Protective pt.2- Pedri González


"Because it's hot as fuck up here, Y/N," he retorts, "Besides, everyone's already gone in the water anyway." He looks up to meet your gaze as if to say, except for you

Pedri quickly interjects, "We can do it on land,Gavi."

"What's taking so long?" Alejandro says which makes Gavi turn to look in his direction before turning to you.

"Ask Y/N, she doesn't want to go in the water." He says , The pit in your stomach from hours ago returns.

"Oh no, is she hurt?"

"She's not hurt, Alejandro " Gavi says

"Then why can't she jump in? Hurry up, I need to piss," the boy named Alejandro Balde retorted, causing the group to giggle.

Pedri leans into your ear, sending shivers up your spine. "If this is about your clothes, you don't have to, just so you know." The words make the ache in your gut go away for a split second.

For a second, you think about jumping in the water with your clothes on even though you had a bikini , quickly realizing how dumb the idea was.

Then, you think about how this wouldn't be the first time that day you held up the group because of your internal worries. You didn't want to come across as selfish, and you didn't want to spoil the moment.

"It's fine," you mumbled quietly back to the youngster. He leans back, stepping away from you.

You toss the jacket on the ground, the white material landing on the boulder next to you which Pedri and Gavi were standing on. Your hands reach to the waistband of your shorts, fumbling with the button before pulling down the zipper. Bending down, you step out of the article of clothing, setting it next to your strewn jacket.

You were left in you pastel pink bikini. The bottom had two bowties that landed on both sides of your waist, and the two strings that encircled your torso crossed into the shape of an X and laid on your abdomen.

The set was gorgeous.However, it wasn't something you were used to wearing out in public

You weren't the only person who felt that way. Unbeknownst to you, your friends around you had their eyes glued on you the entire time, taking in every move. It wasn't until you turned around that you saw them gawking up at you from the waters below, their mouths agape.

"What?" you questioned, your eyes darting between their faces.

"Why is everyone staring at me?" Your voice lowered as you spoke, the funny feeling in your stomach brewing again.

You turned to your childhood friend who stood next to you for an explanation. The second your eyes met Pedri's, his head snapped in the opposite direction as his hands combed through his hair. It didn't take long for you to realize that he was staring at you, too.

"Damn, Y/N! You got an ass!" Your head turns to meet Alejandro's voice from below, a smirk painted on his face as your friends holler and whistle at his remarks. You rolled your eyes at him in response, shaking your head.

You walk feeling a little embarrassed. You sit at the edge of the cliff and jump into the ocean. You watch from below as Pedri follows your actions.

Your friend, Cassie complimented your body telling you. "If I had a body like yours I would never want to hide it, I would walk around naked all the time but I would get arrested." You slightly giggle.

"No wonder you hide it, our boy Pedri couldn't keep his eyes off you." Gavi says.

Pedri notices your actions to your friends' inappropriate remarks. While they were all in good fun, it didn't take a genius to see that you weren't taking them as compliments.

Guys, knock it off. Seriously." Predi's tone is stern, halting the conversation.

"We were just messing around," Ale defends.Pedri  reaches out to lightly nudge his shoulder, almost throwing him off balance.

Pedri. You still couldn't get his actions a few minutes ago out of your mind. He didn't have to do what he did — reassuring you it was okay not to do anything if you weren't comfortable, then stepping up for you against his other friends. For all you knew, Pedri was a cheeky 20 year old boy himself, and it wouldn't have been surprising if he joined in with his own sarcastic comments.

But he didn't, and it meant a lot to you.

Swimming over closer to shore, you spot the boys laughing as they splashed with water. Your eyes find Pedri instantly as you make your way closer to him.

"Hey." The older boy head snaps in your direction, and you wonder why you took him so off guard.

"Hey," he replies.

"I just wanted to say thank you for earlier. You didn't have to step in for me like that." Pedri's gaze softens at your words, a smile creeping on his face.

"It was nothing. If anything, I wanna say sorry if they made you feel bad or anything."

"You don't have to apologise. I think I needed the push. I'm already getting used to this new style, actually." You place your hands on your hips and pose, eliciting laughter from you two.

"You look amazing. You always do,"Pedri  blurts out. You catch the way his eyes widen for a split second after he finishes his words.

You can't quite put your finger on it, but his words ring differently than the teasing earlier. It was a  genuine compliment, and it didn't make you feel tense like you did before.

Rather, you felt a fluttery feeling in your stomach bloom.

"Thanks. You don't look so bad if I do say so myself." Maybe it was the fact that he was shirtless, his torso on full display as beads of water rolled down the toned abs — how his brown dark eyes seemed to glow under the searing sun, But you don't remember ever being this starstruck when you looked at him.

He nods as a thank you, and soon you two find yourselves fidgeting while avoiding eye contact with each other, turning away again the instant your eyes meet. Something lingered in the air, it sure as hell wasn't just the heat, it was something stronger.

You two finally make eye contact but this time it felt different. He slowly looked at your lips then back up at your eyes before slowly leaning stopping before speaking "can I," asking for permission.

"Yeah," you let out a shaky breath. Your lips connect and as cliche as it sounds if felt like fireworks.
