103. In A Desperate Situation

Even though they sped up, they were gradually caught up!

At this moment, a few more horses rushed over and rushed in front of Mo Yanzhi.

Mo Yanzhi was about to fight, but one of them said, "Run! We'll stop them behind you!”

They were those helpers arranged by Tian Yushu. But there were only five of them, far outnumbered by people catching up.

Mo Yanzhi and the other three continued to gallop thanks to the protection of five people.

The five people were martial art masters because Mo Yanzhi could hear that the hoof of horses was far away from them. It seemed that they succeeded in stopping the assassins. 

Mo Yanzhi and the other three galloped for half an hour before they came to a fork of the road.

If they took the official road, the road was wide and easy to ride on, but there were many ambushes there. But if they didn't take the official road, they would have to take a small narrow road. And they would have to cross a few mountains and pass through some dangerous jungles.

"Which way should we go?" Tian Yushu looked at Han Tingxuan.

Han Tingxuan took a deep breath. "You decide."

Tian Yushu looked at him deeply. "Let the horses go. We will take the small path.” 

Tian Yushu assumed that Han Tingxuan would hesitate for a while, but Han Tingxuan noded immediately. "Agreed!"

Then they chased the horses away while they walked into the small path.

The path was indeed difficult to pass through. The weeds were everywhere and some places were very narrow.

Han Tingxuan was not used to walking on this kind of path. If it were not for Mo Yanzhi, he would have fallen many times!

It slowed them down! Moreover, his physical strength couldn't keep up!

In the end, the other three decided to take turns to carry her!

Even though Han Tingxuan was very unwilling, he knew it very well that this was not the time to focus on his pride as a man.

Despite carrying Han Tingxuan on their backs, their speed was still as fast as flying!

This seriously hurt Han Tingxuan's pride.

Tian Yushu was at the end of the group because he was best at hiding traces.

Sometimes, when it was turned for Tian Yushu to carry Han Tingxuan, Han Tingxuan would ask him. "Uncle, where did you learn these methods?"

"When you face failure and death, you learn by yourself." Tian Yushu answered. It sounded like there was a story behind it.

Finally, the sky brightened and they stopped.

"Let's rest for a while," Tian Yushu said.

Han Tingxuan had walked for twenty minutes just now. Now he was gasping to catch a breath.

Mo Yanzhi handed the water to him and Han Tingxuan took a few gulps and finally felt a little more comfortable.

They still had instant food with them. They started to have a few quick bites. 

Mo Yanzhi took all fruits with him. He and Han Tingxuan ate three each. 

"I heard there are beasts in the mountain ahead. We should be careful.” 

"Beasts?" Han Tingxuan took out Rise and Rein from his chest pocket. The two little fellows had been staying in his chest pocket. As if they had been aware of the danger, they were all very obedient and were now asleep along the way, apart from when they were about to pee.

Mo Yanzhi said. "Do you want to feed them some fruits?"

"They are sleeping. Maybe later," said Han Tingxuan.

Tian Yushu looked at the mountain in front of him and said, "I heard about it when I passed by before. The blast killed many people."

"We are not afraid of beasts, are we?" Han Tingxuan asked.

Tian Yushu smiled. "The three of us are not afraid, but not you."

Han Tingxuan was furious. "It is not appropriate to laugh at my shortcoming!"

Tian Yushu smiled. "Alright."

Mo Yanzhi said lightly, "We don’t have to worry about one single beast, right?"

Tian Yushu said softly, "I'm afraid it would be an entire pack.”

"We can use light skills to avoid the entire pack," said Han.

Tian Yushu nodded. "However, I heard that many hunters have come to the mountain to set up beast traps. However, most of the hunters weren't able to survive. It is a good idea to use light skills to get rid of the beast pack. But if we accidentally stepped on the beast traps, it would be troublesome. Most importantly, many hunters weren't able to survive. I suspect that there are more dangers than beast attacks. "

Han Tingxuan frowned. He looked at the back and front before he said, "Let's go up first. It is big trouble if those assassins catch up with us.”

Tian Yushu didn't say anything else. After eliminating the traces on this side, they headed towards the mountain.

They quickly reached the mountaintop. Then, they saw a white wolf.

The white wolf only looked at them but did not attack. Han Tingxuan and the rest did not move.

Then, the white wolf suddenly turned and ran away. It was very fast. Because of the many obstacles and weeds on the mountain, it was hard to see it!

Han Tingxuan did not have the time to admire how rare a white wolf was!

"Didn’t the wolf summon its pack, did it?" asked Han Tingxuan.

Tian Yushu frowned tightly. "It's possible. Let's quickly leave this place."

No one else objected. Mo Yanzhi carried Han Tingxuan on his back and sped upon his journey.

And the accident happened at this time!

There was a howl of wolves, followed by countless howls!

"It's a pack of wolves! Run!" Tian Yushu shouted.

Han Tingxuan was mortified. It was easy to tell that there were quite a few wolves.

There were only four of them! There weren't many farmers! No secret guards! Nor guards!

They all used the ultimate light skills to get away as fast as possible. Halfway through, Han was almost injured by a beast clip. Luckily, Tian Yushu caught him away from the trap in time.

"Thank you," said Han.

Tian Yushu said, "Be careful."

They didn't say anything more because they didn't have time to say anything.

With the light skills running at full speed, they arrived at the place where they could go down the mountain in a quarter of an hour.

But they were not relieved because they found that there were several skeletons at the foot of the mountain!

Han Tingxuan frowned at the white bones. Those people had arrived here, ready to go down the mountain. Why did they die in such a place?
