184. The Man Who Got Sick

At night, in a house specially arranged for envoys.

In Yue Youbai’s room.

When Yue Youlong came in, he saw a dazzling purple figure standing next to the window. He revealed his true appearance, not the one who wore a mask in front of Tian Chuanyun, nor Xue who wore a heavy makeup.

The current Yue Youbai was breath-takingly beautiful.

In Yue Empire, Yue Youbai was known as the “Beauty of the best in all the land”.

“Big Brother,” Yue Youbai smiled faintly when he saw Yue Youlong, then walked forward.

Yue Youlong closed the door. “You’ve been in City of Capital for a long time. How do you feel about this place?”

Yue Youbai smiled faintly. “Nothing in particular.”

Yue Youlong raised an eyebrow. “I realized that you were in a bad mood the first time I saw you.”

Yue Youbai froze, then slowly shook his head. “You must be making a mistake.”

Yue Youlong approached Yue Youbai and gently tapped his head. “I am your big brother. Our daddy has a twin brother and they could feel each other’s feelings. Although we are not twins, we are closer than twins. Bai, you have grown up. And you have a secret to keep from me. Right?”

Hearing this, Yue Youbai’s said with gentle eyes and small smiles. “I don’t want to hide something… but Big Brother, there are so many things I am not sure myself, not to mention to tell you.”

Yue Youlong frowned slightly. “Not something about relationship?”

Yue Youbai looked at the Yue Youlong with a faint smile. “What are you suggesting?”

Yue Youlong sighed. “I didn’t investigate anything about you. It’s just that what you did is not a secret, and your movements are within my watch… Yang Shuo, are you two very close?”

Yue Youbai lowered his head and said slightly. “No.”

Yue Youlong frowned. “Bai!”

Yue Youbai pursed his lips tightly. “What do you want me to say? Admit that I like him? Or, I hate him very much?”

Yue Youlong paused and couldn’t help but smiled bitterly. “Bai, I really didn’t expect you to use the word ‘like’.”

Yue Youbai’s eyes sunk. He stared at the Yue Youlong and said softly, “I didn’t expect that I would use the word ‘like’… Big Brother, I’m tired.”

Yue Youlong took a deep breath. “Fine. I see. Sleep tight. I am leaving.”

“Yes,” Yue Youbai replied softly.

After Yue Youlong left, Yue Youbai slowly sat down on his bed. After a long time, he went to bed.

On the seventh day of the new year, Han Tingxuan heard the news from the imperial palace that the Yue Youlong had proposed to have a tour in City of Capital.

As Yue Youlong came to the Heavenly Empire with great sincerity together with the Imperial Letter of the Yue Empire, although the Emperor of the Heavenly Empire was “sick”, the imperial letter was to be handed to the emperor who should write a response letter back.

During this period, the envoys of the Yue Empire also needed to discuss some details of ‘cooperation’ with the Department of Rites of Heavenly Empire. Although there was no specific “cooperation” between the two countries, there were still some connections because the border was close.

Wherever there were connections, there were benefits which were what they were talking about this time.

Yue Youlong did not need to participate in the negotiation. Therefore, when he proposed to travel freely in the City of Capital, Dongfang Xu and other officials had to agree!

Yue Youbai, the only Imperial she-man in the Yue Empire followed his big brother.

Originally, only the four people who were sent to accompany Yue Youlong.

However, Yue Youlong actually suggested that Han Tingxuan should join in them. He also said that they were about the same age and they should have a lot of in common. Han Tingxuan really did not think that he could have any common topics with Yue Youlong and  Yue Youbai.

But there was no way to turn down Yue Youlong since You Youlong invited him in public.

Hence, Han Tingxuan joined them.

After a long morning, Yue Youlong, who said that he was tired, suggested to have lunch. So they went to Restaurant of Bon Appetite.

When such a group of people appeared, they naturally attracted the attention of the people in the Restaurant of Bon Appetite.

“Is that Prince Chen’s husband??”

“Ah, where is he? Ah, I saw him. Yes, it’s him! ”

“Is he really Prince  Chen’s husband? Who are those with him?”

“I don’t know… I only know one. He seems to be the Right Premier?”

“What?! He is actually the Right Premier?!”

“The other few are definitely rich or powerful!”

While everyone was discussing, Yue Youbai and Yue Youlong went to the third floor under Han Tingxuan’s leadership.

“Big Brother, I’ll go out for fresh air,” Yue Youbai said.

Yue Youlong nodded.

Han Tingxuan immediately smiled. “Do you need a company?”

“No need. I’m just taking fresh air,” Yue Youbai declined.

“Okay,” Han Tingxuan did not say anything.

Yue Youbai went out. The view on the third floor was very good. In particular, there was a platform and railing outside every room. One could look down and see many things from above.

In addition, the platform was also very nice and elegant. There was a stone table on the platform of a room, and there were all sorts of melon seeds and fruits on the stone table.

Yue Youbai had a glance down on the street.

He was just browsing. But suddenly, a familiar white man caught his eyes.

Below, in an alley, Yang Shuo was talking to someone.

If Han Tingxuan were here, he would know who it was. It was Zhang Luobing. Back then, Zhang Luobing and his brother had helped Han Tingxuan greatly.

Even though Sun Qiuzhong had been rescued, Sun Yuan wouldn’t have been captured if it weren’t for Zhang Luobing and his brother.

The one who spoke to Yang Shuo was Zhang Luobing.

Yang Shuo ordered something, and Zhang Luobing remembered it and left. The two of them had only talked for a few minutes. But they were seen by Yue Youbai.

After Zhang Luobing had left, Yang Shuo was about to leave too. Suddenly, he felt someone staring at him. He was startled and suddenly looked towards the direction of Yue Youbai.

Even though one was in a small alley and the other was on the third floor of Restaurant of Bon Appetite, the two of them could clearly see each other.

What’s more, Yue Youbai was looking at Yang Shuo from the beginning.

When Yang Shuo saw Yue Youbai, his eyes were slightly dark. He gave up disguising himself. He sneered and then left.

Even though Yue Youbai stood tall, his eyesight was so good that he could clearly see Yang Shuo’s mocking smile.

A moment later, Yue Youbai slowly lowered his eyes and felt a piercing sensation in his palms. He realized that his nails had been clenched in the flesh, but he himself did not know at all…

“What are you looking at?”

Yue Youbai turned around and saw Han Tingxuan. He greeted lightly. “Prince Chen’s husband.”

Han Tingxuan smiled. “It seems that you have seen something interesting. What did you see?”

Yue Youbai said lightly, “I didn’t see anything interesting. What are you doing out here?”

Han Tingxuan smiled. “I came out to get some fresh air.”

Yue Youbai replied softly. “I see. I have already finished getting fresh air. Enjoy yourself.”

Without waiting for Han Tingxuan to say anything else, Yue Youbai went in.

Han Tingxuan slowly walked to the position where Yue Youbai had just stood. He touched his chin and smiled slowly.

It seemed that Yue Youbai was not as calm as he looked like.He was in a bad mood.

In the afternoon, everyone continued to walk around.

They had seen famous places in City of Capital.

Tian Chuanyun looked at Yue Youbai several times in confusion. For some reason, he felt that he looked somewhat familiar.

Yue Youbai looked quite similar to the Mr. Bai he knew.

However, although the one he knew might not be from City of Capital, it was impossible that they were the same one.

Maybe his father knew something. He should ask his father.

And if these two men were really the same one, then… Tian Chuanyun’s eyes flashed. He felt like he had touched something incredible.

At this moment, a young man quickly walked towards them.

While Han Tingxuan and others were puzzled, Yue Youlong walked towards the person. After the man saluted, he whispered to Yue Youlong. Then Yue Youlong said coldly, “What?!”

The man knelt on the ground.

Han Tingxuan and Dongfang Ye exchanged an eye contact. Dongfang Ye said, “Mr. Yue, what’s wrong?”

Yue Youlong took a deep breath and said softly, “To be honest, one of our team suddenly fell unconscious. May we use your doctor?”

Han Tingxuan and the others were surprised. “Unconscious?”

Yue Yooulong said seriously, “Yes. That man’s health condition is poor. Now it is even worse.”

“We would love to help,” Han Tingxuan immediately said while Dongfang Ye also said, “Since that’s the case, let’s go back.”

“Alright,” Yue Youlong nodded seriously.

They guessed that this person should be very important to Yue Youlong. But now that Yue Youbai was here, who else was so important to Yue Youlong? Or was it a plot?

They went back to the Guest House with Yue Youlong.

When they were on their way back, they had already asked secret guards to get a doctor. So when they arrived, the doctor was already there.

The doctor’s name was Yu Chun, and his medical skills were good among all the imperial physicians, but not as good as Shen Fangde and Dongfang Li.

Yu Chun was in his fifties. He had seen a lot in his life.

After saluting to Han Tingxuan, Yu Chun was taken into a room.

Han Tingxuan and the others did not enter. Only Yue Youlong went in the room with Yu Chun.

“Mr. Bai, who gets sick? It looks like your brother is very concerned,” said Dongfang Ye with a smile.

Yue Youbai smiled faintly, but looking absent-minded. Because he did not know who it was.

However, only a few person who might make his big brother get worried this much.

If it wasn’t his brother’s servant, it might be…

Thinking of that possibility, Yue Youbai’s heart skipped a beat. If it was really that person, then… But why? Why did that person come here? What was his purpose?

Although there were some emotional changes in his mind, Yue Youbai did not show anything. “You will know if you ask him.”

Dongfang Ye didn’t ask anything more.

Tian Chuanyun looked into the door curiously, thinking about who was inside.

Han Tingxuan was also curious but he was thinking more.

For example, why did that person get sick?

Is his physical condition already a problem? But since Yue Youlong cared about that person, why did he bring him along in the first place?

Nangong Wudi and Tian Jingxing were not too concerned.

Yu Chun stayed in there for a long time, and after he came out, Tian Chuanyun was the first to say: “Doctor Yu, how is the patient doing?”

Yu Chun said respectfully, “He is suffering from climate change. I have arranged a prescription for him. He will be fine after taking a rest for two days.”

Suffering from climate change? No one expected such an answer!

Moments later, Yue Youlong came out and cupped his hands together. “Everyone, I’m really sorry. My people is not feeling well. Sorry for the time!”

The others hurriedly said, “No worries.”

Yue Youbai apologized again. Since it was late, everyone left.

Yue Youlong didn’t try to make them stay, let alone continue the topic of travelling around the city tomorrow. The others took it that they would be no travelling tomorrow.

More importantly, Yue Youlong would not be interested in travelling around tomorrow since he was fully concerned about the man in the room.

After everyone else left, Yue Youbai said to Yue Youlong, “Who is he?”

Yue Youbai’s face sunk. He had a quick look at the room and mouth-shaped, “Father.”

Yue Youbai was shocked! Father?!  How come?

He thought it was someone else.

Yue Youbai’s eyes were wide open in disbelief. What was father thinking?!

Yue Youbai also mouth-shaped, “State Master?”

Yue Youlong mouth-shaped in replay, “Inside.”

The State Master was here. But it was shocking that father was here.

Emperor Father and the State Master came together. How come?! What did they want to do?
