✧12| PJM

requested by @nadyhasophia

"Y/N! Wake up we're going to the beach!" A pair of hands pushed you slightly. Groaning, you shifted to the other side, away from the boy who laid next to you. In response, he huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Stop being lazy like Yoongi, Y/N."

"Let me sleep, Jiminie." You grabbed the nearest pillow you had, and threw it at Jimin, earning a small chuckle from him.


"Our marriage was just yesterday, and you made me stay up all night..." Jimin smirked to himself as he stared at you.

"Love, get up."




"I'll get you food."

"I AM UP." You got up from your bed, and ran to the bathroom,  earning yet another chuckle from Jimin. Jimin grinned as he grabbed his necessities for going to the beach, for he had already gotten ready half an hour earlier, knowing you'd take long in the bathroom.

Half an hour later, you walked out of the bathroom, in your swimsuit. Jimin looked you up and down, his eyebrows scrunching together. He grasped the nearest jacket and threw it at you suddenly.

You had worn a black and white one piece. It was striped and had multiple cut outs from the back. It also had two cut outs on the side of your hips. The clothing hugged your figure from the front and behind, revealing your slim figure.

"That's too revealing!" Jimin pouted and glared at you.

"No it isn't?" Jimin shook his head multiple times.

"Here." Jimin grabbed the nearest jacket he had and threw it at you. Unfortunately, his aim was a little too high, since it landed onto your face.

"Oops." You grabbed the jacket and threw it back at Jimin, sending him death glares.

"I'm not wearing that." You held onto a towel and wrapped it around your body, then raced out of the room, leaving Jimin in the room.

"There she goes again."


You ran into the water, making sure to throw your towel onto the sand. As you ran in, Jimin ran behind you, screaming out of happiness.

It was still the first day of your honeymoon, so it was a good way to start off the day.

"Y/N, wait up! You'd drown if you get into the water!" Jimin chuckled.

"Says you shorty!" You yelled back.

Jimin splashed you with water, giggling in the process when you pouted, the salty water getting into your eyes.

"You can stop now, I need to get a drink."

"From where exactly?" You pointed to the left. Behind you two, there was a small restaurant that laid behind the entrance of the beach. From that restaurant, you could get extra towels, chairs, and of course, food.

"Okay, you can go, I'll come after." You nodded, as you wrapped the towel around you wet body. You held onto the towel tightly as you ran to the restaurant.

A few minutes had already passed, but no signs of you. Jimin was confused on what he had told you before you left. Was he suppose to meet up with you? He kind of didn't remember.

He decided to go check up on you. Wrapping a towel around his shoulders, he began to stroll towards the restaurant. Ignoring the looks he earned from the girls he passed, he walked inside the restaurant.

There you were... with a guy?

Not just any guy, the guy was good looking, if Jimin can say so himself. The guy was taller, more mascular, and more manly than Jimin was.

Jimin was just angered with jealousy in him.

"Yah, What the hell are you doing?" Jimin walked behind you, and wrapped his arm around your waist, tightly.

"You see," Jimin glared at the man, "this girl over here has a ring on her finger." He grabbed your hand and flashed the ring.

"Oh doesn't that mean anything? Oh, let me tell
you! She's married to me!" Jimin smiled widely, although it seemed as fake as plastic.

Jimin wrapped his towel around your body, covering you even more, and walked out of the restaurant, pulling you out with him. The man who stood with you just a few minutes ago couldn't say a thing before you two were gone.

"Jimin, calm down. He's just an old high school friend of mine." Jimin continued smiling.

"Oh, well I didn't know you'd go around and leave me hanging for a minutes to hang out with another boy. You could've just messaged me so I wouldn't get worried."

"Worried? More like jealous." Jimin scoffed.

"Yeah, well I didn't expect my girl to be hanging out with another man without telling me! At least introduce him to me."

"Well I could've," you laughed, "but you pulled me out too quickly."

"Ugh, whatever." Jimin quickly swept you off your feet, placed his arms underneath your legs, then started running.

"What are you-" Jimin threw you into the water.

"HEY JIMIN-" You stood up, wiping the salt water from your face.

"Catch me if you can!"

A/N: I didn't know how to end that... nor how to update.

IF THIS WAS REALLY BAD, I'M GLAD TO REDO IT OR MAKE ANOTHER IMAGINE justpleasedonthatemethankyouverymuch

Oh yeah guess who's birthday it is today?

This sad kid. Yes I'm young wHATCHU GONNA DO ABOUT IT-
