162. Challenge The Bottom Line

Yang Shuo could become someone who was trusted by Tian Yuexi and responsible for so many things, because he was that capable. Also because his martial arts were first-class powerful.

Although he was not as powerful ad top-notch secret guards like Shadow Four, he was even better than most secret guards.

Since Xue had to disguise himself, he couldn't expose the fact that he knew martial arts!

Therefore, Yang Shuo took Xue into his arms at ease!

Xue's eyes flashed with brutalness, but he had it under control.

Yang Shuo pretended not to notice anything and acted like a flirtatious boss.

"Xue, you're so beautiful."

Xue was so angry that he wanted to kill Yang Shuo, but he couldn't! The mission had not been completed yet and he had not seen Han Tingxuan yet. If he really killed Yang Shuo…

No, Yue Youbai couldn't accept such a failure.

Yes, this prostitute called Xue was Yue Youbai.

"Haha, thank you for your compliment, Boss," Yue Youbai said with a smile.

Yang Shuo pretended that he did not get the sarcasm. He took it as an honest thanks. “You are welcome. You are very beautiful. It is a truth." said Yang Shuo as he brushed his hand around Yue Youbai’s waist.

Yue Youbai could not bear it anymore. He also understood that if he didn't use a direct method to get rid of Yang Shuo, Yang Shuo might keep playing dumb with him.

Hence, Yue Youbai asked directly, "Is there something you would like to talk to me? I am going to sleep now. I am very tired now.”

"Well, that, I have nothing to say," Yang Shuo waved his hand regretfully. "I'm here to see you. Since you are going to sleep, I'm leaving first. You are going to work at night!"

Xue smiled and nodded. "Yes."

Yang Shuo looked at Xue and was about to leave when he suddenly turned around like he thought of something.

Xue had to ask, "Is there anything more?"

Yang Shuo thought about it seriously and said, "Xue, do you have someone you like?"

Xue was stunned, then he smiled and shook his head. "Of course no. Why?"

Yang Shuo said seriously, "Xue, I like you very much. I don't want you to please so many men. I have money and can support you financially. We can be together. You are just mine. I promise, I will like you and cherish you!”

Then, Yang Shuo hugged Yue Youbai and kissed hard on Yue Youbai’s lips.

"Xue, I like you!"

At first, Yue Youbai was really startled. Although many people liked him and wanted him because of his social status, just because of his supreme social status, none of them had been as bold as Yang Shuo.

In the past few days he had been working here as a prostitute, none of the clients had actually laid a finger on him because of his superb social skills.

Yang Shuo was an exception because of him being the boss!

Moreover, Yang Shuo had always been acting like a pushover and a lecher. But just now when he said that he liked him, he was so serious and condescending like a great man.

That was why Yue Youbai froze there, giving Yang Shuo a chance to hug him and touched his body.

Damn it! Instantly, Yue Youbbai’s face turned pale.

Yang Shuo finally let go of him and put on a disappointed face.

"Xue, I know that you can't accept my feelings for a while. But you will see that I will work hard and try my best to become the person you want!”

Then, before Yue Youbai had any chance to say anything, Yang Shuo ran away.

Yue Youbai was so mad.

He couldn't show his true face here. However, for the sake of the mission, he didn't wear a mask. Instead, he used superb makeup skills.

He turned himself into another person just by wearing makeups!

Therefore, it was easy to see his facial expression.

Yue Youbai trembled slightly because of anger. No one dared to harass him sexually! Never!

Damn Yang Shuo! Let’s wait and see!

Yang Shuo didn't know that he had triggered a fire bucket. In fact, he was touching his mouth.

"It feels so good. Too bad that he is an enemy."

Yang Shuo shook his head and decided to change his strategy a little. To drive Yue Youbai mad and finally expose himself, he must challenge his bottom line time and time again.

However, he had to meet up with Prince Chen’s husband again. Prince Chen’s husband had a lot of ideas which might be better than his.

What was Han Tingxuan doing?

He was in the Restaurant of Bon Appetite and saw two familiar people.

The two were Dongfang Hui and Dongfang Ye. But this time, they didn't have disguise themselves.

Han Tingxuan calculated the time. From that day onwards, the two brothers became alert and went to the house for less than three times. It looked that they were suspicious about why they had sex on that night.

However, why did the two come to Restaurant of Bon Appetite? Having dinner?

When Han Tingxuan saw Nangong Wudi and NanGong Yue, he understood why. They were here for a meeting.

And there must be a reason for their meeting. They would say something at the table.
