him like you two raised me?! Why didn't you sent him to a boarding school at the age of 13?! WHY DO YOU RAISE ME TO BE INDEPENDENT?" I can't believe I'm shouting at the top of lungs at my parents right now.

I know I should just shut up when our mother stood up from her seat.

"Sit down or else, Sasha!" She warned. I did as told.

"Like your father had said, this is final. I'm sorry but Durov will have to marry Adelaide. That's final!" We all watched as our parents leave the dining table.

"Happy?" I asked my brother.

"Very." He smiles.

"Hmm ... that's good. Be happy while it last." Asha decided to interrupt our glaring contest.

"Hey hey ... you guys should stop with the bickering. Come on, there's no harm in sharing the princess." Asha said. Sometimes I wonder what kind of mind she has.

"Are you out of your mind? Why would I share my fiancée with anyone else?" Durov has a point.

"What? Sasha has feelings for her and she has feelings for Sasha, you can't change that, Durov." Durov suddenly grabbed Asha by the collar.

"I can change that and I will. Her parents will be coming tomorrow about engagement. If you do something to ruin this Sasha, I swear I'll hire the Volin team itself to destroy you. You're not a real Irisha after all, we all know that you're mommy's child with another man." Both Asha and Elra gasped at the revelation.

"Why do you think our father treated you differently? They don't love you like they love us, the real Irisha. Why do you think our parents gave the Irisha empire to me instead of you? I'm the first born Irisha after all. Remember your place, sister." He smirked.

He stood up from his seat and leave us alone.

"You're not mommy and daddy's child?" Asha asked. I shake my head no.

"Then who is your father?" Elra asked.

"Valentine Van Doren." They both gasped.

"The leader of the notorious Van Doren Syndicate is your father?! Mommy's trusted right-hand man?! This is absurd! How did we miss the resemblance?!" Asha can't believe it at all.

If they can't even believe it, imagine how I reacted when our mom told the truth about me.


Maybe it's true what Durov mentioned yesterday. I shouldn't be bugging with their business, I am not part of the family after all.

"Sasha, meet our guest," Silas said when he saw me walk past the living room. I sigh mentally before shaking hands with the royal couple and the princes'.

"This is your eldest?" The queen asked.

"Yes," My mom smiled.

"Ah ... Valentine's kid." My parent's expression changes.

"I'm sorry, but, where did you learn about that?" My mom asked.

"Oh, Durov told us." Both of our parents turned to him with wide eyes.

"I see. Never knew he has such mouth before. Anyway, regarding our discussion earlier, where should we hold the engagement party? Your castle or my mansion?" Our father asked the king.

"I want to marry the princess," I said before the king even open his mouth.

"I'm sorry? What did you just said?" The king and queen seems confused.

"I want to marry the princess." The princes' laughs at me.

"What are you saying, you wish to marry our sister? Are you out of your mind? You don't even have the right anatomy to be with her." Albert laughs together with his brothers.

I took the liberty to grab the butter knife and threw it in between his foot. With a smile, I place a finger on my lips, telling him to stay as quiet as possible.

"Like I said before I was rudely interrupted, I want to marry the princess." Before Durov could do anything, I unholster my gun and pointing it directly at him.

"I am serious, I want to take Durov place as her fiancée," I said without breaking eye contact with the king. He was surprised by my action but he kept his cool.

"I see ... what is all this, Natalya? You were the ones who said that you will be marrying your son to my princess. What's the meaning of this?" The king asked my mother.

"Seems like I made a mistake. I have no idea that my eldest has a crush on the princess as well." Mother explained.

"No! Mother! I'll be the one who marries Adelaide! She's not even an Irish! Please, mother, do something!" I took this chance to shoot his thigh and watch him bleeding on the couch.

"Sorry ... a force of habit." I shrugged my shoulder before dropping my gun on floor.

"Aren't you going to do something about your brother who's bleeding profusely?" The queen asked I turned to Durov who's staring daggers at me.

"He's a big boy, can handle himself. Besides, if he can't handle a little wound, how would he survive taking over the family business." I smiled at his misery.

"What kind of human being are you!" Durov screamed at me.

"A human being that's not afraid of anything." Honestly, I have no idea what I'm doing myself.

I want to impress the king and queen but instead of making sure they know I'm serious about taking Adelaide as my partner, I ended up scaring them..

"Is this the person you fell for, Adelaide? My God ... I never thought that there's someone out there behaving exactly like you when you are." The king sighed.

"Natalya, as much as I want to praise my daughter for her poise and demeanor looks, she's not exactly a princess material herself. She often let her emotion took controls of things." The king explained.

"Hmmm ... as much as I want you to be my daughter In law Sasha, you have to show me how determined you are to have my daughter as your partner. Same goes to you as well Durov. You have to show me how deep is your love for our ... well ... awfully jealous princess." The king smiled.

Show how deep our love is? Do I even love her?

"I have an idea. Let's invite them to Ostria, have some time in the military. Let them have the taste of being a soldier." Albert suggested.

Don't tell me that the king actually considering this!

"Albert's right, father. Let them fight for their lives to marry our sister. Adelaide deserves someone that can protect her. This is not about the debt anymore. This is about strength, love, and determination." Prince Martin smirk at me.

"There's no way a girl like you could survive in a war zone. Even if you're an assassin, you don't have what it takes to survive." Prince Albert added.

Damn it! I'm at disadvantage now. I know that Durov received some military training since our parents force him to do so. Unlike me, I have no experience in the jungle terrain.

"Good luck, sis. Just to let you know, I will have her hand in marriage. She's mine!" Durov pushed me away as he tried to stand up with Asha's help.

"So, Sasha, do you agree?" My mom asked me with a smile on her face.

This is absurd! But ... looking at Adelaide's worried expression, I just have to do it. I want her ... I admit it, my heart can't take it if she decided to marry my brother. There's no way I can bounce back from that heartache.

By hook or by crook, I will survive this little test. I just have to!
