* Alaska *

February 4, 7:56 p.m. (a day before the meet and greet)

"Rachel, I told you he's not going to notice me. There are so many people going. There are prettier girls there, why would he want to notice me?" I look at Rachel on the screen, crossing her eyes and sticking out her tongue. 

"Buuuuutt.......what if he does notice you? Hmm? What chu' gonna do about that honey?" she says, wriggling her eyebrows at me.

"Well....I'll be the happiest person in the entire universe."  I say. Suddenly deep into my thoughts. Yeah, maybe I'll be the happiest person in the entire universe, he's all I ever wanted. Okay now I sound desperate. 

"Hey I gotta go now. Remember to tell me EVERYTHING tomorrow! Don't leave out anything!"  and with that we say our goodbyes to each other.

I hope tomorrow goes well..............

* Tanner *

February 4, 6:04 p.m.

"Flight 407 bound for Toronto, Ontario is now ready for boarding" 

It takes 4 hours to get there and by the time I'm there, it's going to be 2 in the morning, I hope I got my time zones right.

"Bye mom, I gotta go now, my flight's boarding" 

Spending 4 days in Vancouver is amazing. I get to meet my fans everywhere, I've meet them in malls, supermarkets, trampoline parks, everywhere. I'm surprised that I have so many female fans too, but none caught my eye yet. One more thing, I made it to the finals of the scooter competition. I cannot express how I'm feeling right now because I suck at expressing my emotions to people. 

"Thank you. Have a safe flight"


I'll just rest my eyes the entire flight and hope that tomorrow will be a good day.

* Alaska *

February 5, 8:04 a.m. ( day of meet and greet )

Crap. I overslept. I was supposed to wake up at 6 to get to Scooter Haven, since I know that the line is going to be very, very, very long.

"Mom why didn't you wake me up when my alarm went off?" 

"I didn't know that you wanted to wake up at 6 to get to the meet and greet. You never told me"

I quickly freshen up myself, put on my  a shirt, a sweater and my white 'TFOX' hoodie, since it's really cold outside, my thick black leggings and black Vans. I quickly put on my beanie and head out to the meet and greet.

Oh, did I tell you that I am walking there? My dad drove his car to work and my mom doesn't have a car. She's a stay at home mother by the way. 

Yeap, it's really really cold

* 10 minutes later *

I'm shivering from the cold. I'm blaming my sorry ass for being this late and now I have to wait outside. The queue isn't short, it's until another block from Scooter Haven.

* 30 minutes later * 

Nope. I don't think I can handle this anymore. The meet and greet starts at 9:30 and it's only 8:44. I can feel myself losing consciousness, everything I see is starting to go black. I'm falling. 

* Tanner *

February 5, 8:27 a.m. 

 A few other people and I just went to get poutine for breakfast. The meet and greet doesn't start until 9:30. I can see people waiting outside in the freezing cold. I told the people working here to let them in since it's so cold outside but they refused to listen to me.

"Hey wanna go on disguise and go down there?" I say to my manager. 

"You go then, I have to do some work."

"Alright then." I put on my sunglasses and wear my hoodie and put my hood up.

"Don't come asking for help if you're trapped there" 


I walked down, going out from the back door. Act Natural. Act natural. I try to be a normal pedestrian, walking normally around the block. wow, there's so many people.  I try to look at everyone's faces, walking and walking, until I see this girl, not standing firmly, as if she was trying to fall? I look at her face and her face is blue. 

I  quickly go up to her, holding her.

"hey!" nothing.

"Hey!" I try slapping her cheek softly. But no use.

She has a pretty face. 

okay stop. she's lying unconscious here, no one seem to notice anything, I'll just bring her up then. I carry her bridal style upstairs to where my manager was.

"WOAH. What are you doing?" shocked. 

"She passed out, from the cold" I set her down on the couch there,put a warmer beside her and put her blanket over her. 

Damn, she's beautiful. I hope she gets better by the time the meet and greet is over.

"Alright then, let's start the meet and greet, I don't want people fainting anymore"

I go down to where the meet and greet was, hearing people chanting my name louder than ever.
