Breakfast in bed- João Félix


Your eyes longed to open, but the sensation of dryness caused you to massage them. As you raised yourself on your forearm on the bed, you could feel your hair all over the place. You yawned more loudly than usual and looked out the bay window. The sunrise has been replaced by a strong sun, but the pink, purple, and orange tones remain.

When you looked behind you and saw the empty space, you rolled over, frustrated that you couldn't wake up close to João. You looked at the time and noticed it was beyond 8 a.m. You debate whether to get up and do something productive or to lie down for a few minutes, which would turn into two more hours of sleep.

You made an effort to brush the flyaways back as you pulled your hair back into a short ponytail. Your heart started to rush as you heard small, quiet steps ascending the stairs. you grabbed the remote next to you prepared to throw it or defend yourself with.

The white door opened, revealing a shirtless João carrying what appeared to be breakfast on a wooden platter. His cheeks flushed slightly when he noticed your adorable expression, put the tray on your lap, and then said, "Good morning, linda [beautiful].

"What does this mean?" Wagging your hand at the set in front of you, you questioned. He had prepared scrambled eggs with crispy bacon on the side, toast with cream cheese tailored to your preferences, a small dish of fruit, your daily vitamins, and coffee made to your tastes.

"On my day off, I just wanted to make you something." He grinned.

"You have today off? Why is that?"

"I just wanted to spend today with you.We hadn't had much time together, and I was missing my beautiful girl terribly;" João acknowledges. He sits to your right, watching you sip your coffee from the white mug and humming in delight.

"Thank you so much. Now come and help me in eating. You need your protein too." You gently grab his chin and kiss him on the lips, thanking him for breakfast once more.

You two eat quietly while watching the news in the background to keep up with what's going on. He notices your every move, from the way you smile, talk, and wave with your hands, to the way you laugh and place your small hand on his bicep. "Since you're off today, I was thinking we did something later in the evening?" you inquired, squinting as you saw him nod.

"What did you intend to do?" He spoke as he rubbed his larger hand against your bare thigh.

"I was thinking we should go to that restaurant we've been wanting to try, I'll pay, and then we can walk around the city, join a club, and have a drink together?" You finish your last bite of your egg and begin eating your toast.

"Sounds good, but I'm the one paying, not you, João says, but you refuse. "No way, no how. I'm paying because I'm inviting you. You paid the last time, and you know how I get João ." You have aroaned slightly. He gives you a kiss.

"no. you already made me breakfast in bed, it's my turn," you said. "fine. i guess," João says, in his head already planning to call the place to change the payment method to his information. he watches as you get up, your shirt rising up as you stretch, he gazes at you . " i love you João"

"I  love you too y/n."
