I'm Nice To You Only

You and Draco spent the Saturday walking outside and talking about what you both were going to do about your situation.

"I am going to break up with her, today, yes I am gonna go to The Hospital Wing first off to see if she's alright and all, and then I'll tell her." he said walking with you, holding your hand, "And what exactly do you mean to tell her, I mean you seem disturbed in some way..." you asked him and tightened the hold of his hand for a second.

"You see luv, my father actually talked to me about her, and that I should hang around with her and try to make her like me for some of his own unknown plans, so I hang around with her and she seemed great and I liked her after some time. He didn't really ask me to date her, but he was proud when I told him. He also said to me I'd soon find out why he asked me that." Draco answered.

It seemed weird to you that his father would ask him to hang around a person a pureblood, rich, daughter of a minister of magic, in particular, it could've of course been a coincidence and it probably was, but it still seemed strange, and what did he mean by Draco soon finding out what it was about...strange.

"Ok, I don't know what you are thinking about luv but your expression tells me something is bothering you as well, tell me?" Draco said stopping you from walking and shifting you so you were facing him. You looked at him in his beautiful grey eyes. The cold grey, stormy colors colliding with the y/e/c.

"Well Draco, I told you I have feelings for you, that I love you and you have said the same but I'm a little worried about everything. If we would start dating and even if we wouldn't I know I'll write to you a lot during the break, and my mother will definitely notice. Not that she'd care but I think your parents, your father in particular...if he wanted you to hang out with Aria and was proud when you told him you two were dating, do you not think he'll be mad about it all, maybe he had a plan that was very important and I really don't want you to get punished in any way because of what I said, because I confessed my feeling toward you."

"You, you are worried about me? ahhh don't worry your pretty head about anything like that. I understand what you are saying and I must tell you that I thought so as well, but I also know that I can stand up to them and that if they would get mad they would get over it soon. My mom would support me, that I know for sure, but don't worry I got the whole Christmas break to talk to them about it." he said and placed a soft peck on your forehead.

"You know Draco, you really surprised me, you changed so much from when I met you till now I-" you were interrupted by Draco's hand on your throat pulling you close with a tight strong grip and his mouth shutting you up, "As a matter of fact I did not change, I only am this nice to you and I still won't be every second, you know that don't you, I can tell that you like the way I do it, rough and strong and not all nice and sweet,"

His hand was strong, you couldn't move away and you didn't want to, he was basically talking quietly to you, breathing into your face his mouth inches away from yours, only waiting to kiss you, again and again, rougher and rougher. "remember that y/n I won't be all sweet to you, I only am nice when we have serious talks, just know that." he said in almost a whisper pulling your face closer again, kissing you. 

When he was kissing you, you could feel a smirk curving on his lips, yes he was smirking into the kiss. Once he finally let you go and pulled away he raised his eyebrows and smirked at you, you smiled devilishly and said "Well Draco," you leaned closer to his ear and whispered "I never said anything about wanting you to be sweet, nice, and soft," you laughed bitterly and moved away "I like it harsh, hard Draco, I like you being rough." you said that louder and then turned away starting to walk in the opposite direction from him.

Draco's eyes wide for a second at the scene he just watched and listened to and then he smirked, he caught up with you quickly and grabbed your hand harshly, "I don't know where you got your attitude from, but my parents are going to like you once they meet you, my dark queen." 

You smiled at his new nickname for you and walked with him towards the castle, "And when exactly will be that?" you asked, he looked at you "Will be what?" you looked back at him, "Your parents meeting me, I mean we aren't even a couple officially, and you are already saying such things." he smirked "Well, once I break up with Aria, I mean to ask you after that once, do not worry. About my parents, I have to tell them everything and then talk with them about it, and next time, maybe next holidays if everything will be good you will meet them." he said.

You nodded and continued walking towards The Castle, once you were near it you stopped, Draco took a few more steps thinking you just stopped for a second but then he saw you were just standing there not doing anything so he stopped and looked at you "What is it, are you okay luv, is everything alright?" he asked, taking a few steps back to you so he was closer.

You only moved a few steps closer to him and put your arms around him, hugging him gently "I just, I love you, I really wish we could be together during the Holidays, but I guess we just can't." He hugged you back and said "Hey, it's alright luv, I'm going to write to you every day possible okay? Maybe I'll surprise you, you never know what might happen so don't be sad."

You then broke the hug after a minute and walked in The Castle, you and Draco parted after some time of walking, he went to The Hospital Wing and you went to The Great Hall, to eat dinner as it has started and then you thought of going to pack everything you needed for when you'd leave tommorow.

You ate some fried chicken and baked potatoes and some salad as well, you drank pumpkin juice and talked to Blaise.

Meanwhile, Draco was in The Hospital Wing talking to Aria. God knows how that was going...



Then also I probably will not post till Tuesday as I have to study for school, if u guys do say u want the chapter with the talk I will try and post that but probably won't anything else.

Next thing okkkk omg omggggg we are at 10.5K ALREADY THIS IS SOOO AMAZINGGG!!! omggg guys thank you so so so so so so so so so much for all the support the comments, votes, reads, I love you all sooo soooooo much.

Please comment and maybe vote if you'd like, thank you for reading!

Love you!    -N
