In love- João Felix


You and João had gotten in a fight, it wasn't physical but he did get pretty mad and walked away.

You were laying in bed when you got  a message from him you wanted to say yes because deep down you knew you wanted to go.

João 💘
Hey, I'm just checking if  you  are
still coming to my game today?

i don't know yet, i have a pretty
busy schedule today.

you texted back João after a few seconds you heard your phone vibrate again

oh ok, i'll see you
tomorrow i love you ❤️

you could feel that he was disappointed that you couldn't go but you decided to surprise him.

you grabbed his jersey that you had in your closet, you put it on and put on some jeans you also retouched your makeup.

as you were leaving the house you heard your phone vibrate again you looked at it, another message from João.

hey amor just checking,
are you still busy?

Y/n ❤️‍🔥
hey amor, todavia estoy un poco
ocupada pero puedo llegar a medio
tiempo (hey love, I'm still a
little busy but i can go
at half time)

you sent it to him  as you were already driving to the  stadium once you got to your seat. You saw João's team getting into position.

you saw João looking at the stands which you reacted towards by hiding when you were sure he was done looking you could see the face of disappointment

Time Skip

There was 3 minutes left in the game and the teams were tied, you started hearing people scream 'João, João,João you looked towards the field and saw he has made it past the defense now it was just him and the goalie, 30 seconds

"COME ON JOÃO, YOU GOT THIS' you screamed ready for him to shoot and when he did.

The ball went in, THE BALL WENT IN HE

Everyone in the stands started going

Once the referee blew the whistle João started looking around and when he saw you he run towards the stands and jumped the fence and ran to you

"you made it for half time" he said while hugging
you so hard
"no my love, i was here the whole time" you said to him before kissing his cheek

"i love you y/n and you make me the happiest
man alive"

"oh my god i'm so inlove with
this man."
