* Alaska *
San Diego hospital

I can't put into words how I'm feeling right now. I nervously fidget with my fingers as I wait outside of his room.

A doctor comes out of his room and I immediately stand up.

"Can I see him now?" I ask, my heart beating rapidly as I spit out those words.

"No ma'am. You can't. We have to run a few more tests." He stares at me with those dark, empty eyes of his and walks away.

Screw this

After the doctor is out of sight, I walk into Tanner's room. They can drag me out for all I care, all I want is to be able to see Tanner.

There he is, his body lifelessly hooked up to multiple machines. His heart beating at a regular pace, thank God. I hold his hand in mine as I stare at his face.

I should've stopped you. I was so stupid to just let you go like that. Please wake up soon, Life will just be a living nightmare without you by my side......

One month later ~

I'm currently staying with Lindsay and Tanner's mother. It's been a month and Tanner hasn't woke up yet. He's in a coma. I've been visiting him every single day since that day, that fateful day. I don't know how long I can continue doing this. My biggest fear is that he would just slip out of this world, unknowingly. He could just go at any time and I don't think I can really accept this. 

I got to the hospital, avoiding everyone's eyes as I walk to his room that I'm very familiar with.

"Hey ABS" 

I look up to see Rachel, holding bouquet of fresh flowers.

"Oh hey Rach" I say, I can't really feel any emotions now and I hate it so much. Rachel got down to San Diego a week ago to check up on me and Tanner.

"I think someone's forgetting something" Rachel suddenly says.

"What? What did I forget?" A little bit of my inside panicked a bit. 

Rachel just rolls her eyes and gives a scoff. "It's your birthday you dummy. You're turning 17 in two days!!"

"Oh yeah, that. With everything that's going on right now, I don't really have a mood for it."

Without saying anything, she pulls me into a hug, rubbing my back with her knuckles. I'm so grateful to have a best friend like her.


* Tanner *

"So... what happens now? Can I stay here? It's so pretty here." I say to the voice that has been talking to me this entire time. 

There's this endless field of sunflower around me, I don't know how I ended up here but it's really pretty here, it almost feels like a dream.

"No, you can't. You can't stay here" The voice speaks to me, I don't know why but I feel a sense of calmness, not a worry in the world when I hear that voice.

Suddenly, a bright light blinds me, a sudden cold breeze passes by. Sounds of machines beeping suddenly sound clear to me as I slowly open my eyes...  


I grab hold of his hands as I rest my head on the bed. 

"Al...?" a weak sound comes out of Tanner.

"Tanner? TANNER!"

I rush out the room, screaming, "He's awake! He's AWAKE!"

"Tanner I'm so HAPPY you're here, you're awake!"

"It's been....trippy....." he says.

I'm so overwhelmed by Tanner waking up I have nothing to say, all I can do is just stare at his beautiful face.

"Wait....what day is it?" he suddenly asks. 

"It's July 30th." 

"There's still time.." he whispers but I can hear him clearly.

"Time for what?"

"oh, it's nothing"

August 1 

* Alaska * 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY GURLLL" Rachel comes up to me and pulls the blanket from me.

"Can't you wait till I get up and get changed first?"

"NO, duh"

I get up, Tanner's not here. He got home yesterday and he left. God knows where the hell he is now.

"Hey you should come down, everyone's waiting for you"

"Wha-? Everyone??" 

"YES. Get changed and go down NOW" with that Rachel left.


I got changed and go down to the living room where everyone is.

"Happy Birthday dear Alaska, Happy birthday to you~" everyone sings while I stand awkwardly, not knowing what to do like always.

"timeforasurprisegift!!" I heard Rachel quickly blindfolds me and pushes me to the direction she wants me to go.

"Dude, slower! I'm gonna trip"

"Get in"

I try to feel what's around me. A car. I get inside of it with the help of Rachel and I can feel that we start to move. To where? I have no idea.

"So, are you stoked?" 

"I'm hella scared. What's actually going on?"

"You'll see"

We drive for about 10 minutes. I got out of the car, still blindfolded and I feel two pairs of hands guiding me.

"Okay, who's the other person? Why do I feel like I'm being kidnapped"

Nothing. They help guide me to a.... beach? Pretty sure it's a beach, I hear waves.

One of them helps me with the blindfold. Once the blindfold is off, I see Tanner wearing a tux, standing at the gazebo decorated with red roses all around with pink and white petals on the ground.

For a minute, I thought, "he's wearing a tux and I'm out here wearing a sweatshirt and some sweatpants."

I still can't believe this is happening. I walk towards him as he gives a hand out to me.

"What's going on?" 

"Alaska Beatrix Sawyer, you make me the happiest guy in the world. From the time I met you, you helped me grow and you still continue to help me grow, as a person. I cannot imagine my life without you in it. So if you could make me the luckiest guy on earth..."

He gets down in one knee and says

"will you marry me?" 

Everything's going so fast that I think I'm going to faint.

"Yes, Tanner. Yes, I would love to marry you"

he smiles the biggest smile I've ever seen in my life and hugs me.

"don't worry Al, I'll still wait for when you turn 21, then I'll officially make you Mrs. Fox"

Life couldn't be any better.

Turns out, he'd been planning this thing since two months ago, his 'meeting' in San Diego was actually about this. He also got me a fox plush toy that says "I love you so so so so much" in tanner's voice for my birthday.

I can't wait for what's going to happen in the next chapter of my life.  
