✧10| PJM (Alternate ending)

Two hours of waiting, with Jimin already dead out of boredom, a girl with smooth luscious hair appeared out of nowhere. Her eyes widened, seeming like her eyeballs would jump out of her head any second, as she glanced slightly at her car, filled with pure red roses. She broke the stare to look to her right, seeing a blushing red Jimin holding food, aka candy, in his hands.

Jimin held tightly onto them, with his eyes slowly trailing up to see an angry, yet confused Akeemi.

"Why are you here?" Her voice sounded sturn.

"I'm here to apologize...I messed up." Akeemi scoffed at Jimin's comment.

"Sure you did. Your point?" Jimin's eyes filled up with tears, threating to escape. His hands went to grab on Akeemi's warm hands, but she rapidly snatched her hands away.

"You do realize that you cheated, right?" Jimin's tears escaped his eyes.

"Y-yeah, " Jimin stuttered. "but I was in-intoxicated."

"So? Why did you drink in the first place?" Jimin looked down in sorrow, wiping his tears away with his hands.

"I was just....I don't know." Akeemi rolled her eyes, her eyes trailing to the boy who stood behind Jimin.

"Y-Yoongi?" Jimin turned around.

A loud smack was heard.

Jimin reached his left hand up to his cheek, shocked at what had just happened. He glanced at the furious boy before him, Yoongi, who had his hands turn into fists as he lowered them down.

"You...you hurt my sister." Akeemi rolled her eyes again.

"Just leave Yoongi, you're making things worse." Yoongi scoffed, still glaring at Jimin. After a few minutes on constant glaring, he started backing away, and left the scene.

Once he left, Jimin threw himself onto Akeemi, his hands engulfing the girl into his embrace. Akeemi held the urge of hugging back and continuously glared.

Jimin snaked his hands around Akeemi's waist, slightly lifting her up from the ground, leading to her shrieking.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry-" Akeemi glared at Jimin, who instantly put her down, fearing that she'll hate him.

"Please..?" Someone whispered. Akeemi turned herself around, realizing that it was Namjoon who appeared from no where.

"Akeemi, Jimin had been living like hell. He starved himself, he would lock himself in his room, and he wouldn't talk to anyone." He spoke. "Just give him another chance, you won't regret it."

Akeemi raised her eyebrows. She thought for a while, switching her sight between Namjoon and Jimin, who's eyes pleaded that she'd say yes.

"Fine, fine. I'll give you one chance. ONE." Jimin picked Akeemi up from the ground, hugging her tightly.

"THANK YOU, YOU WON'T REGRET IT." Namjoon smiled, staring at the reunited couple.

"Where's Jimin?" Yoongi came, appearing out of nowhere, holding a guitar.

"I got my friend's guitar. Jimin better square the hell up-" Namjoon laughed.

"They're together again." Yoongi lowered the guitar down and laid it on the ground.

"Aww, I wanted to smack him with the guitar though." Yoongi pouted, leading for Namjoon to laugh again.

"Go home, Yoongi."

A/N: It's not really an alternate ending, but whatever, I just redid the ending.

IM UPDATING TOMORROW BE GLAD, and maybe after tomorrow too, but then I won't have any ideas cause I'm stupid.
