Ch74: Male Wife's Fight

"His Majesty!"

"Prince Chen!"

"Prince Chen’s husband!"

A she-man maid announced with his sharp voice. Tian Yuexi, Han Tingxuan, and Mo Yanzhi showed up in the banquet hall.

Of course, Tian Yuexi was walking in front, followed by Mo Yanzhi and Han Tingxuan.

"Long live the Emperor! Long live the Emperor! Greetings to Prince Chen! Greetings to Prince Chen’s husband!”

“At ease!” Tian Yuexi said after sitting on the dragon chair.

The officials stood up.

"Sit down," said Tian Yuexi with a stern voice.

Everyone sat down and raised their heads.

"Prince Chen. Prince Chen’s husband. Sit down.” Tian Yuexi turned to Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi but sounded more gentle.

Those who got familiar with the Emperor were impressed by how much the Emperor spoiled Prince Chen.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi thanked him obediently. Then they sat down on the first table below the Emperor.

Opposite them was Tian Yushu. He was alone at the table.

When Han Tingxuan felt a gaze upon him and that gaze was getting stronger, he looked over and saw Tian Yushu.

What a DNA of the royal family! This was Han Tingxuan's first thought.

Then he finally understood why Tian Yushu made Tian Yuexi so miserable. He was not easy at all. 

Although he didn't want to compliment the enemy, Tian Yushu was indeed cool, condescending, or wild. Most importantly, this person had the unique charm of a bad man.

If he were in the entertainment industry in the 21st century, he would probably be a superstar!

However, this person's gaze was unpleasant.

Was he delivering a message that he was interested in me? Why?

With a sneer in his heart, Han Tingxuan withdrew his gaze and looked at Mo Yanzhi beside him.

Mo Yanzhi also looked over. Their eyes locked. Han Tingxuan smiled, "To my male wife."

Mo Yanzhi blinked and took a sip. "Hubby."

"Haha," Tian Yuexi laughed first. "You are a great couple!"

Some officials immediately agreed. "Yes. They are a perfect couple!” 

"We envy you so much!"

Tian Yuexi didn't stay any longer. After the officials proposed a toast and he returned the favor, he left.

After Tian Yuexi left, everyone was much more relaxed. Then, they started to join the tables.

The table next to Tian Yushu was Li Su and Tian Lirong, the Duke of Gongjing. Tian Lirong was the second uncle of the former Emperor. He gave up on the battle for the throne early, so he got wealth and honor and a chance to live in the City of Capital.

In his generation, Tian Lirong was a highly respected senior. Even Tian Yuexi called him uncle.

Tian Yushu had to call him uncle.

And now, this uncle was standing next to Tian Yushu!

The first table on Han Tingxuan's right side was Dongfang Ye and his younger brother Dongfang Hui.

Then, it was Wang Yi, the senior Minister of the Ministry of Army. And the Minister of Ministry of Commerce, Tan Jun.

On Li Su's side, there were the other two ministries.

It was easy to tell which ministry took which side.

As Tian Yuexi said, the Dongfang family did not move. Dongfang Ye raised a toast to Mo Yanzhi and Han Tingxuan while sitting at the table.

Sun family had spied on three of the six major ministries. Most importantly, the Sun family-controlled one-third of the military power in the country.

Sun Lanyao, the younger brother of the Sun family, was now a general, holding an absolute amount of military power.

The Sun family was completely on Tian Yushu’s side.

There was once a general in the Dongfang family. However, in this generation, there was only one small general, Dongfang Yu. He was only 24 years old and he was from a branch of the Dongfang family.  However, with fifty thousand soldiers in control, Dongfang Yu was also a big figure.

The Nangong family was an exception. None of their clan had almost no civil service and they were all warriors.

Ever since the foundation of the dynasty, the Nangong family had been helping the first emperor fight in the battles. Each of them was excellent at fighting. Many generals from the Nangong family were only 12 years old!

However, none of them were civil officials.

There was an exception in this generation. Nangong Xing, the younger brother of the Nangong family's master, Nangong Jue, was twenty-five years old this year. He was the same age as General Nangong Wudi, the third son of Nangong Cheng. Nangong Xing was the only city official in the Nangong family. He served as a deputy minister of the Ministry of the Army, who was in charge of real power.

Therefore, Nangong Xing was the only one from the Nangong family who attended this banquet. Since he was far away, he didn't come over to toast or talk.

The Nangong family was very special. From the first generation of the Nangong family to now, there had been a total of four generations. Every master of the Nangong family was afraid of their male wives. Each of them only married one male wife in their lives.

Nangong Jue, the current master of the Nangong family, had four children, three he-men, and one she-man. The Nangong family had many he-men but barely had a she-man. Thus, the fourth kid, Nangong Yu, was the treasurer of the entire Nangong family!

In Han Tingxuan's opinion, the masters of the Nangong family were not afraid of their male wives. And it was impossible that all of them were afraid.

The Nangong family could remain neutral for over two hundred years, and up till now, control almost two-thirds military power of the Heavenly Empire. Of course, they knew very well how to manage their positions in the country.

Donglang family and Nangong family were exceptionally cunning.

On the other hand, the Sun family took it aside so soon. It looked like that they were falling behind!

As he was thinking about this, Han Tingxuan felt a moon-white figure appear in front of him. Suddenly, he looked up and saw Tian Yushu standing in front of him with a wine glass in his hand.

Han Tingxuan was surprised. So was Mo Yanzhi.

Tian Yushu didn't look at Mo Yanzhi. Instead, he raised his wine glass and said to Han Tingxuan, "Have we met before?"

The corner of Han Tingxuan's mouth twitched. This was how people flirt in the 21st century. It sounded so weird when Tian Yushu said so.

Had they met before? He did not care.

He was quite positive that neither the original owner nor him had ever met him before.

"Haha, Your Highness, nice to meet you," said Han Tingxuan as he stood up. Mo Yanzhi stood up too.

"Why?" Tian Yushu smiled and said, "I mean it. You look familiar to me."

Mo Yanzhi looked at Tian Yushu indifferently, "Did you meet my husband before?"

Tian Yushu was the seventh brother of the former Emperor, a generation older than Mo Yanzhi. Even Tian Yuexi had to call Tian Yushu's uncle when they were on private occasions.

Tian Yushu finally looked at Mo Yanzhi. "Haha, Yueqi, I am really happy that you are back."

"I am also very happy to see you," Mo Yanzhi's voice became colder.

Han Tingxuan did not say anything but watched his male wife picking on Tian Yushu.

Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi hated the arch-criminal that made them lose their child.

Han Tingxuan was silent at this moment so that Mo Yanzhi could handle it himself.

"Is that so? You have been living outside all these years. It's good that you are back! "Tian Yushu seemed to mean it.

"I should thank Big Brother for finding me," said Mo Yanzhi.

"His Majesty misses you all these years. Now that he has found you, he finally has something off his chest!"

Han Tingxuan was all ears when the two were talking to each other. They seemed to get in touch with each other, but in reality, they were debating between lines.

He could not help but smiled.

His male wife was indeed a talent.

He could also be cold and calm in front of someone he hated the most. It seemed that his decision was not wrong!

After chatting for a while, Tian Yushu said goodbye. But before he left, he said, "Tingxuan, do you mind calling you Tingxuan?"

Han Tingxuan was shocked. Were they that close? Tingxuan? Come on!

On the other hand, Han Tingxuan smiled and said, "Of course, uncle."

"Tingxuan, if you have any difficulties in working as the Left Superintendent, you can come to me."

The Left Superintendent was Han Tingxuan's current position. Actually, from the previous two generations, since the position of Left Premier and Right Premier was established, the position of Left Superintendent was vacant.

That was because the Emperor trusted such an important position to his two Premiers. There was no need to hire a superintendent which might separate the emperor and the premiers.

Therefore, the position of superintendent had been vacant for over a hundred years! Han Tingxuan filled in the position right now.

"Haha, thank you, Uncle. I would like to propose a toast to you."

"Okay, Good." Tian Yushu drank directly and clinked glass with Han Tingxuan. When he clinked the glass, his fingers brushed past Han Tingxuan's fingers intentionally or unintentionally.

Han Tingxuan was confused for a moment, feeling so strange.

Why did Tian Yushu behave so differently?

Mo Yanzhi said seriously. "I would like to propose a toast to you too," he said and raised the glass of wine.

Tian Yushu narrowed his eyes and smiled. He also clinked his glass. Mo Yanzhi launched his internal force. Tian Yushu's eyes narrowed even more. He also blocked it with internal force. Mo Yanzhi moved the glass further forward. Tian Yushu did not step back but added more internal force. 

The wine in the glass was almost splashed. Then, both of them stopped at the same time. One was still smiling, and the other looking cold. It was amusing to watch them fighting silently.

Then, the two of them bottomed up the wine together. Tian Yushu looked deeply at Mo Yanzhi and went away.

Han Tingxuan covered his lips with the cup and smiled softly. "Are you jealous?"

Mo Yanzhi said. "I don’t like the way he looks at you."

The smile on Han Tingxuan's lips was bigger. "I don’t like it either."

Mo Yanzhi had a look at Han Tingxuan but said nothing since there were so many people present.

After the banquet, Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi returned to Han Residence. "Hubby, did I do something wrong today?" Mo Yanzhi asked.

"Huh?" Han Tingxuan was surprised. "Why did you say so?"

Mo Yanzhi lowered his head. "I was too aggressive today, which will alert Tian Yushu."

"Haha," Han Tingxuan laughed and hugged his male wife. "Yanzhi, even if you don't do anything, he will be alert. Yanzhi, you did great. I like it!”

After that, Han Tingxuan gave Mo Yanzhi a big kiss.

Mo Yanzhi blushed slightly, blinked, and sighed in relief. "Really? You are not saying that to comfort me, are you?”

Han Tingxuan just showed how much he cared about Mo Yanzhi by taking his male wife to their bedroom and made hot love to his male wife.

"You don't even believe your husband. You deserve punishment."

Mo Yanzhi was at a moment that he could not feel his senses. He couldn't help but hug Han Tingxuan's shoulders. “Hubby.”

The heat lasted for a long time.

A long time later, when Han Tingxuan fell asleep, Mo Yanzhi opened his eyes and stared at the person beside him. Then, he leaned forward and kissed Han Tingxuan's lips.

"Hubby, you're mine. I won't let anyone take you away. Anyone… "

After that, Mo Yanzhi nestled himself in Han Tingxuan's arms and Han Tingxuan hugged his male wife in sleep. "Yanzhi, sleep."

Mo Yanzhi closed his eyes. "Mmm…"

This night, Han Tingxuan had a good dream. In the dream, he and Mo Yanzhi were lying on the grass in a beautiful valley. There were beautiful blooming flowers around them. They were rolling around and making love.

What a beautiful dream!

When Han Tingxuan woke up the next day, he realized that he was indeed hugging his male wife and could smell the fragrance of her male wife’s skin. He figured out why he had such a dream.

He loved his male wife so much! He leaned over and kissed Mo Yanzhi's lips before he got out of the bed.

The morning meeting was annoying! It wasn't bright outside!

As Han Tingxuan moved, Mo Yanzhi woke up. "Hubby?"

Han Tingxuan smiled. "It is the first day of the morning meeting. You will go too. From then on, you don't need to go every day."
