The Ball

You woke up from a beautiful dream, there were animals and a beautiful forest, lots of beautiful things as waterfalls and lightly raining. Flowers and now and then a loud thunder, with beautiful light music of a piano playing, and a young girl singing.

You slowly stood up and walked to the bathroom while you were still thinking of the calm dream, though there was one weird thing about it. You couldn't stop thinking that the song the girl was singing was meant for you to be heard like it was a message. You also could see that in the dream, you were wearing a white thin dress and you had on a bunch of silver, with the bracelet you had gotten the previous night included.

You soon forgot about the dream as you realized it was already quite late and you had to eat breakfast before the classes. You were pretty hungry but still kinda sleepy, so you quickly got dressed and took your bag with books. You walked out of your dorm in the Slytherin common room and from there directly to The Great Hall.

Once you were at The Great Hall you made your way to the Slytherin table and placed some food on your plate. Minutes after, you already started eating. You had talked with a girl next to you, she was pretty nice, you talked about The Ball, she told you about her dress, she said something about her dress being red with some kind of white...pearls? You didn't really know as you didn't listen that well. It was pretty annoying, but you were used to it.

You also talked with Blaise, he and you talked about The Ball, that he will pick you up at 6 pm as he didn't know it already ends at 8 pm when he asked you, where he will wait for you and you also asked him why he asked you and all that, he only answered that you are really pretty and nice. You had laughed when he said you were nice, but then quickly stopped and continued talking with him.

When the breakfast was over, you made your way to Potions, the lesson was over pretty quickly after it you went to your next class and so on.

The last class which was supposed to be Herbology, but it was dismissed as they let you all sooner so you could get ready for The Ball as it was going to be starting at 5 pm already and ending at 8 pm as the party after had to start at 8 pm already. Of course, you didn't have to go there so soon, and it wasn't your plan to.

You walked to your dorm and decided to go to sleep for an hour, you spelled your alarm clock to wake you up at exactly 4 pm. You decided you would return the book you read the previous night to the library and occupy yourself with another book for some time as you were still going to have an hour till you had to get ready.

You fell asleep quickly and weirdly you had a dream, the same dream you dreamed this night, you listened carefully to the song the girl was singing and realized the lyrics were the same thing that was written on the piece of parchment you got with the bracelet.

You woke up to your alarm clock ringing and turned it off, you walked to the shelf you put the box on and took the bracelet, you looked at it for some time and then just put it on your wrist. It looked absolutely beautiful, you took it off and put it back in the box, you washed your face a little, and then walked out of your dorm.

You went to the library and returned the book, you haven't eaten lunch and you were not planning on doing so, you ate a lot for breakfast and there would be a lot of food on The Ball and party, so you weren't worried.

You took a book in your hands, it was about fun things to do when you are bored, you knew you would need it for The Holidays, this was the last day of school before Holydays, you would stay in Hogwarts for the weekend and then you would have to leave for Holydays, you'd have to go home, where it would definitely be boring. 

You read the whole book and it was already three minutes past five. You put the book back on the shelf and left the library, you walked to your dorm and decided you would get ready.

The Ball officially started and you were in your dorm getting ready, you took a shower and washed your hair, you then put on your jumpsuit (the one you chose from the three, or if you decided for anything else) then you put on the bracelet, and the necklace you bought yourself once you and your mother visited Spain.

You also put on some dark lipstick and put on eyeliner. You looked amazing, like a goddess.

You also put on some black high heels.

(again just reminding that if you do not like it you can just imagine it all differently :))

When you were done with everything it was already 5.50 pm, you walked out of your dorm

You didn't normally walk in high heels, but you were already pretty good. You came to the stairs and inhaled a deep breath of air. You didn't want to fall, you calmed down and walked past the corner. You started walking down the stairs. You could see Blaise already waiting for you, you could also see Draco and Aria, Draco was standing by the drinks and Aria right next to him.

Draco saw you coming down and you could see his eyes wide in shock at how beautiful you looked. Aria held an annoyed expression as always.

You walked till the end of the stairs and took Blaise's hand he held out for you, you both walked in the Great Hall, there were many people already dancing.

"Would you like to dance with me...your highness?" Blaise asked, bending down, you laughed at his joke and accepted his hand again "I will dance with you, Blaise but only if you stop making this kind of jokes." he laughed and you both started dancing.

You danced and danced, got a couple of drinks now and then and had a lot of fun, he told you a couple of jokes, that were actually really funny. Then someone came to you, "Would you mind if I still my best friend for a dance?" he asked politely, it was Draco "Well go on then, I'll get us another drink." Blaise said and walked in the other direction.

Draco took your hand and his and you started dancing. You danced about two dances, talking about stuff, he asked you about Blaise and you told him you and he are only friends.

Blaise then returned with drinks and you all talked. It was soon eight, the ball ended and rough rock music came on, you loved it. You all drank a lot talked but soon you had enough and made your way to the corner, you had even more drinks there, and talked with Carly and Luna.

"Y/n, you might wanna slow down on those drinks." Luna warned, Carly only laughed when she said that "I don't know, they are really good and we don't have school tomorrow anyway." you answered.

You drank some more, fire whiskey, bourbon, juice, water, wine, all they had. You were already really drunk but you still drank even more...I mean what if it is so good, right?

The next morning, you woke up, you were really comfortable, soft bed and warm sheets. Only one thing bothered you your headache.

You opened your eyes and looked around the room, you turned your head to the side. You almost fell off the bed when you saw a platinum blonde boy right next to you in the bed, sleeping, you were naked and so was he. It was Draco.


Hahahaha, I know I'm really mean with these cliffhangers...

Yeahhh, hahaha so I know you guys are all probably mad at me but don't worry, I'm posting another chapter tomorrow.

I would appreciate some comments on your thoughts about the whole y/n's style and all. Also please vote if you like the story, you don't have to but I really do appreciate it.

Love you!     -N
