Ch31: This Face

Han Tingxuan left the Restaurant of Bon Appetite and Yun Shen personally saw him out.

At the entrance of the restaurant, Yun Shen smiled bitterly. "Brother Han, I didn’t expect that your goal is so... simple..."

Han Tingxuan chuckled. "Brother Yun, you are overthinking. I know what you mean. I can tell that your Master is a big figure. I haven't thanked you for speaking up for me.”

"I didn't say anything," Yun Shen shook his head.

"No." Han Tingxuan smiled and shook his head. "I know you must have done something." he changed the topic. "My male wife is still waiting for me. Brother Yun, see you next time. Let’s call it night.”

Yun Shen nodded. "See you."

After Han Tingxuan left, Yun Shen watched him walking far away. Then, he turned around and quickly walked back to his room.

Yun Shen closed the door and knelt. "Long live, your majesty!"

The man in brocade clothes was still wearing a mask as he gently waved his hand. "Yun Shen, this is not the court, get up."

"Thank you, sire," Yun Shen stood up but bowed respectfully.

“Is he gone?” The man in brocade clothes, the most honorable man in the world, drank his tea and asked lightly.

"Yes," Yun Shen replied respectfully.

The emperor’s name was Tian Yuexi. He was crowned as the emperor six years ago. In the past six years, he gradually grabbed the court forces back to his own hands, trained his confidants, and treated the people well, so his reputation in the people was good.

However, Tian Yuexi was only eighteen, barely nineteen years old. He was only a young boy when he was crowned six years ago, which was not that easy to do. The power in the court was almost split up. If it wasn't for the fact that the emperor’s capability was really good, it was likely that he would only be a puppet emperor!

In particular, there was a Regent!

Tian Yuexi had done a lot within these six years. But with the Regent's existence, the court was still divided into several factions and not all of them were controlled by the emperor. 

A few months ago, to celebrate the emperor’s 18th birthday, the Regent had handed over all his rights on the surface, but there was still a lot left behind!

They were all nurturing their forces. The Restaurant of Bon Appetite was one of the forces the emperor trained.

"Yun Shen, you heard what I said. Do your best to support Boss Han with all your resources.”

Yun Shen looked serious. "Yes!"

Tian Yuexi waved her hand. "Alright, you are dismissed."

After Yun Shen left, Tian Yuexi coughed. Immediately, a secret guard came over and handed over a porcelain bottle.

Tian Yuexi opened the porcelain bottle and took a pill. Then, the secret guard took off his mask. Under the mask was an ordinary face.

Tian Yuexi touched his face and reached for something behind his ear and tore it open. It turned out that this was a human skin mask!

"Get some water," Tian Yuexi ordered.

The man quickly fetched water, and Tian Yuexi washed his face with a handkerchief. He looked at himself in the water. His face was pale and there were dark circles around his eyes. 

Tian Yuexi sighed. "Xiao Qi, I am running out of time. You...where are you?"

If Yun Shen or Han Tingxuan were here, they would have dropped their jaws in shock because of this face… they were familiar with it!
