4 | "Help me ... please!"


I was just casually strolling along the red light district after meeting my brother at the club when I saw someone I never dream of meeting in this kind of place.

"Seems like even you need to be serviced." I crossed my hands as he heard me.

"Miss Sasha! Welcome! Party of one?" One of the hostesses saw me talking to Mr. Vincent.

"No thank you. Take good care of my friend over there. He's been so ... tense lately. Remember girls, be thorough, okay?" I winked at the hostesses.

"Yes, ma'am." They said before dragging Mr. Vincent inside the host club. This is perfect! I know something about him! If he decided to be a dick again, I could just expose him!

"GET OFF ME!" Huh? What's going on? Another drama in the district again?

"LET ME GO!" Eh ... is that Alani Bougen, one of my student? If I remember correctly, her parents are in the trafficking business. Either human or smuggling things, they do anything.

"Hey hey hey! Let her go. What's wrong with you?" I grabbed Alani by the wrist and pulled her behind me.

"What is wrong with you bitch! She's my fiancée!" Ehhhhhh! A 17-year-old with a fiancée who looks older than I am?!

"How old are you?" I asked, just curious.

"What is up with you! Give her back! She needs to be taught a lesson a two about respecting others!" I smacked his hand away before he could touch my student.

"I'm really don't want to do that." I smiled. When he tried to yank Alani from my back, I use the back of my hand to slap him across the face. It's probably too hard since everyone around us turned to see what's going on.

"Bitch ... you're going to regret that!" He touched his redden cheek before whipping out his gun that was tuck around his waistline.

As he was aiming that forsaken gun at me, Alani let go of my hand and gave me a little smile.

"I'm sorry miss Sasha. I can handle it." It pains me to see a woman saying those things. She obviously giving up on her own life after she was told to be with him. I can see in her eyes that she's not happy at all.

"Is that what you want? To be chain down by a man like him?" Alani looked down on the ground.

"I don't have a choice, Miss." she wrapped her hands around her stomach.

"I don't have any say in this. He's ... I'm ..." She's crying in front of me.

"Ugh! Just come here or I shoot both of you and that unborn child of ours. Come on Alani, be my bitch!" Unborn child? Hmm ... I get parts of the situation now.

"And you, tattoo bitch, stay away from our business or your life will be a living hell from now on." He said with a smirk. God, I hate this man.

Alani was about to go when I grabbed her hands and pulled her back behind me. This fiancée is hers seems to tick off.

"Bitch, this is your last warning!" He threatened but I keep my focus on Alani instead of giving a damn about him.

"Alani, I am talking not as your teacher but as a friend. Do you feel happy with this arrangement? Do you wish to continue this abusive relationship with him? If so, go on but if you wish for freedom, just say it and I'll make sure that's what you'll have." She was in deep thought when her fiancée reached out to her but I used my ball pen to stabbed his hands.

He yelled in the pain as he tried to pull the ball pen out.

"Oh ... sorry. I I thought it was an animal. Well, from the looks of things, you acted like one." He is pissed, really, really pissed.

"YOU BITCH!" He was about to aim his gun but I did a spinning kick onto his hand and he dropped the gun on the ground. I picked up the gun and it's my turn to aim at him.

"Alani, your decision please," I said as I glared at him.

"I want to be free, free from all of these. I want to graduate, Miss Sasha." That's a good decision.

With that said, I grabbed this man by the hair and shove the tip of his own gun into his mouth.

"You heard her, right? She wishes for freedom." He nodded, afraid that I might shoot his brain out. I patted his head before pulling his gun out of his mouth and face Alani.

"Well, a little punishment never heard a fly." While I was smiling at my student, I pulled the trigger and shoot both of his legs. It's been a while since I hold a gun.

Ahh .. the sound of his screaming really does make a good ambiance after all.

"Come on, let's meet your parents and I'll explain everything to them." Alani nod as she keeps looking at her bleeding ex-fiancée.

"YOU WILL REGRET THIS BITCH!" I acted scared in front of my student.

"Oh no! My legs shaking!" I mocked him as I laughed before facing him.

"I have no regrets. If you wish to end me, come and meet me at my home. I'm sure my family would love to kill you as well. Let's see if you have what it takes to kill the Irisha." His eyes widen when he heard that name.

That shuts him up. Usually I wouldn't be using my last name in any situation but, to avoid more bloodbath, I just have to. I'm pretty sure Asha will have a field day if he decided to be a moron.


"I heard you're being nosy again." Asha barged into my room as I was about to strip my clothes off.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I asked.

"Ever heard of mind your own business?" She bantered.

"Ever heard of helping others? God! All that training fried your brain huh?" I was referring to her qualifications exams for Volin.

"Sasha, you can't help everyone. What you did, really put a lot of eyes on to us. The man you shoot is a member of a notorious gang!" That explain his attitude.

"So? We could kill him." I trace a line across my neck.

"Just because you're a graduate from Volin, that doesn't mean you can kill anyone." Says the person who exploit everyone's status for her own gain.

God, I just realized my mother raised a monster.

"Sasha, your an active assassin correct? Why would you expose yourself being a teacher?" She finally sounds normal.

"Remember that one song we heard in Pirates of the Caribbean? That pirate song?" She nodded.

"What was its first verse?" I asked.

"The King and his men stole the queen from her bed and bound her in her bones?"  I nod.

"What does the song meant by that?" I asked but she shrugged her shoulder.

"The word stole and bound in a song, what do you think happened to the queen while she was bound?" She sighs at my question.

"That doesn't explain my question, Sasha." I grinned.

"But it explained everything why I am an active assassin. I want to end these type of people from the very face of the earth. Since the students in my class from one of the most powerful family in the country, why not using them for my own advantage like how our mother did?"

I sound devious.

"That's your true intention?" Is it?

"Nah. I just want to be normal for a change. I mean, all our lives, we've been exposed to what, violence, gangsterism, vandalism, killing, murders, I just want to teach high school kids and be normal." Am I?

I was literally forced to take this position since my mother said that she will skin me alive if I just lazing around the house.

"Alright then. I'll do something about Alani's condition. She's pregnant?" I nodded.

"And she wants to keep it? Why? It's a seed from that man isn't it?" Let's just say her motherly instinct kicks in when I mentioned abortion.

"It's her choice beside, she can afford to raise a baby on her own." Asha sigh.

"Since you came to the school, the Special Class seems to be on everyones radar now. They quite famous before entering the special class you know. For their devious, evil deeds to other students. They used their power to walk all over the student body. Why do you think they're so secluded from the main campus?" Really? They all fine to me.

"Asha, Adelaide is here." Wait, did Elra said Adelaide?!

I gave my sister the eye as she smirks at me.

"What? She's my friend. Friends allowed to go to their friends house." She really made me feel all tingling now that she's in our house.

I followed Asha to meet Adelaide. 

Before I could get my feet in the living room, I froze when I heard Adelaide chuckle at whatever my mother was saying to her. Even her laughter makes me happy.

"Alright, who is the true idiot who interfere in Alani's life?" Whoa! Where did the sweet and kind Adelaide go?

"It's my sister, Sasha. Sasha, come here and meet Adelaide." I shake my head no as I walked backward. I didn't get to escape when inhit something soft that made me froze again.

"Come on, let's meet Adelaide. She has something to say to you." It's my mother! When did she get behind me?! She literally pushes me towards the living room.

"So, you're the one who interferes with Alani's life? Why?" She's so not the sweet and kind Adelaide I met before but she's HOT!

"Well, I'm waiting." She was crossing her hands while tapping her feet on the floor.

"Well ... I was just passing by when my student asked for my help. That is all." Adelaide sighed. What's the problem anyway?

"If this is true, you have to fix it because that ex-fiancée of her, he wants to kill every single one of the Bougen family for the embarrassment he suffered last night." He what?!



"That's my name." She replied.

"You can let me go now."

"Nope. I won't." She throws another knife that almost hit my shoulder. I smile when she smiles.

"I heard that you have feelings for me. What are you? A pedophile?" What the ... Asha!

When I turned my eyes to my sister, she avoids eye contact with me. How dare she told my crush about my feelings! That's the last time we ever have a girl talk!

"I'm not a pedophile. You're 17, not a child anymore. You know, I'm certain country, you're suitable for marriage by now." I winked before she throws another knife at me. This time she hit right above my head.

And here I thought a normal person actually friends with Asha.

"Adelaide is actually a foreigner. She wasn't born and raised here." Elra informed me. That's news for me.

"Really? Where are you born and raise then? Europe? Asia? North Korea?" I smile while mocking her.

"Well, your first guess is correct. I'm from a little country named Ostria." She proudly announce.

"Austria?" I asked.

"No no no. Ostria ... with an O." She explained. Ostria? I never heard of a country named Ostria before.

"Are you all joking with me? There's no way a country named Ostria even existed." I laughed it off before Adelaide throw another knife and she actually stabbed me by the arm! OW!

"I feel that's on purpose!" I yelled when the pain finally hits me.

"A little bit! How dare you mock my country like that." She's seriously wanted to throw another knife at me?!

I really should escape from this rope! Just how the hell did she manage to tie me up this tight!

"Wait wait wait! Okay! I'm sorry for mocking your country." Adelaide smiled.

"You see, Sasha. Adelaide, she's actually a princess. Her father is the king of Ostria. We're in a presence of a royal family." Asha simply slides that in as Adelaide played with the knife on her hands.

She's not the princess type at all! Where's the kind and polite princess she should be!

"Mock me again? I know what you're thinking in that little head of yours. You were thinking 'she doesn't act like a princess' right?!" She glared while placing the tip of her knife on my cheek.

"What kind of sexual innuendo are you two doing in here? Asha, Elra? Were you watching them having sex? Come on ladies, let them have their moment. I never thought that both of you two to be that kind of people." Mommy!

"Mommy! Please release me from this!" She was reluctant.

"Huh? I'm sorry honey, I'm not that kind of mother. I may look like his but I'm not into incest." Mommy! That's not what I meant by releasing me!!

"Mommy! That's not what I mean! She's insane! Kinda hot, but still, insane!" She pushed the tip of her knife onto my cheek. I can feel my blood trailed down my neck.

"Oh ... Are you into that as well? Princess, what should I tell your parents when they asked about your behavior?" Seriously this old hag! Just release me damn it!

"Just tell them I'm a good child and student. They believe whatever you say, ma'am." That blows!

"Well, I'm going to get a wine bottle then. Have fun girls." No! She's leaving me with her!

"MOMMY! HELP ME!" She only laughed before leaving me alone with the crazy princess and my sisters.

"Insane huh. I thought you like me." She smiled lovingly.

"Well, to be honest, I like the kind and polite you. Not this crazy, bloodlust chick." I should really learn self-control.

"Well, growing with only my brothers, I tend to learn their way of having fun, and that's hunting. I learn martial arts to protect myself and I am the youngest member of my country's military. How do you expect me to act after those upbringing?"

Damn! She's hardcore.

"I was born to Silas and Natalya Irisha. I think that's enough to tell what kind of life I have right until now." I retort.

She couldn't argue with that.

"Also. My little brother wants to be a crime lord, my sister wants to be an assassin, my other sister wishes to be like my mother. What's worse? Your upbringing, or my sibling's ideology?" I added.

The princess hummed her response. That got her speechless!

"I think ... I think you need to bring me to lunch, I'm hungry." Huh?! She tied me up, treat me like an animal, stabbed me with a knife and now she expects me to bring her to lunch?!

Does she really think I'm such a pushover?!

"Sure." I smile. I am such a pushover!


"Alani," I called out for Alani when I saw her walking past my desk.

"Yes?" She turned her body to face me.

"I heard that your ex-wanted to do something to do. Care to explain what's going on?" She gave me a smile.

"No need to worry about that. My friends decided to help me with that." Her friends? She meant...

"What, teach? You really think we would let one of a classmate be in trouble? What's the whole point of having all the power if you don't exploit it." Clayton voice out as he enters the classroom.

My my ... and the other teachers said they're monsters. I smiled.

"Anyways Miss, why are you in the red light district?" Alyssa decided to be nosy.

"There's something only adults can do. Let's put that aside, shall we? Anyway, I have this piece of paper that came from the student council stating that you're chosen to be this year host for welcoming of our freshmen students. What is it about actually?" I asked my students.

Adelaide literally shoves it into my face when I arrived this morning. Seriously, the more I know about her secrets, the more exciting it gets.

"It's exactly what it says, we welcome the freshmen. Don't you have this kind of events at your old schools?" Clayton asked me.

"Not really. Usually, I just escape everything and let the others handling since they are scared of me." The students facepalming themselves.

They begin to explain to me about the event. It sounds like there's a lot of work for us to do. Why do I have to be in this event as well?

"You're the teacher. That should explain everything why you have to involve yourself in events like this." Hinako voices out.

"The real question is, what should we do for that day? Remember our welcoming event? The seniors put up an expo for us and the other students to enjoy." Asked one of the Madden Twins. Expo? What kind of expo?

Actually, what's an expo?!

"What about a circus?" Aaron suggested. A circus?! Just how much do they willing to spend for this one-day event?!

"How about a human cage? We should expose ourselves to the freshmen, spreading fear." Ruby smirked as she told everyone her suggestion.

She really needs to be less darker than she already is. Just because she's the daughter of a mobster, that doesn't mean she has to be like her parents.

"Scratch that, what about a concert? All of us have some music background, Hell, we basically forced to learn music notes. What say you?" Ronald Hendrix said.

From the dossier, his parents used to be famous singers before they opening their own recording studio.

My my, that's a splendid idea.

"A concert? But the seniors did a concert last year as well. I don't want our class to be known as a copycat." Clayton added.

If only they put this much effort into studying, I wouldn't have to crack open my brain just to think about the solution of their bad grades.

"Why not we just do a pep rally in the gym? It is a welcoming event. There's no need to think a fuss about. Beside, they never even attend any fancy concert or party before. From what I heard, most of the new students this year can't even afford their own meal money." Fred Gates finally said something in class.

He never talked before but when he did, he sounds like a power-craze maniac who look down on others. Well, he was raised in a military environment since both of his parents in the military as a high ranking officer.

"A good old pep rally huh. But I thought we only do pep rally when there's a game or whatever." Alyssa voiced out.

"I have a suggestion." Beverly raised her hand.

"Since its a welcoming event for the freshmen, let's expose them to the school's curriculum. That way they know which club or association to enter." That sounds great.

"I remember my time when I was a freshman, there's so many clubs and association to choose from, it took me a week to decide since none of the senior even bother to explain about the things the school provide." She added.

That's actually a nice idea. I approve.

"Since we're the host this year, why not we provide a proper budget for every clubs and association in this school to open a booth on that day. We can ask Alyssa to calculate the amount we should give a club or association. Let them explain to the freshmen about their club so they could choose which to join at the end of the day. How's that?" Beverly was waiting for our reply.

"That's actually the smartest idea I've heard today. Better than a human cage." They all turned to Ruby. Ruby shrugged her shoulders while playing with Alani's hair.

"Good job Beverly." I smiled at her. She seems proud of herself for suggestion something.

"The student council will also help you guys with preparing the booths and stands." Huh, when did Adelaide and my sisters arrived? I legit didn't see them coming at all!

"That would be great, thanks, Adelaide." Wyatt blushed when he saw Adelaide smiling at him.

Wait a minute, was that blush means something? I turned to Adelaide who's enjoying the attention she gets from the boys. What a whore, but still, it's exciting to see her doing that!

What is wrong with me?!

"Something the matter Miss Sasha?" Adelaide asked as she crossing her hands. She's playing that game huh? I can do the same thing.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just thinking about my date tonight. You may proceed to discuss the matter with my class. As you were." Her expression changes from calm and proud, to jealousy and anger.

Oh yes, I love that effect.

"I'm guessing yesterday's event didn't leave a mark on your body at all." She decided to look away. Oh God, I like that!

"Then, let's begin the discussion about our budget wise. How much do you bunch willing to give?" Asha went into presidency mode just like that!

Maybe I should take a nap while waiting for them. I mean, I didn't get any since Adelaide took my sleeping time last night.

Just why do I have to watch The Purge franchise with her is something I wonder myself.
