
Hi, I'm Nia and this is basically my first story on here ever. I love to read and write mostly about HP world. I just wanted to say that english is not my first language so if there are some mistakes I'm really sorry but I'll try my best to write correctly, feel free to comment if I make mistakes I'll try to correct most.


Ok, this story is Draco x reader and it will contain some immature scenes so if you don't go with that please don't read it. I appriciate every comment, vote,...anything. 

Some things you have to know:

You were born in USA and addopted by a pureblood family, your addopted parantes are divorced now, you moved to UK with your mom and her boyfriend. You hadn't got much friends back in California because you are special. You are a pureblood (they tested your blood to know what you were) nobody knows who your parantes are or why they left you. You will start your third year at Hogwarts (and let's just say you aren't 13 or 14 but 15 turning 16 and that everybody in your year is).

Y/N = your name

Y/M/N = your middle name

Y/L/N = your last name

Y/E/C = your eye colour

Y/H/C = your hair colour

Y/H/L = your hair lenght

F/N = father's name

M/N = mother's name

M/B/N = your mother's boyfriend

P/N = pet's name

One more thing you real parantes have to do with greek gods (you'll find out more later on), thats why your middle name will be something of those that are wrote down, that name dependes on your eye color. (I hope you won't hate it, if you do you can think of one but still it has to do with the story)

brown eyes = Gaea (greek goddess of Earth)

blue eyes = Amphitrite (the queen of the sea)

gray eyes = Hera (queen of Heaven)

black eyes = Astrea (goddess of justice, but the name means "starry night"

amber eyes = Theia (greek goddess who endowed gold)

hazel/green eyes = Chloris (greek goddess of spring, flowers, plants)

if you have an eye colour I didn't name you can use this name = Artemis (the goddess of wild animals and wild life, hunt)


I hope this wasn't confusing and if you have any questions or just ideas feel free to comment because I will also be writing another book with just imagines later on. Thank you and happy reading, love you!
