In bed- Mason Mount


You wake up to Mason's fingers dragging up and down your back, leaving goosebumps in their trail.

You're on his chest, your legs tangled in the sheets, and your arms resting on his waist. As you look up at him, you can hear his heartbeat becoming more rapid.

He brings his hand down to connect with yours and stops moving his fingers down your back. Mason brings your hand up to his lips and kisses the back of it lightly.

"Morning, Love" His raspy morning voice makes your stomach churn. He flips you both over, and you're now on your back, with his hands on either side of your head.

your lips stretch into a subtle smile, "always a good morning when i wake up next to you."

his chest vibrates as he laughs at the inside joke you mumbled.

He comes down and kisses your forehead, then your right cheek, then your left. He gently kisses your face before bringing his soft hand to your jaw and placing another kiss on your lips.

You're raising your head slightly from the pillow to deepen the kiss. You raised your hands to rest on his jaw.

Mason lowers his head, and he connects your lips once more.

"you're the most beautiful girl i've ever seen."

"oh stop it Mase."

Now, you're both lying on your sides, you're just looking at one another. He leans out to sweep a stray hair behind your ear with his palm.

Although no words are spoken, the expression in his eyes speaks volumes on its own. Mason's eyes have a quality that speaks more words than a dictionary, which is nearly unreal. Before he even says it, you can already guess what he'll say next.

"i love you, Y/N."

you join your hand with his— interlocking your fingers.

"i love you more, Mason."

"i don't think so." he says as he pulls you back into his chest. if you had anything to do or anywhere to go this morning— you'd be in trouble knowing you weren't going to escape Mason's grip anytime soon.
