17 | Recuperation


It's been a few weeks since I decided to not show myself in public. Pretty sure everyone knows what happened to me. I just don't want to be the centre of attention at times like this. From what I heard, Sasha decided to kill her little brother, making Natalia turned into a living zombie.

I can't blame her since she's the one who gave birth to him, the one who carried him for 9 months. Every mother will be devastated if their kid simply die.

"Princess, mistress Natalia is here," I turned around to see Natalia smiling at me. She looks around before walking towards me.

"Pack your things, we're going overseas," huh? My things? Overseas? What for?

"I'll be waiting," I decided to just entertain her and went to pack my things. Once I'm done, I went to see her again before she led me to the car she came with earlier.

The drive was awkward since we both decided to be quiet until she speaks.

"I'm sorry for what my dead son has done to you. It's something that can't be fixed from apologising but still, I'm sorry for what he has done to you," the tone of her voice, I never heard that tone before. She's about to cry, isn't she?

"I'm learning how to accept things as they are," suddenly her hands on mine.

"I'm sure Sasha will take care of you better than her own life from now on. She has the same mindset as Valentine," I turned to face her.

"I know. Anyway, where are we going?" I asked.

"Russia. I just want to be with my family. With Sasha busy with her student philanthropy project, I guess you need some company as well. So, why not just join me going home to Russia?" And meet the whole Vladimir family?!

"I just want to leave all the bullshit behind, you know what I mean? My divorce is not going well because Silas decided to be a dick. Valentine's family doesn't accept Sasha, and they hated me. Valentine is working on making them accept us both. I just... I just need some me time for now," it must be hard to be Natalia at this moment.

"You wish for peace and quiet?" I asked before she nods. We arrived at the airport. We both got out and grab my things. Natalia didn't bring any since she's going home.

I followed her towards a counter as she pays for the trip.

"We're not using the private jet since it belongs to Silas," wait, I thought...

"He took your wealth?" Natalia froze up when she heard my question.

"That's another way to say it. The legal word is a prenup. I signed one of those atrocious things when I was marrying Silas. Dumb right? Now, all my hard work in bringing the Irisha's glory back to where it is now didn't benefit me at all," hold on, I think I know the real reason she's going back to Russia.

"Natalia, you're going back to get back to your own two feet, am I right?" She smiled before walking towards the boarding counter.

"Yes princess, I'm going home to be a Vladimir again,"



"I never thought be seeing you here, Natalia. You look like a homeless person," a man with a deep voice said when we arrived at the Vladimir castle. I was surprised to see that the place Natalia was born at is huge than the place where I was born and I'm a legit princess!

To live like this, they should be royalty!

"Adelaide, this is Gustow, my older brother. He's the current head of the Vladimir family," Gustow now his head in front of me.

"Princess... you must be Sasha's girlfriend. I'm proud to welcome you to be family. At least someone in the family manages to get someone decent as their partner after my wife," Natalia rolled her eyes.

"He's just bitter because my others siblings either choose assassins or someone who's a nobody and marries them into the family. He's so bitter that he just look down on people," Gustow smiled at me.

"Don't listen to her, she's useless now that she has nothing. I may be bitter but I'm keeping the family name intact. I may be a bastard but I keep them all save," he offered his hand. I place my hand on him before he kisses it like a gentleman he supposes to be.

"Please, treat this home like your own, princess. And I'm sure to give Sasha the reward she fairly deserves for bringing a royalty into this household. Finally... someone who's not going to destroy this family prestige name," I turned to Natalia who just shrugging her shoulder.

We were both led towards a living room where I'm meeting some of He most intense people I've ever met in my life.

"This is Zinovia, my older sister," we shake hands. She looks at me from top to bottom before hugging me.

"Sasha manage to find someone decent for once!" She said while killing me with her hug. For someone who looks like she in her Middle Ages, she does have the same portion as Natalia does, especially on her chest region.

"Annushka, my second older sister," now, she's a blonde beauty, just like Natalia! God, they could be twins. We shake hands.

"This is Yuri, my second older brother," he does have a charming face and such a gentleman.

"Princess, welcome to the family," he took my hand and kiss it.

"This is Zackey, my little brother," he was holding a sleeping newborn but he smiled at me.

"This is Athena, my little sister and besides her is Tatiana," Athena looks at me as if she's going to attack me. Tatiana poke her side before having trouble getting up since she looks like she's ready to give birth!

"Sorry. I'm almost at my due date and this baby just refuse to get out off of me early like it's other brothers and sisters," just how many kids does she have? I gave her a smile.

"So, my lovely siblings, I'm here to tell you that Silas is history. But, I need your help Gustow, can you give a call for your judge friend to speed up the process. I want to marry Valentine as soon as possible.

"Marry into the Van Doreen family? Are you sure, sister?" Gustow asked while he pours a hefty amount of alcohol into his glass," Natalia nod.

"What did mom and dad said?" Zenovia asked.

"They said to do whatever I want to do. My happiness is the number one priority. And for now, Valentine is my happiness while my kids need a decent father," Natalia sigh.

"Adelaide was it? When will you be signing the official letters that stating your name in the Vladimir will?" Athena asked. Huh? What is she talking about? I was confused until Natalia clearing her throat.

"That matter, I have to brief everyone, including you, Adelaide," huh? Brief me? What's going on?!


"Wait, what? What's going on? Why is my name on the will? I'm not even someone related to you all," I asked, confused and curious about what's going on. Is my presence here mean something than recuperation?

"Sasha asked for this. Since your family disown you, she wants you to have a future. She talked to my parents and they agreed to put your name into the will as well. You'll be given the same amount as everyone," Natalia explained while the others nodding their head.

"But I'm a nobody," Gustow chuckled at my retort.

"I thought you want to marry Sasha after your graduating. Princess, your family already," he smiled like the rest of them. I can't believe this! Am I dreaming? I am, right?

"We made thousands in a day, millions in a week, billions in a month and trillions in a year. Trust us, we have all the money in the world," Athena added.

"The Larove, the Avilia, the Billion even the Christ marry into this family. Those are the main money making family in the world. Of course of my siblings being the third wife," they all turned to Tatiana.

"I'm the youngest wife of Jerome Larove," Tatiana answer my question without even asking her.

"Maybe now, you're banned from your own kingdom, but that doesn't mean the blood of a royal doesn't flow in your veins. Being married into a family affiliated with the Vladimir will open your father's eyes. You even have the right to rule once you marry Sasha," Natalia smiled.

"I'm giving you a chance here, to throw your brothers from the right to be kings," that... does sound nice.

"And I can help you with that," Gustow smile.

"His wife is a duchess," Natalia added.

"Once you marry Sasha, your name will be Adelaide Vladimir," Tatiana smiled.

"To make it short, we're giving you the power to be the ruler of your kingdom, without your father or your brother's approval. At the end of the day, the elders of the kingdom are the one who will crown the next ruler," I love my family but... they don't love me back.

This is perfect for me... perfect for my vengeance.

"Where can I sign my name up?" I asked.


I thank the maid for showing me the way to my room. It's been a long day and I just want to rest. Somehow, this room reminds me of my old room in the palace where I grew up. I sat on the bed and turning my phone on.

Immediately, text after text flooded my phone that came from the same person, Sasha. I replied one of her text and told her about the sudden trip to Russia with her mother.

She was worried sick about me and I'm here just... enjoying the trip. I sigh after replying to another one of her text. I decided to take a shower before going to bed. Stripping my clothes while I look at my own reflection makes me sick.

I am vile, dirty and I'm such a degraded woman in front of everyone. How can I simply signed the papers without thinking of the consequences? People won't be looking up to me after they know what had happened to me.

As a princess who had her military training letting herself to be defiled with such, I'm such a useless human being! I keep asking myself, why did I freeze when he did what he did? Why didn't I fight back like I always did when I was attacked?

"Adelaide? It's me, Athena," a knock on the bathroom door brought me back to reality.

"Hold on," I look up to the mirror and wipe my tears before grabbing the folded bathrobe.

"I'm sorry, but I was wondering if you're okay. Natalia went with our parents to meet someone. She asked me to stay here and keep you company," I smiled before walking out.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. I was planning to go to sleep after taking my shower," I hugged my body with my hands when I realise I'm standing in front of her with only my robe.

"I've heard what happened to you. What he did was despicable and Sasha did the right thing," she meant killing him? Maybe it is but Natalia suffered because of it. I feel bad for that but at the same time serve him right.

"What I'm trying to say here is... there is no harm in being selfish or a bitch. When you're too kind to others, they will fucking walk all over your head. That's not how a princess who will rule a kingdom should act," she smiled.

"I was thinking that maybe Sasha will do all the ruling in my name," she chuckled.

"Honey, you really don't know who Sasha is huh? It's okay, in time, you'll know. She's Natalia's kid after all. If you know Natalia as long as I did, you'll never wish for that," now I'm curious.

What kind of person is Sasha? I get it she's a killer but...

