143. Fine. I Believe You!

Han Tingxuan did not know what had happened to Mo Yanzhi. He had been very busy these two days with planning everything!

Sun Qiuyi spoke to a man at the Restaurant of Bon Appetite and he was smiling to flatter the man, which he barely did.

Sun Qiuyi was a playboy. Although he knew some martial arts, it was not much. Except for that, he only cared about having fun in his life.

After he had been beaten dozens of times,  he had to lie on the bed for at least a few days to recover, given his physique condition. But the Sun family got a doctor whose pupil brought a special medicine for curing wounds. It magically healed the wounds very quickly.

Sun Qiuyi didn't believe in the quick effect of the medicine, but he decided to give it a try. Surprisingly, he didn't feel any pain in his butt after about an hour. One day later, he could walk on foot.

By now, he had recovered. For this reason, he went to thank that apprentice, but he was amazed by the apprentice’s younger brother who was a she-man!

That apprentice's brother was too beautiful. He had a delicate figure, a pretty face, and a pair of eyes that seemed to know how to talk. Sun Qiuyi’s heart fell for his beauty. Compared to this she-man, Zhou Yueqing was nobody.

Sun Qiuyi immediately started to pursue that she-man. Although he had been warned by his father to stay at home many times recently and not make any trouble, he had never listened to whatever his father said.

Therefore, he went outside to pursue beauty.

However, while pursuing beauty, Sun Qiuyi encountered all sorts of obstacles created by the apprentice who gave him medicine. As he was the beauty’s brother, Sun Qiuyi smiled and flattered the apprentice patiently.

Yesterday, Sun Qiuyi’s fellowman reported that Zhang Luobing, the apprentice, was asking around about Han Tingxuan. It looked like that Zhang Luobing held grudges against Han Tingxuan and wanted to take revenge.

Sun Qiuyi hated Han Tingxuan very much too. When he heard that the Zhangs had a grudge against Han Tingxuan, he was curious about what was going on between them.

His fellowman went to investigate again and came back with the answer, “Master, Zhang Luobing has one more younger brother beside Zhang Qiushui the one you like. That brother was sexually abused by Han Tingxuan. He killed himself afterward. Therefore, the Zhangs hate Han Tingxuan very much.”

Sun Qiuyi was surprised. "Rumor has it that Prince Chen’s husband and the late Prince Chen were in deep love."

"Nonsense!" The fellowman couldn't help but curse. "It's a complete lie! Do you know Bamboo Lane in City of Capital?”

"I do," Bamboo Lane of the City of Capital was well-known nationwide. He would love to have fun there sometimes. "What's wrong? Does Han Tingxuan go there often?”

"Exactly!" The fellowman said angrily, "Since Prince Chen died, Prince Chen’s husband went there quite often! This is not a secret in the City of Capital! "

Sun Qiuyi's face sunk. "Is that so? However, if Han Tingxuan visits Bamboo Lane so frequently, why did he force Zhang Luobing's younger brother?”

Even though Sun Qiuyi was a playboy, he was not that stupid. Influenced by his father, he was kind of prudent. 

Therefore, although he was lecherous, he would ask his fellowmen to investigate the background of the person he was interested in. That was why he investigated Zhou Yueqing back then!

"It was an accident. Han Tingxuan bumped into Zhang Luobing's younger brother, Zhang Qiuyun when they traveled to a mountain. Han Tingxuan was amazed by Zhang Qiuyun’s beauty. You can imagine Zhang Qiuyun’s beauty, given that his brother Zhang Qiushui is a beautiful she-man.” 

Sun Qiuyi agreed. If Zhang Qiushui was not beautiful, how could he fall in love with him at first sight?

As Sun Qiuyi nod in agreement, the fellowman quickly said, "Han Tingxuan flirted with Zhang Qiushui. But Zhang Qiuyun was much more sensitive than his brother Zhang Qiushui. He turned Han Tingxuan down because he was not interested in Han Tingxuan. It drove Han Tingxuan mad. But he did not do anything right after because he was afraid that the rumor would judge him. That night, he sent his fellowmen to take Zhang Qiuyun away and sexually abused him. It was said that Zhang Qiuyun was sent back on the third day. Zhang Qiuyun committed suicide as he could not bear the humiliation. Just because of this, Zhang Luobing and his only brother Zhang Qiushui leave the City of Capital just in case that Han Tingxuan would harm him.  Han Tingxuan was rich and powerful in the City of Capital, which they couldn't beat. Surprisingly, they met here again. Zhang Luobing found it a great opportunity to avenge his late brother. That was why he was asking around about the chance to get close to Han Tingxuan.”

"What a story!" Sun Qiuyi was furious. "That damn Han Tingxuan wants to lay a finger on my Qiushui. How dare he!”

The fellowman said as Sun Qiuyi was angry, "Yes. He deserved death. Zhang Luobing is so careful to protect Zhang Qiushui trying to keep him out of sight.”

Sun Qiuyi clapped his hands. "No wonder I clearly felt that Qiushui didn't hate me yesterday, but he kept distant from me and he also said that it would harm him and me if we see each other. Damn it! At that time, I did not understand why. I thought that he was afraid of his brother who would not disprove. Now I understand it is all because of Han Tingxuan! Damn it! "

"You are right!" The fellowman hurriedly said, "I have already confirmed the details. The Zhangs did indeed come from the City of Capital, and they rushed here as if they were running for life. Thankfully, Zhang Luobing knew some medical skills and owned a few prescriptions handed down by their ancestors, otherwise, he wouldn't be accepted as a disciple by Doctor Li!"

After that, to make Sun Qiuyi happy,  the fellowman added a lot of "strategies" and "facts" he confirmed.

Therefore, Sun Qiuyi did not doubt the background of the Zhangs.

As Sun Qiuyi confirmed that he and Zhang Luobing had the same enemy and saw Zhang Luobing as his future brother-in-law, he said something to please Zhang Luobing.

"Brother Zhang, I'm really sincere about Qiushui," Sun Qiuyi flattered.

Zhang Luobing frowned. He glanced at Sun Qiuyi and said coldly, "We appreciate it. I'm afraid that Qiushui isn't worthy of your love. You are way out of his league."

Sun Qiuyi said righteously, "You are wrong. You can’t put it that way. As long as we love each other, we are a great match.” 

Zhang Luobing was flattered by the explanation.

Sun Qiuyi grabbed the chance to express his sincerity, saying that he had fallen in love with Zhang Qiushui at first sight, and even promised that he would never let Zhang Qiushui down in his life, and so on.

In the end, Sun Qiuyi was almost touched by himself!

Zhang Luobing, on the other hand, started to hesitate as he looked extremely impatient from the beginning.

At that moment, Sun Qiuyi slowly threw out his bait. He had already regarded Zhang Luobing as his side, so he expressed his dissatisfaction with Han Tingxuan.

It was the truth that he had been beaten up by Han Tingxuan. Zhang Luobing knew it because he gave him the medicine to cure him. 

Sun Qiuyi's dissatisfaction with Han Tingxuan was immediately acknowledged by Zhang Luobing because he was more friendly to Sun Qiuyi.

Sun Qiuyi grabbed the chance to add, "Han Tingxuan won't be able to live for long. I won't let him go!"

Zhang Luobing said disappointedly. "Easier for you to say. You should be careful.  Han Tingxuan is an imperial commissioner. It is not easy to deal with him.” 

Sun Qiuyi's eyes lit up when he heard this and said, "Brother Zhang, I can tell that you don't like Han Tingxuan either. Am I right? You have only come here a month ago. You don’t hold any grudges against Han Tingxuan, do you?”

When Zhang Luobing heard this, he let out a cold snort as the coldness filled in his eyes. "That's right! I came here a month ago but he forced me to come here!”

Sun Qiuyi put on a shocking face. "Brother Zhang, what's going on? What did Han Tingxuan do?”

Zhang Luobing bit his lips out of the blood. His two fists were tightly clenched. But after a long while, he said disappointedly, "Nothing."

Sun Qiuyi believed the story of Zhang Luobing even more. He thought that it was difficult for him to open his heart because he hated Han Tingxuan so much.

Sun Qiuyi said, "It's all my fault. Sorry to bring it up. Come on. Bottom-up.” 

Zhang Luobing seemed to be in an extremely bad mood. He directly bottomed the liquor up.

Sun Qiuyi drank along with him.

As more liquor Zhang Luobing drank, he shared more. "Han Tingxuan, I want him to die! I want him to die!”

Sun Qiuyi pretended to be frightened by having a quick look around. Then he said softly, "Brother Zhang, we are outside. We still need to pay attention to Han Tingxuan’s fellowmen in case they overhear us.” 

Zhang Luobing's eyes turned red. "I'm not afraid of him. If he wants to catch me, then come! I'm not afraid!”

"Brother Zhang," Sun Qiuyi quickly comforted him. "Yes, of course, we are not afraid of him. It's just that we don't want to alert them before we come up with a great plan.  Brother Zhang, if you trust me, tell me more about Han Tingxuan. To be honest, I will deal with him!"

"You… Really?" Zhang Luobing was too drunk to speak fluently. 

"Really for sure!" Sun Qiuyi said seriously, "I will never go easy on Han Tingxuan!"

"Me, me too, that Han Tingxuan, I will never let him go!"

Then, Zhang Luobing told him everything.

It was about the same as what Sun Qiuyi's fellowman got, but much more detailed.

Sun Qiuyi listened and looked at the angry Zhang Luobing. He had much less doubt about the truth of the story. Zhang Luobing would not fake his emotions while he was drunk, right?

Zhang Luobing looked like that he wanted to eat Han Tingxuan alive! It couldn’t be faked, right?

Sun Qiuyi immediately expressed that he was sorry for what Zhang Luobing had experienced. "Brother Zhang, Han Tingxuan is such a toad to such a disgusting thing. Don't worry, I will help you get revenge!”

When Zhang Luobing heard this, he excitedly grabbed onto Sun Qiuyi's arm. He was so excited that he even cause pain to Sun Qiuyi, but Sun Qiuyi bore with it and was more convinced that Zhang Luobing's true feelings were revealed.

"Brother Zhang, don't worry. I will avenge you.”

Zhang Luobing's lips trembled when he heard this. There was hope in his eyes, but after a long time, his eyes dimmed again.

Sun Qiuyi hurriedly said, "Brother Zhang. You don't believe me? I'm telling the truth!”

Zhang Luobing laughed bitterly. "I believe that you mean it. But even though you are the governor’s son, Han Tingxuan is Prince Chen’s husband with great power. Forget it, it's my life, and it’s Qiuyun's life! Forget it… "

Sun Qiuyi said anxiously. "Brother Zhang, you can believe me! Let me tell you. Not only me, but my big brother and my father are having a problem with Han Tingxuan! I promise you that Han Tingxuan will never return to City of Capital alive!”

"What?!" Zhang Luobing was startled. His eyes were wide open and his voice trembled due to excitement. "You, are you serious? You, you can help… "

"Of course!" Zhang Luobing’s excitement encouraged Sun Qiuyi. "Brother Zhang, you can count on me."

Zhang Luobing clenched his teeth. "If you mean what you said, count me in! I must personally cut off Han Tingxuan's head for my poor brother! By that day, I will marry Qiushui to you and you will live happily ever after.” 

Sun Qiuyi's eyes lit up! "Great! Big Brother! Don't worry! We will be able to take revenge for our younger brother. You can believe me that I will treat Qiushui well!”

"Okay, I believe you!" Zhang Luobing's eyes were red.

Sun Qiuyi finally relaxed. "Come on, drink. We are going to have a blast today!"

Zhang Luobing said even more friendly. "I should thank you for taking good care of my brother in the future.”

"Don't worry, I will love Qiushui and protect him in the future!”
