My mom drops her spoon all too immediately.

"I think my mom texted me to come home so yeah" Rachel awkward got out of her chair and leaves.

"Er thanks for dinner Mary" she says before going out.

"I'm done here." My dad just leaves. Mom leaves the table too. So it's just me, Alex and Tanner.

"I have to edit my vlog so I'll see you guys later." He leaves.

I could see my brother with his face buried deep inside his hands.

"So... who's this girl?" I casually ask, twirling around my spaghetti with my fork.

"Her name's Sky. She's in my circle of friends from back when I use to smoke cocaine."

I just give an understanding nod.

".. I mean I slept with her a few times?? I didn't know she was pregnant until she called me like a week or so, claiming that I am the father of the child."

"Mmhmmm" I literally have no words to say.

"Annnddd what are you going to do now?"

"I'll try to get a job, if I can"

"Hey I know a place. There's this coffee shop near our house and they're hiring."

"You think they'd hire me?"

"Why not? We'll go there tomorrow" I manage to smile a little as I got up to clean the dishes.

I seriously did not expect him to say that. Like literally. But for now, as an understanding little sister, I'll try to help him get his life back together.

"Thanks Al" he says before leaving the dining room.


"I bet you didn't expect that did you?"

"Erm probably? I have this feeling that he'd say that. I don't know."

We're just talking in my room. With Tanner still editing his video. He keeps telling me that it's gonna be finished in a few minutes but it already seems like an hour.

I scroll through my instagram feed, waiting for Tanner to finish his video so that we can watch Titanic. He's a sucker for that movie.

"Are you done yet?"


"How about now"



"God dammit Alaska, I'm almost finished."

I just grunt. "Can't you just skip a day?"

He stops doing what he's doing.

Shoot, I think I triggered him

"Alaska......we talked about this before" his voice firm.

"....please don't come between my YouTube life"

What the whatttt??

".....I kept a promise to my fans that I'll post videos every. Single. Day. I can't just let them down"

"I just want you Tanner"

"I know you want me. I want you too. I just need to work. YouTube is my life. I don't like it when you're being clingy."

At that right time, my phone buzzes.

A message from Drew. I wonder how's he doing?

Drew: hey Abs, I'm having problems right now. And I need someone now....

If Tanner wants space, then I'll give him.

"Fine. You want space? I'll give it to you. I'm going to Drew's". I got out of my room and out of my house. I drive to his house.


The drive wasn't that long. I knock on his door to find a rather tired, sad-looking Drew.



We both exchange hugs. I haven't seen Drew since New Years and I'm so happy to finally see him.

He lets me in and we both plop down onto the couch.

"So.... how are you holding up?"

Drew give out a huge sigh.

"Remember that girl I kissed on New Years Eve at that stranger's house?"

"Yeah" I smile at the memory, how the three of us always crash into strangers' parties every New Years Eve.

"We broke up"

"You guys were a thing?"

"Yeah, it lasted for 5 months. I thought we were doing great... until she finally dumped me over text"

He buries his face in his hands.

"Awww Drew, it's okay" I give Drew a warm and comforting hug.

"What she doesn't see in you is how sweet and kind you are. You always put others first and that's what's so amazing about you"

"You know what? I think you're right"

"Duh of course I am. She's not worth it. Do you want a milkshake?"

"Yes. Please."

Drew's favorite drink is milkshake. He always drinks it when he's feeling stressed or sad.

"Here you go" I hand him the milkshake I made.

"Thank you so much. I needed this"

There's silence for a few minutes because Drew's just enjoying his drink.

"You know you're a really kind hearted and nice person right?"

"Uhm.... thanks?"

He stares into my eyes as he starts to lean closer to me.

Wassupppp my fav people on the internet :D THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR 15k ❤❤❤
Mid terms are over and here's an update. Have a blessed day ~
