He leans closer to me, eyes still staring at me. He closes his eyes and I lean back, grabbing the milkshake and putting it in front of me. He kisses the milkshake.

He realizes that it wasn't me that he's kissing and gives a disappointed look.


"Frick i messed up. Now you're gonna start avoiding me and we'll be strangers"

"I have someone.. and you can't just get over that girl by kissing someone."

He grunts and grabs his hair. Hard.

"I know... it's just that....(grunts) you're the most beautiful human being in the world and I regretted not telling you earlier. I should've told you on New Year's Eve but you're so caught up with this 'Tanner' kid and I decided that maybe you wouldn't care about me because all you care about is Tanner"

"Drew.... that's not it. I care about you, also, I'm dating Tanner.... take some time off, get ya mind off of that girl and em... why don't I tell the rest of them to come hang out at the mall?"

"Yea sure. Thanks Al, I think you should go home now, it's late"



I tiptoe my way up to my room. Oh right, Tanner's staying with me. I open my door slowly to see a cuddled up Tanner. I slowly make my way to change into my pajamas and climb onto bed. Our backs both facing each other. There's this really thick line between us.

I sigh as I try to force myself to sleep.

I feel movement. It's Tanner. He's moving closer to me. He tries to wrap his arms around my waist but I push him away.

"I thought you wanted space" I whisper, considering that it's really late and my family is sleeping.


Ughhh why Tanner? Why do you always make me go weak on my knees. I can't stand you being like this. God, I'm so weak.

I turn to face him. Oh lord, I can't stay mad at him. I look into his eyes the second I turned. Those deep blue eyes are the death of me.

"I'm sorry about...about everything. I should've given you more time because you totally deserve it, you deserve all my time, you deserve the whole world... I just wish that I could give it all to you but you know sometimes I can't be there for you the entire time."

"Tanner....I know, and I'm sorry for snapping at you just now."

He caress my face and puts back a strand of my hair.

"You know you have the prettiest eyes ever"

"Staph it Tanner" I try to cover his entire face with my hands but he grabs hold of both of my hands.

"Tannerrrrr" I half-shouted-half-whispered.

"Come here"

And now, he's holding me, ever so close to him.


"What if they wouldn't hire me?"

"Come on. Don't be such a pessimist, they. Will. Love. You."

"You don't know anything. Shut up."

"Can you talk?"


"Can you take other people's order?"


"Can you count money?"


"Do you know how to clean tables?"

"Everyone knows that"

"There. You're hired."

"It's not that EASY AL!"

We walk into the coffee shop together and I just got myself a cup of hot cocoa to enjoy while i wait for Alex.

In the midst of waiting, I heard a loud screech outside, seems to be one or two blocks away. I see everyone walking outside turn to the screeching direction with shocked expressions.

My gut tells me to go out and look. So I did. An ambulance's heading that way and everyone crowding a specific area.

"Good lord, I hope that young man's okay"


"See kids, this is why you should never drive"
I heard an old lady saying to her two grandchildren.

I push my way into the crowd and I see someone being put into the back of the ambulance.


What did you do Drew?

CLIFFHANGER!! Blessing you guys with an update~ guaczilla was stolen??? (That vid was amazing tho)
