chapatick-Pedri González


Pedri was aware of your obsession with chapstick and the different type of flavors that there were. Every time you ran out you would try a different flavor.

Which Pedri noticed, he noticed every time you changed chapsticks. From the taste of your lips when he kissed you or the color of the tube.

He always tried to to guess the flavors. Which lead to you and Pedri creating a small game between the both of you.

Pedri never really tried any chapstick for himself , he'd used a couple of flavorless ones when his lips were chapped in winter, but apart from that, he'd never really seen the need to use them.

Today was one of Pedri's day off, which you two decided to spend together watching tv in the living room.

You were putting on chapstick feeling you lips get dry, you noticed Pedri was watching you apply it on your lips. Once you were done he spoke up "can I try some?" He asked.

"Sure" you said while handing him the tube. "No," he gently pushed your hand away before cupping your face with his hands. He brought
your face to his, softly placing his lips against yours.

He pulled away, leaning back on the couch rubbing his lips together, which made him catch a bit of the taste on his tongue.

"Strawberry?" He questioned, tilting his head slightly.

"No, actually it's cherry"

"Ugh, i Can never tell the difference" he laughs pulling you in for another kiss.

thanks for all
the reads !!
also this is inspired by
some other imagine on
tumblr but I forgot who
Wrote it but if you know please
Let me know some know so I can
Give creds
