The Breakup

Ok so this chapter is gonna be real short and the next one will probably come on Tuesday as I have to study tomorrow.


Draco walked through the halls of Hogwarts, his direction was The Hospital Wing. His hands were next to his body and his head was looking down at the floor. He peacefully walked and thought about y/n, how incredibly beautiful she was, how different, how strong and dark her personality was, her taste in clothes but how messed up her life actually is. He was in love with her and he knew that he also knew he would soon ask her to be his, but when he couldn't say as he didn't know.

He finally reached The Hospital Wing and slowly opened the doors that led in the room. Once he was inside memories came rushing from the day he got his arm hurt and y/n came to visit him and to mock and tease him. She really was brave to do something like that, nobody else would be that stupid and brave to do that, but she did.

"Draco," a voice cut off his thinking and brought him back to reality "Draco, where have you been?!" the girl he came to see shouted in his direction "What do you mean Aria?" he asked and walked closer to where she was placed. "What do I mean?! you are my boyfriend you should've come to check up on me in the morning or last evening and be here with me, not just come the next evening not even caring about how I am doing!" she shouted again, Draco stood next to her bed and stayed quiet as she continued.

"What kind of a boyfriend are you huh?! do you know how embarrassed I was when my friends saw you didn't even come to check up on me?!" she said again "Calm down Aria and tell me how are you doing, and if you are okay." Draco answered, Aria looked at him madly but calmed down a little "I'm not gonna be able to leave, so I am staying in Hogwarts, for the Holiday which means I'll be here with you. Otherwise, I feel well except for the part where I don't know what to do with you."

"Well, first of all, that's good that you feel well, but I didn't come here just to check on you I have some things to say and so we need to talk." he said, Aria looked at him and raised an eyebrow, "What is it Draco?" she asked. 

"My parents told me I will be coming back and won't be staying here for the Holidays but that's not all-" he was cut off "What?! so I will be here alone?!" she shouted.

"I said that's not all Aria! Stop interrupting and listen, this is too much, you shout all the time and I have to do everything you want and please and I have enough of it!" he shouted so that she listened.

"I do not have feelings for you anymore and I can't deal with you, you do not own me and have no right to talk to me like that and order me around! as a good boyfriend I did all of that but I have enough now! we could still be friends but that is it. Don't expect any letters from me if you don't want us to be friends and don't expect me to change my mind."

That was all he said, she was shocked and mad he could see it on her face, "I, I love you Dracy, why are you doing this, you could've just told me, we can still change it-" she started but she got interrupted "Ahhh you never listen do you, I said don't expect me to change my mind. I would still be okay with being friends if you want?"

Draco didn't really want to be her 'friend' but he knew that it might help with his father if that 'plan' of his was so important. He didn't think it was though and he didn't care. Aria was a great girl when they were only friends though and he would be alright with hanging out with her sometimes but only as friends.

"Okay, I understand, and we can be friends still if you want that. But just please write to me during the break, even just as friends I know I'll be bored here so it would at least help a little bit." she answered.

Draco furrowed his eyebrows a little "So you aren't disturbed that I broke up with you?" he asked "Well yes of course I am a little bit but with my face my body, and my brain it isn't a problem getting new admirers and all." she said matter of factly.

Draco laughed a bit at her words and then smiled "Well, I will write to you as I don't really want you to die out of boredness, have a nice day Aria, or well a nice evening." he said and then turned around and walked to the exit.

"You too, goodnight." she said "Goodnight." Draco said without turning around to look at her. He then left and went to The Greathall to get some food.

After he ate he went to his dorm and fell asleep an hour or two after. 


Ok, that is the chapter it's kinda short, bc I really don't have time, I'm sorry.

I do hope you like it and give it a vote and of course, comment as I loveee to read them. I'll be posting on Tuesday probably and then hopefully every day or every second day. Don't get mad at me if I don't as I have school and so I have to study, do homework and everything, I'm sure you all understand what I'm saying.

I hope you all have a great day, evening, and great week. I really appreciate all the love and support this story is getting. Thank you so so much, also please tell me ur opinion guys.

Love you! -N
