
A/N: First of all, thank you all so much for the support and love this story is getting so far, I'm honestly so happy when I see someone has commented, voted, or added this story to their reading list. It's amazing and it gives me a lot of motivation. Also to everybody that celebrates Christmas, Happy and Merry Christmas, I hope all of u had a good day and celebrated Christmas with at least a few people that are close to you, even though there is Corona and everything I really hope u guys had a nice day with people u love. I love u and thank u for the best present ever, reading and supporting my story. Merry Christmas! now let's get into it...


The next morning you woke up early, it was Saturday, one of the few days on which you could sleep longer, but what was happening was The Christmas Ball, well not today, but in a few days there was going to be a Christmas Ball in The Great Hall. You talked to Luna about it Yesterday, most girls had seemed to go to Hogsmeade a weekend before already anyways, so there wouldn't be much more people. You, Luna, and another Ravenclaw girl named Carly Asher had agreed on going to Hogsmeade this Saturday together.

You walked to the bathroom, washed your hair relaxing a bit in the shower. After you were done with your shower you brushed your teeth, your wet hair and then dried it with a quick spell. After you were done with that you looked through your clothes and picked outa plain long-sleeved black shirt, black pants, and a warm black leather jacket.

You walked to the Great Hall, you didn't see Aria or her group of annoying slut girls anywhere, nor did you see Draco. You weren't surprised though. Aria must have gotten herself a dress last weekend and Draco and her are probably...God knows what they are doing, you thought.

Once you were in The Great Hall, you walked to the Slytherin table and sat down, where you normally had sat. You put some food on your plate and started eating slowly, you were pretty early, only a few people were there. While you were eating you felt another person's presence, he sat down next to you.

"Hello y/n, what are you doing up this early? normally you come around lunchtime." Draco said and chuckled, you looked at him raised an eyebrow, and then chuckled a little.

"Well, I and my two friends are going to Hogsmeade, as much as I hate to buy fancy clothes I gotta get something for the ball...well what about you Draco?" you told him, you knew he was only up because Aria is a morning person.

"You know, I'm waiting for Aria she is getting ready and all..." he sounded bored, but you couldn't help him with that, you laughed at his sleepy face. "What?!" he asked holding his head up with his arm, he chuckled at you laughing a little bit.

"Nothing, but I will have to go now, sorry, have fun with your girlfriend though." you said as you were standing up, "You know 'Draco's girlfriend has a name, it is Aria, you should use it sometimes." a girly voice said from behind you. You were standing already, you looked at her raised an eyebrow, and looked away laughing quietly. 

"What is so funny y/l/n?!" she spat, you looked at her with an evil smirk and a raised eyebrow. "Nothing, I gotta go anyways, I don't have time for your childish slut fights" you laughed and then walked past her "Bye Draco..." you looked at Draco he was smirking but still gave you a 'be nice' look "...goodbye Aria." you added when you saw his look, without even looking at her you shifted and walked away.

Shortly after that, you found Luna and Carly you three walked to Hogsmeade, it was quite fun, you talked about some stuff till you were finally there.

Hogsmeade was a nice village with many shops, you had never been there before, except when you came there with Hogwarts Express, but you had never walked through the village.

You all went to a couple of shops, you bought some chocolate and went to The Three Broomsticks, where you had ordered a butterbeer. You all talked about some interesting stuff, the two girls were Ravenclaws, both very smart and intelligent but also very nice and a little crazy, which was just perfect.

After talking for some time you finally went to clothing shops, there were many dresses but you didn't want that. You all split up so they could look for their dresses and you for something you wanted.

After going to three shops you walked into another one, where you found a section with just your taste. You looked through some different black jumpsuits, they were beautiful but one had fought your eye.

(here you get to choose one of the three options, I really hope you don't hate it and at least like one hahah...)

Black jumpsuit with a v-neck and a choker, long pant sleeves. It shined a little as it had miniature glitter on the whole thing.

A plain v-neck black jumpsuit with a silver belt and long pant sleeves.

A v-neck, black jumpsuit with a golden belt, a black choker, and long open sleeves.

(if you don't like any then just choose something you like and pretend you are wearing that)

You immediately put it over your shoulder and walked to the changing room, you looked beautiful in it, you changed back into your clothes and walked to the counter. Behind was a beautiful lady with white hair, she was also the owner of the shop.

"Hello, I would like to buy this, how much will it be?" you asked politely, she looked at you and smiled, she gently took the jumpsuit into her hands and scanned it. "This will be 30 galleons." she said and put it on the counter so you could take it.

You took your bag into your hands and collected the money, you gave it to her and took the jumpsuit, you were really happy you had something that beautiful, it wasn't exactly your style but it was something fancy you would wear without vomiting. (you just really don't like dresses)

"Thank you, young lady. Have a nice day." she said smiling at you, you returned the smile "Thank you, have a nice day as well." you said and walked out of the shop.

You met up with your two friends at The Quill Shop, they weren't there yet so you decided you'd buy yourself a new quill as you needed one. When you walked out you saw both of them coming to the shop. You wawed off to them and walked over and to them. Then you all started walking back, it was pretty late anyways, you had spent all afternoon there and when you came back to Hogwarts it was already 7 pm.

At dinner, you ate some pudding and that was it. After dinner, you went straight to your dorm where you punched the bag for some time and then took a shower, after that you meditated to clear your mind and talked with your dad.

You tried reaching your mum, even though your dad told you she wasn't here so that was why, you knew that somehow you could, you remembered you had heard her voice the previous evening and that meant something.

You wrote a letter asking if she could hear you or see the letter, you burned it thinking of her and trying to make the letter disappear and reappear at wherever she was at. but it didn't work all that was left were ashes of the letter.

You took a look at your jumpsuit and then went to bed, one thing you couldn't stop thinking about was Draco, Draco and Aria. But why, yes he had been a fuckboy not even that a fuckbastard, but you were friends now, really good friends.

Arian coming into that had ripped you apart a little bit and you couldn't stop thinking that you might have feelings for him, small but they definitely are there.


I'm writing another chapter, I will finish it tomorrow and publish it right after, I will try to post as much as will be able to during the Holidays, hope you guys had a great Christmas and that you all have great Holidays.

Please comment if you liked it and your thoughts about the clothing, I think about the main character's personality but I also want all of you to get into the story like it is actually happening so I hope you don't hate the clothes. Also, I'd appreciate it if you'd vote, well if you liked it of course, hahahah.

Also, feel free to comment on what you got for Christmas if you want to and if you celebrate of course. Have a nice day babes!

Love you!   -N
