
You woke up just as strong arms were putting you on a soft bed. You looked at the man and as expected it was Draco. You fell asleep in his arms about 15 minutes ago and he carried you all the way to your dorm, or so you thought.

The bed was really soft and you almost fell back asleep but you knew you had to at least take a shower first. You saw Draco go in the little closet room that you had in your dorm. You were really confused why would he go in your closet. He came back out with just boxers, he was tired too. 

You looked around and realized that it wasn't your dorm, it was his. "I should probably go to my dorm now, I have to take a shower anyways." you said looking at Draco. You tried to stand up, but as you did, your legs gave up on you. You almost fell but Draco rushed over to you and caught you just before you fell on the cold floor. "Be careful y/n. Maybe you should stay the rest of the night here, you can take a shower here as well, I will take you to the bathroom." he picked you up with his strong arms and brought you to the bathroom.

His bathroom was bigger than the one you have in your dorm. His shower was huge, it was beautiful and he even had some kind of flower in there. The shower had a place to sit down, so he put you there.

He left the bathroom and left you alone, so you could take a shower. You undressed and turned the shower on. You were enjoying the cold water slipping down your body when the door to the bathroom suddenly opened you didn't realize it and keep on showering.

"Hey Luv, enjoying yourself?" someone asked, you turned around and saw Draco standing in the shower, closing the shower door. Before you could say anything he wrapped his arms around you from behind and kissed the top of your head. You were a little surprised, you didn't know if he would act like this and if he actually cared about you or if you were just a toy, a one night stand who he didn't care about.

But at that moment you enjoyed it. He picked you up in his arms and held you with one arm, with the other arm he was holding your face and rubbing his thumb against your cheek, looking at your eyes. Your legs were wrapped around his waist and your arms around his neck.

You tried to resist but you couldn't and the words just escaped your mouth the same second "Now that you are here I'm enjoying" he looked surprised but the look quickly disappeared and a smirk grew on his face.

"Well, the night isn't over yet and I won't let you leave because your legs are too weak, but tell me, did you enjoy the night so far?" he said.

"I must say that I did, I don't want to lie to you." you answered.

"Why would you lie about that y/n?" he said confusingly "did you not think it would be good?"

"Well, no I didn't, I didn't even know that would be happening." you answered.

"Can I ask, were you scared?" he said, you looked at him "Yes I was a little, but not about us doing that, I was scared you wouldn't keep your word and wouldn't return the ring of mine." you said.

When you said that he pressed you on the wall, your legs still around his waist. "You aren't scared of me?" he asked.

"No, I'm not." you said. When he heard what you said he started kissing down your neck and then sucking on your sweet spot, he left blue marks all over your neck and breasts. He then placed you back on the spot where you could sit and towered over you "What about now?" he said "Nope still not" you said teasing him. "Well, you should be." he sat down beside you and placed you on his lap. His waist was between your legs and his cock was rubbing your clit.

You started laughing as you realized that he was still needy, he wanted more. You decided on a payback. You started kissing him passionately and biting on his bottom lip, he was moaning in pleasure. He pulled you even closer. You started rubbing against his hard cock on purpose, he was moaning even louder. He was really turned on by that, but just as he was starting to get the idea that you would do it in the shower in his head you pulled back "Sorry, but this was just payback" you smirked at his shocked face.

You put all the effort in standing up and your legs finally helped you, you let the water wash you quickly again and then opened the shower door and walked out. You took the new shirt and pants after drying your body with a towel and put it on. You smirked at Draco whose mouth was slightly open and eyes wide as he was still shocked by your smart and unexpected actions.

You walked out of his bathroom grabbed your stuff and headed out of his room. He ran out of his bathroom, naked and wet "Hey, I thought we were doing something here!" he shouted but not too loudly. "Well then you thought wrong I guess." you knew he wasn't feeling anything for you, he was just trying to use you. But all that mattered was that you fucked it up and showed him a taste of his own medicine.

He didn't realize yet but you slipped off one of his rings and you were going to do the same as he did. He is going to have to do a task to get it back. You walked to your dorm quietly and locked it once you were inside you were really tired and tomorrow you had school so you had to go to sleep. You collapsed on the bed and fell asleep quickly.

What surprised you just before you fell asleep was that you heard a deeper voice than ever before "Goodnight y/n." it said and a second later you were sleeping in your soft bed.


Ok, I might post another chapter with Draco's pov today but I'm not sure. I decided I will be doing another book I was talking about in the previous author's note.

I need your help, please answer this in the comments, do you like to read (...) x reader or fanfic with an already named and described main character more?

I hope you liked this chapter, please comment if you did or if you have any ideas for imagines just message me. Thank you soooo muchhhh for reading.

Love you!                           -N
