* Alaska *
That night.

I got off my shower and go to Tanner's room. I sit on his bed and look at the ring he gave me. I look up to see Tanner staring at me. Eyes locked, he walks towards me and sits in front of me on his bed.

We don't speak, we just stare into each other's eyes. His face moves closer to me, our lips inches away from each other, eyes still locked onto each other. He kisses me softly, our eyes close as we only focus on the situation that's going on right now. He kisses me passionately, gently. He tastes like mint. I put my hands on his head, playing and messing around with his dirty blond hair, he puts his arms around my waist, feeling a little ticklish but it's all good. I could feel him smiling through the kiss as he pushes me until I'm laid back on his bed, him on top of me. He's trying to take off my shirt until I stop him...


"Why what's wrong"

"I'm not ready yet. Can we wait for a little longer?"

"Uh-- okay. Okay, we'll wait. I'm sorry" his entire face red.

"You don't have to be. I'm just not ready. Thank you for respecting me" I give him a kiss on his cheek and pull him tightly into a hug.

"Don't let me go, Tanner"

"I won't."

* Alaska *
March 12, 5:21 a.m

"Babe... Wake up" I hear someone whispering  and stroking my back.

"Huh what time is it?" I open my eyes. Argh I'm so tired! Oh I'm still in Tanner's room? Alright then.

"It's almost 5:30. Get up we're going on a road trip!"

"To where? Why didn't you tell me"

"It's A surprise. C'mon get up" he lifts me up and I tiredly wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

"But I wanna sleeeeeep" I whine.

He carries me to the bathroom and puts me in top of a sink counter. He lets go of me and Walks out the bathroom.

"Tanner come backkkk" extending my arms at him.

"Better get ready now babe" he winks at me and leaves.

"Ugh fine." I say as I got into the shower.


"So where are we going Tanner? You haven't told me anything yet" I say, arms crossed, giving Tanner a playful glare. We're inside Tanner's GTR on our way to Maverick's house.

"I told you Alaska, it's a surprise" he says, taking his eyes off the road for a bit just to wink at me.

"Focus on the road Tanner" it's still dark even though it's already six in the morning.

When we arrive at Maverick's place, he and a friend, I believe his name is Shane? are sitting on the porch drinking Red Bull.

"What's good bros" he says to the both of them. Tanner got off his car, he comes over to my side and open the door for me.

"What a gentleman. Thanks Tanner" I say before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Ew, get a room you two" Shane says.

"Oh Shane, this is Alaska, my girlfriend" introducing me to Shane.

I shake his hand and give a simple 'hey'

All four of us got into Maverick's car. Maverick driving, Shane riding shotgun, Tanner and I at the back. At this time, I'm still sleepy as ever so I cuddle up against Tanner, resting my head on his chest as his arms wrap around my waist with a blanket over us. I have no idea why there was a blanket just laying around in the car. Maverick probably sleeps in his car sometimes, who knows.


"GUYS WAKE UP WE'RE HERE!!!!!!" Maverick literally screams, waking me up. I think it has been 2 hours now? I look outside the window to see a sign that says "Welcome to Arizona". I still have no idea where I am, all I know is that I'm in Arizona. Okay, cool, cool.

After a few minutes or so, Tanner suggests we go to his favorite place to eat, Chick-fil-a.

"Really Tanner? Fast food for breakfast?"

"Why not?? You're in the states now, anything can be breakfast"

We arrive at the place, found a place. The three of them decide to order food while I just sit there and wait. I told Tanner that I'm fine with anything since I've never been to Chick-fil-a, so he's helping me to buy food.

While queuing to buy food, I watch them in a distance. They are soon approached by three teenage girls, them asking for a picture. It's nice to see that they made an impact on people, inspiring them, I hope to inspire someone some day. The three teenage girls soon walk over to me. One of them turns to me and says

"So...you're the girl that's dating Tanner. What does he sees in you? You're just as ugly as my ex boyfriend's new girlfriend"

"Someone who's not spoiled and bitchy like you" I give her a smile and continue to just mind my own business.

She scoffs at me and leaves.

"What was that? She seems pissed" Shane laughs at the sight.

"Oh nothing, just an old friend of mine. Let's eat, I'm super hungry" I smile at them and eat my breakfast.


Sorry if this chapter's a lil short. School is starting soon for me and I'm REALLY REALLY ANXIOUS. like literally no one I know goes to the same class as me and I'm stuck with people who used to mock me for my Youtube channel 🙄


Bye my loves~
