* Tanner *

We're just wondering around until Maverick comes up to me and say "Bro do you wanna scare the crap out of Alaska?"

I look at her and it seems that she's lost in her own thoughts. Looking around at things and she goes inside a classroom. Wow I bet she's excited and curious about abandoned places.

"Doesn't hurt right? Let's do it"

So here's the plan. Jake, Maverick and I are going to stay in a spot and hit one of the rusted lockers. If she comes out, we're gonna follow her and just jump out behind her.

Maverick found a really big cane from one of the classrooms and starts to hit one of the rusted lockers really hard. We soon find our perfect hiding spot, where it's visible to still see Alaska.

"Oh she's coming out" Jake says to my ear.

Part of me feels guilty for doing this. I mean this is probably her first time going to an abandoned place. The other part of me just wanted to have a little fun.

"Guys let's follow her" Maverick says to all of us.

We try to keep a distance between her but we lost track of her because Jake found a sparkly thing on the floor.

"Dude we shouldn't have done this. She's probably scared" I say to all of them, feeling a little pissed.

"Let's find her then, shesh you don't need to get all worked out. It's just a little prank." Maverick says.

"God knows where she is and what she's going to do" i say pissed as we try to find Alaska.

* Alaska *

I seriously don't know where the heck I am and where the hell are those people. Great, now I'm in the school's gymnasium. This place is huge. It's even way bigger than mine in Toronto.

"Dude pass me that baking soda" I hear someone says. I crouch down besides the stairs and try to find where the noise was coming from.

Then I see it. Two people smoking cocaine. Wow Alaska you really got yourself in it don't you. I try my best to not let them see me. I sat down on the dirty floor and pray to God that they will soon find me.

"She could be here" I heard someone says, JAKE. Luckily all of them saw me. I tell them by my hands to not come here, and point to the direction of the people who are smoking crack.

They got the signal. They saw those people. Now all I have to do is go across the gymnasium to get to them without being spotted by those crack smokers. I try my best to take slow and steady steps. One step at a time. I'm looking at them hoping that they don't see me. Remind my clumsy self to look at the floor and not walk and stare at things, because I stepped on a piece of glass.


I quickly jump two steps and hide behind the basketball hoop stand thingy.

"Did you hear that?" One of the guys said.


I feel relieved. I look over at Tanner and over to those crack smokers. Here goes nothing. I run softly towards them. Looking at the floor as I go. Tanner greets me with a hug.

"Where the hell did you guys go?" I break his hug. Because I'm seriously not in the mood for this.

"It was --"

Before I let them continue speaking, I say "let's get out of here then we talk"

We made our way to the rooftop of the school.

"Okay speak."

"It was actually my idea. I didn't know that there were people sniffing drugs in there. Sorry." Maverick says, guilty faced.

"You know what. That's okay. I had fun today but please I beg you don't do this to me anymore." I hit maverick in the shoulder lightly.

Suddenly there's hands all over my waist. Tanner.

"I'm sorry babe"

Okay this is the first time he calls me 'babe' and trust me, I'm screaming internally.

"It's okay babe, just don't do it anymore"

We ended this trip by taking rooftop pictures with the sunset. It's amazing to see such a thing. I got a picture with Tanner giving me a piggyback. I put that picture as my wallpaper. Tanner posted it on Instagram with the caption

"She's a keeper. ❤️"


Guys please don't do drugs * this is just a story.

Proud of myself for writing two chapters in a span of 3 hours. 👏🏼
