16 | Revenge, Death, Family


"DUROV!" He smirks when he sees me barging in the room. Without thinking the consequences, I grabbed his collar and pulled her away from Adelaide. He laughed at my reaction while laying on the floor.

"It's too late, she's going to have my child in her and she doesn't have any choice but to marry me in the end. You snooze, you lose sister!" I grabbed a wooden chair nearby and slammed it onto his body as hard as I could.

The impact was so hard that it broke into pieces.

"Sasha.." I heard Adelaide soft voice before she went out cold. I remove my jacket and covered her exposed body. I can't believe she was rape like this. It's all because of that guy!

"So what? Even if you hit me millions of time, it doesn't change the fact that I just impregnate her. You can't do anything or have the right anatomy, to begin with, Sasha! I won this round!" I brought Adelaide's body close to mine.

I can't believe that she was treated like this. He will suffer the consequences. He will!

"SASHA! I heard screaming, what's going-..." Asha was lost at words when she saw Adelaide.

"Sasha... what happened to her?" Her eyes wander to Durov who is laying half naked on the floor.

"Durov... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?!" Asha finally yells at him.

"ASHA! Please, bring her to the hospital. I'll deal with him. Go now!" Asha groans her frustration before she took Adelaide from me.

"Sasha, make her pay!" Asha picks Adelaide up in tidal style and rushes towards the hospital. There was a commotion outside when students saw what happened to Adelaide.

"What do you have to say for yourself, dog?" Durov continues to laugh while playing with his dick.

"Man, I love how warm she is. I wish to do more but you just have to butt in, sister. Don't worry, after this, she will be mine and mine alone," I kneel on one knee and grabbed h by the collar.

"You wish, little brother. I'm sorry to tell you that Satan just called me, it wants it's shit back," I ball my fist and punch his face repeatedly until his nose and mouth bleeds.

"Listen well, Durov. I hope you know how to pray because you will not leave this room alive," I was about to punch him again when my mom and Silas enters the room.

"SASHA! Don't kill him!" Silas pushed me over from his son and protected him with his own body.

"What happened here?" Mom asked. I looked up at her nonchalantly.

"He raped my fiancée. Asha's on her way to the hospital right now. Mom, I'm sorry, say goodbye to your son," I noticed a folding chair not far from where I am.

"SASHA!" I ignore my mother as I hit both Silas and Durov with the folding chair. Silas fell face down while Durov hit his head hard on the floor.

"It's a good thing that you came here Silas, I wonder, did you raped my mother? If so, you raised a rapist because you're a rapist yourself. Prepare to die, both of you!" Before Silas could get up, I hit his back with the folding chair again.

He groaned in pain as his face fall flat on the floor. I grew the dented folding chair away and stepped on Durov's chest. I have no regrets if I even kill him.

"Sasha..." I heard my mother called for me.

"I have to mom. He hurt her... only God knows how she begged that someone came to save her before it even happened! If it's not because of Alyssa, I would've never known what happened to her!" I can feel my tears threatening to fall on my cheek.

"Sasha... I know, what he did was wrong. But this is not the place to kill them. Your father is waiting outside. He and his man will bring Silas and Durov to his villa. You can finish what you wish to do there, okay?"

Valentine walks in with a couple of his people behind him. I watched as they grabbed both Silas and Durov from the floor.

"For now you should head to the hospital. I'm sure the first person Adelaide wants to see us you. I'll handle the things here myself," my mom nod at Valentine before she grabbed my hand and lead me out from the classroom.

I can't think clearly since I can only imagine Adelaide face when I first barged into the room. She was crying, she was asking for help, she was begging for him to stop.

I failed as a fiancée and a human being.

"Sasha, I'm not going to lecture you about anything. I just want to say that whatever you choose to do with them, it's up to you and you alone. They crossed too far this time,"

I can feel my mother's hand on my thigh when we're in the car.

"Please be strong. I'm sure Adelaide needs you to be that way," she's right, as usual.


"Asha," my sister looks up when she heard my voice.

"Sasha, mom," She turns back to Adelaide who's sleeping peacefully.

"What did the doctor said?" I asked as I placed my hand on her forehead.

"She's fine, don't worry. He didn't do anything to her except..." she sighs heavily.

"What happened to him? Did you kill him yet?" I shake my head no.

"What?! Why?! Mommy! You want to keep that monster?! He's not your son anymore if he did something his awful to my best friend! Not to mention Adelaide is Sasha's fiancée! He raped his own sister-in-law! He may be your son but he's not my brother anymore!" I hushed Asha up when her voice gets too loud.

"Keep your voice down! He's at Valentine's Villa together with Silas. I will finish what I started later on. Please, I need some alone time with her, will you two please leave this room," mom nod before she grabbed Asha by the arm.

"Take your time, sweetie," I waited until they close the door before I rest my forehead on her shoulder.

"Ade... please wake up. I'm sorry I wasn't there when it happened," I let my tears fall on her shoulder.

"Ade, please wake up... please..." I begged, I literally begged for her to wake up.

"Sasha..." I glance up to see her looking down at me.

"Ade... you're awake!" I hugged her.

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I? Where are we? Wait, is this a hospital?! Why am I here?" She suddenly went silent.

"Ade..." I glance up again to see she's crying.

"Sasha... I'm... I... I was... Sasha... I..."  she turned sideways before ball herself up on the bed. I can hear she's sobbing silently.

"Ade, I'm here. I will not leave you alone anymore, I promise. This is all my fault. I should ban him from coming into the school. I should be more careful. I'm sorry Ade.." she continued to sob.

"I tried... I tried to retaliate but, he was that strong. He wasn't himself, he was too strong for me to fight back... my virtue... he forcefully took it from me... Sasha, I'm dirty... I don't deserve somebody like you," she said between sob.

Wait, she's breaking up with me?!

"Ade... please don't say that. It's not your fault, it's mine. Please, Ade, face me, please..." She turns to me with her tear-stained cheek. I wish I could make this pain and suffering disappear from her eyes, I would.

"I promise, I'll make things right. I'll make sure, he gets what he deserves. I promise you that Adelaide Ostria," she cries again before hugging me.

"Sasha... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.." Why is she apologizing?! He's the one who forces himself to her!

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." I rubbed her back as she cries.

"Shhh... don't apologize, it's not your fault. I promise I'll make things right. Whatever happens after this mayhem, I'll be right by your side, forever," I return to hug before both Asha and my mom enters the room.

"I'll leave you with my sister, for now, okay? I promise I get myself here as soon as I can," I pulled away from her but before that, I leave her a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"Asha will keep you company while I'm gone," I gave her a small smile before facing my mother.

"Mom let's go," She seems reluctant but she knows what's the right thing to do. The walk to the car was painfully silent. Once we're inside, my mom turns to me with a worried expression.

"Sasha, how did you know Durov was conceived when Silas was drunk? Did Valentine told you about that?" Wait, what?!

"Mom, What? He was drunk when you two make Durov?!" Momma expression was priceless.

"Wait, you don't know? How did you know Silas force himself to me?!" Wait, what?? He was?!

"Mom! He raped you?! Why didn't you leave him after he raped you?! She waved it off.

"He didn't rape me, he was drunk. We both were, but, how did you know about him that way?" I shrugged. What's going on now?

"I was just guessing. Mom, tell me the truth, did she force himself when you two made Asha, Elra? Tell me the truth!" She shakes her head no.

"No, that was love. It was a rough start for us back then. He knows about Valentine and then you came along, he cheated, got drunk and we made Durov that night. Asha was accidental and Elra was planned," how can this woman love that man?!

It's, unthinkable!


"Mom, Valentine, please stay here. Wait until I called for you two to come then open the door, okay?" Both mom and Valentine nod their head. I turn the knob which leads me to where both Silas and Durov were held.

"Ahh, look, daddy, it's Sasha. She finally comes to play with us again," Durov smirk while Silas laughs at me.

"Sasha, come for more? You know you can't beat us both right? What are you planning to do now? Kill? Your mother wouldn't be happy once she knows that you kill her husband and so," it's my turn to return their smirk.

"Mom knows, she's right beside this door with Valentine. You two had caused a lot of pain to the person I love, both mom and Adelaide. It's time for me to return the favor I guess, kneel before your master, dog," Silas and Durov looked at each before laughing at me.

"KNEEL I SAID!" I shouted before pulling the gun I had shove at the back of jean and shoot their foot.

"Kneel, I say," they were forcefully kneeling by the pain I had caused by shooting their foot.

"Now, that's a good dog. You know, after what you did to my mind, it took Lady Irina countless of therapy session to make me normal again. But, every time I'm angry at something, my mind just simply, pop, you know what I mean, right?" Silas looks up to me with horror.

He should be proud that he's the one who creates this side of me. I leaned forward and chuckled.

"Pray, pray to your god to save you. Once I'm done with you two, I don't think anyone would even recognize the name Irisha anymore," I leaned back and walk towards a table not far from where they are. I place my gun down and turn to face them again.

With them losing blood like so, I think I should really get started with the lesson I've prepared.

"Behold, my personal kit," I showed them a roll of brown cloths that I had hidden in my jacket.

"Don't laugh at the size of this, I'm sure it'll bring more pain that you've could even imagine. Let's see, let's start with this barbed wire I have. Don't worry, it's big enough to see anything," I smiled.

I made took a knife with me and pushed Durov on the floor. Let's see, maybe I should carve something on his chest before anything. He should beautiful once I'm done.

"Hey ready little brother, you'll be beautiful in the end, I promise," I grinned as I stabbed his chest multiple times with my knife. I made an incision on his chest and laughed as his blood literally sprayed my face.

"That's a sweet, sweet scent of blood, brother. I remember you from that day. You were laughing at how Silas pierced that iron rod into my skull. Don't worry, I'll do the same to you later on," he screamed, struggling as I sat on his stomach and continuing cutting him open, exposing his organ.

With this much blood puddles, he'll die though. I should .... save him.

"Soon, you'll be arriving in Hell. Tell the devil this when you met him, Sasha will come to see you when she dies, don't forget, okay?" I showed him the barn wife I had ready and forcefully closing his chest with it.

Silas looks at me with his eyes widen. I turn to him with a smile.

"Don't worry, you'll get what you deserve, daddy," I laughed as he screamed at the horror I've become.

"Don't die on me, okay brother," Durov was dying, I know that much but, I have something I should be doing before anything.

"Let's see here, oops. Sorry brother, my hands just touched your dick. Don't worry, I'll handle it, okay," I remove his pants off and played with his dick.

I stroke it up and down before squeezing it hard.

"You... rape my fiancée with this..." he gasped for air each time I squeezed it hard.

"You don't need this when you're in hell," swiftly, I cut it off and shove it in his mouth. He died while choking on his own dick. I sighed heavily before turning to Silas who tried to escape from my wrath.

"Now now, daddy, you shouldn't escape. You like to play with me when you strapped me to the steel bed many years ago. Did you forget how you would shove your hand inside my womanhood? I don't," his eyes widen in horror.

"What? You thought that I had forgotten all the nasty stuff you did to me, daddy? Oh, I don't. I remember every single thing you did while moms away... I remember everything! Not even that electric shock therapy can make me forget what you've done to me, Silas!"

Can he just stop moving around so much! Ugh! I decided to use the back of my hand and slapped him hard across the face. He fell on his back but he tried to crawl his way out instead. Ugh!

I took the same knife that I used earlier and grabbed his head back. I kneel one of my knees on his back and leaned into his ear.

"Don't cry, daddy. I'm sure mom will visit your grave... at the swamp," I used to expose his neck and use the knife to slit his throat. I laughed at the sound of him wheezing, trying to live his dying life.

"Mom... you may come in now," I heard the door opens, followed by her gasped.

"Sasha..." I turn to face my mother and Valentine with my body drenched in blood. I continued to laugh, letting go of my knife that's in my hand.

I'm back to my old self again. It's so good to be able to be my old self again.

"Mom, What should I do now? I can't stop this frenzy I have... have to kill. I need to kill more, mom..." my mom hugged my body as I rambling about unnecessary things.

"Shhh... it's fine, Sasha... just calm down, okay... calm down..." my mom tried hard to calm me down but I can't...

I ... I have to kill more... more...


"Are you calm now?" I nod to my mom.

"Good. You've done such mess, the maids are having trouble cleaning it up," I did may go overboard but it's all worth it.

"So? You hate me now for killing your only son and husband?" My mom glared.

"We were in a process of getting a divorce. Now he died, from a heart attack, I think I'm a free woman," heart attack? That's the best she can come up with.

"So, what will be your son cause of death? Choking by fishbone?" She sighs. Maybe I went too far. He is her son after all. She pushes that sorry ass man out from her vagina.

"Fatal accident. That's his cause of death. Sasha, I need some time alone, okay? There's a lot going on and now I have to bury my son. Don't worry though, I'm not mad at you, I love you, okay?" She forces a smile before kissing my forehead.

"She is sad, right?" I asked Valentine who showed up behind me. He really thought I wouldn't notice him?

"Yes, deeply. She knows she did something terrible, she knows that but, she still a mother and Durov is her son after all. Whatever he did,  she's the one who took care of him when he was just a boy. She even gave birth to him," and now I simply kill her only son.

So? He raped my fiancée. He deserves to die despite mom's feelings.

"I think she's going to be alright. She is Natalya after all," he smiled.

"You need to take a shower before going back to the hospital. You don't want Adelaide to see you like this, right?" He is right, I need to clean myself up.

"One last question before I go," I spoke before he turns to me. 

"Do you still love my mother?" I asked. He only smiles and places a finger on his lips.

"Shhh, that's adult stuff," it's so obvious that he does. I leave him alone and went to the nearest bathroom I could find. After cleaning myself up, I was surprised to see a set of clean clothes were waiting for me.

"Did he asked the maid to prepare it?" I asked myself before putting it on. It's a little baggy but this is the only thing I have now. I look at the time before I decided it's time to go to the hospital.

I hope everything's fine when I arrived. I just want to take care of her, making sure she's alright.
