New Life

"y/n!" your mom called from down the stairs "we are leaving for the airport in 10 minutes. Get down here already for God's sake!" she sounded really annoyed and mad but you really just didn't care. You were excited that you were moving because that also meant you going to a new school and you really didn't like The California Wizarding School, they had you for a boring loser, but mostly they were scared of you because of some weird didn't know why. 

You packed the last of your clothes and walked down the stairs to the living room. Your mom was standing near the entrance looking at you annoyed "Ah finally, m/b/n is in the car waiting for us already. I hope you spend some quality time with your father these last two weeks since you aren't going to see him for quite some time now. He told me he will come to visit you during Christmas break if he will have time though." Your mom took your suitcase and put it in the limousine. You took the cage of your barn owl y/p/n and put it beside you as you sat down in your own space in the limousine. Your mom and m/b/n were in front probably talking about the UK.

------time skip to the plane ride---------------------

After an hour of waiting for the plane you finally came on it, your mom and m/b/n were in the first class like you were as well, but they were in a different compartment so they had their own privacy and you had your own. You read a book you had with yourself and soon fell asleep.

After a long at least 10 hours long flight you finally came to London a beautiful city that is.

You slept almost the whole time since you were flying there at night and it wasn't that hard to fall asleep anyways because you always loved sleeping and obviously you still do. When you came out of the plane you saw your mom and m/b/n already standing near another limousine, you came down to them and made your way inside the huge compartment you had for yourself and your owl.

The ride wasn't long, only about 20 minutes and then you came to a huge mansion (a picture of it at the start), it was even bigger than the one in California and that one was huge. You gasped and then took your bag, then you saw a man probably from a poor wizarding family taking in all of your other stuff and another man taking you mom's and m/b/n 's. 

Your mother then said "y/n, there are 16 bedrooms each has its own bathroom, you can go ahead and choose the one you like to be your own and unpack your stuff, make yourself comfortable then come down for lunch. m/b/n and I will be going to check on, we will come back in the evening so don't worry." like you would worry you thought "Tell the cook what you want to eat for the lunch and then, well I don't really care you can do whatever you want. We will be going now, bye see you at the dinner" that was all she said before she and m/b/n disappeared in thin air.

You looked around the house at some rooms but none of them were dark enough for your stile. You opened the 7th door which had its own hallway just perfect and what you saw was beautiful. (the picture down is how it looks like)

You always loved dark colors so this was perfect it also had a huge walk-in closet, so you loved it, you remembered your mom told you all the walls were soundproof so that was even better. You were absolutely in love with this room so you stopped looking for more and just put your stuff down in this room. 

You unpacked your stuff, hung every piece of clothing in the closet, and then layed back on the bed. You didn't like too huge or fancy rooms so this was just perfect for you, your closet was full and there was even a little glass space which you used for a walk-in cage for your owl. It was perfect.

It was about 4 pm and you went downstairs in the kitchen, you never treated people badly even if you were told to, you liked to be alone and not to be bothered but you didn't pick on them because they usually picked at you. But you did have some great comebacks and if people were annoying you or talking shit about you, you weren't ever scared to talk back or even threaten if needed, you were always and still are a bad bitch.

"Hello there miss y/l/n, what can I get for you?" said a short lady right after she bowed. You laughed a little at her actions "No need to bow and you can call me y/n" you smiled at her "but I would love if you could prepare me fried rice and chicken, please" the lady looked shocked when you said please "Well of course dear" she clapped twice and a plate with fried rice and chicken appeared at the table. You smiled at the thought of eating something right now, you were starving "Thanks" you sat down and started eating your lunch.


It was evening now and you've already eaten the dinner your parents on the other hand weren't home yet. You weren't worried because you felt better alone since neither your mom or her boyfriend love you very much. You always liked your father more but not even he cared that much, that is why you had so many problems in your life.

You went out of your room to the hallway, hearing a door open from downstairs "y/n we are home!" you heard your mother yell "yayyyy I'm so happy now!" you yelled back sarcastically "what a brat" you heard m/b/n say. You didn't care about it, wasn't the first time anyways. You soon fell asleep.


Nothing special happened for the next week, you were reading, playing your guitar (an instrument I picked but it can also be a piano if you want), you loved playing on it and singing. Beside that you also loved drawing and you had a boxing bag which you punched every day. It was yours you brought it from California, you got it for Christmas a few years ago from your dad.  That was all you were doing besides sleeping and reading and working out a little bit.


It was two days till your first day at Hogwarts. You've apparated to Diagon Alley with your mom. "I'm gonna pick you up at three, find everything you need and meet me right here, and don't be late!" that was all she said before disappearing in thin air. You looked at the list of things you needed. You already had a wand since you already visited a wizarding school and you had to have one. (if you don't like the one on the picture then just imagine a different wand, I wanted something simple)

Now you just needed all the books for the third year and a uniform. You went in a shop where they get you a uniform for your size, "Hello deary, came to get a uniform I'm guessing" she asked more like a statement "Yes I'm" she than measured me and waved with her wand, a uniform of your sizing floated it's way to the counter "That will be... 4 galleons" you pulled out the money and passed it to her "Here, thank you...ohh may I ask where I can get a telescope if you know?" since you needed that for astronomy class "It's four alleys on and left...oh and I just wanted to say that I love your outfit, you have a cool style" she said you looked at her, smile appearing on your face "Thanks, have a nice day" 

You were wearing one of your favorite outfits.

Your style is dark and you love chains and the black color you always had. (I'm really sorry if you don't like it)


You held your telescope and looked around the store a little more, you still had ten minutes to get back at the place your mom will be waiting at. 

"Yes I know, my father told me that yesterday Crabbe!" a beautiful deep voice said annoyed at someone. You looked over at the direction and saw three boys entering the store. But one really caught your eye it was a platinum blond haired boy with eyes in which gray and silver were dancing around, his skin was pale and he held a look of disgust on his face while looking at one of the other boys who looked scared as hell. You laughed silently looking at the scene happening before your eyes. You didn't say anything it was none of your business after all. You looked at your watch and went to the counter quickly. "This will be 8 galleons." the man said boredlly, he was probably doing this every hour of every day, you felt bad a little "Here" you took out 10 galleons and gave it to him "have a nice day," you said, a wide smile appeared on mans face, he waved off to you "Thank you, young lady." he said happily.

You were on your way out of the store, but the platinum blond-haired boy was in your way "Well, well, who do we have here?" he said "If you move I'll tell you" you said back, you hated it when people were doing that thing with you, thinking you will not do anything about it "If you tell me I'll move" he said back, you knew one thing, in a fight you ALWAYS win  "No, thanks for the offer" you said pushing him out of your way. When you did that he grabbed your chin harshly and pulled you into him "I thought I asked you something!" he said harshly

"Did you, ohhh sorry, what'd you say?" you said back a smirk growing on your face "Who the hell are you, that you dare talk to me like that!" he yelled quietly, blocking your way again "If you don't move out of my way than I will-" thants when "y/n y/l/m!" your mom yelled very loud you turned to see her standing there angrily "where have you been, you are late!" you looked at your watch seeing you were 3 minutes late "ahhh, this git and his goones were blocking my way, I was jus-" your mom cut you off by saying "I don't care y/n, I don't care about your excuses, about anything you're saying, I don't care about your life, okay, I have mine to live as well, do you get it?!!!" you looked at her with and emotionless expression as you've already heard that many times, she then grabbed your arm and you apperated back to the y/l/n manor.

You went upstairs to your room packing your stuff since you were going to Hogwarts on the day after tomorrow.

You took a shower put on an oversized t-shirt and fed your owl, you layed down on the bed looking at the ceiling. "Goodnight y/n" you heard a quiet voice say, you thought it was just you mind telling goodnight to you again since you heard it every evening when you went to bed. You feel asleep thinking of the new life you are going to live now.


I really hope you liked it or at least didn't hate it. This is my first ever chapter tho so there was no drama but I promise as soon as she comes to Hogwarts many things will happen.

I'll try to update asp, if possible tomorrow already but I do have school and work and well life. Please vote if you liked it and comment I love to read comments.

Have a nice day ;)                                                                                                                                                                      Love you!    Nia  
