Break- Jude Bellingham


You were snuggling with your boyfriend, Jude while watching a movie on a Friday night.

You let out a relaxed and happy sigh "I'm so glad we were able to squeeze in our date despite our busy schedules."

You attempted to kiss him after he remained silent but he abruptly jerked his face away and you asked, "Is everything okay?"

"don't you think we spend too much time together?" he said suddenly

Your heart began to race, "no? I enjoy our time together."

Jude went quiet for a few minutes and then said, "we should take a break."

"Of the movie? You don't like it?" you asked. You knew what he meant but you just didn't want to accept it.

he gently moved you off him, "no...a break from each other." He said as he scooted away from you.

All that came out when you wanted to urge him to stop was, "If that's what you want."

"I'll uh call you?" he didn't wait for a reply, instead got up and grabbed his hoodie and then left.

it's been about a week since Jude  left, you didn't know if you should refer to him as your boyfriend after he  suggested that you take a break.

You were spending a night in and venting to your sister and best friend about what had happened.

"everything was perfect and he insisted  this on me!He thinks a relationship is something you can take a break from instead of talking about it," you said.

After taking several long breaths, you saw your sister and best friend gazing at each other with wide eyes.


"nothing," your sister put her phone in her pocket,"just don't check insta." She insisted.

your best friend slightly elbowed her as she saw you move towards your phone to  grab it.

you opened up insta and saw a new post on Jude's story.

you clicked on it and almost dropped the phone at what you saw.

it was Jude. Your Jude at a dinner with someone else and he was holding her hand. He looked happy.
