161. Xue The Beauty

Zhou Yueqing couldn't stay with Xi Yan all the time. He hadn't completed the task given by father.

In fact, he even accepted two she-man's invitations when sending letters.

The two she-men were sons of his father's friend. Otherwise, he wouldn't have accepted to go out with those two she-men.

Xi Yan didn't mean to hold Zhou Yueqing any longer. After Zhou Yueqing applied the medicine to his wound and helped him with taking medicine, he told Zhou Yueqing that he could leave.

When Shadow Four arrived, Xi Yan was not feeling well from his internal injuries. He was coughing with his hand pressed against his chest.

When Shadow Four heard the coughing, he hurriedly opened the door.

Xi Yan looked up in shock.

When facing outsiders, he was strong and he had to be. He didn't want to show his weakness.

However, only he himself knew that after the incident that day, he was a little frightened and very reluctant to get close to he-men.

He was fine with Zhou Yueqing being around with him because he was his friend. But the situation was different if it were someone else.

When he saw a man in black, Xi Yan instinctively felt fear. The black outfit reminded him of the man who threatened him, and the disturbing scene that morning.

"Who... Who are you..." Xi Yan clutched the blanket tightly. Although he didn't think that there was anyone else who could harm him in Han residence, he couldn't help but feel afraid.

When Shadow Four walked in, he saw a pair of eyes as frightened as a deer. He somehow felt an ache in his heart and couldn't help but keep his voice softer.

"Don't be afraid. I'm Shadow Four. I'm responsible for helping you with recovering your internal injuries."

"No need. Thank you. I'm fine." Xi Yan cowered and refused the help.

Shadow Four frowned slightly and felt sorry for Yan Xi. It was his fault to get this close to a she-man who was just forced to lose his virginity. 

However, if internal injuries were not treated, it would gone worse. He had to help him for the sake of his future.

"Sorry, this is my job. I have to do it.”

As Xi Yan watched Shadow Four walking towards him, his body trembled. "You, don't come over. I... I'll tell his highness that I don't need it."

The next moment, Shadow Four stood by the bed and said. "Sorry if I offended you."

Then, he sat Xi Yan up and made him sit with legs crossed over each other.

Xi Yan could not feel his body and he looked at Shadow Four in horror.

Shadow Four slightly lowered his eyes. "I am so sorry."

The next moment, Shadow Four touched Xi Yan’s acupoint and pressed his hand on Xi Yan’s chest.

Xi Yan could not move as Shadow Four touched his acupoint. He could only watch as Shadow Four touching him.

The next moment, there was warmth in his body, which shocked Xi Yan.

Shadow Four carefully performed the treatment by following the doctor’s instruction.

As time passed, Xi Yan felt less pain. He couldn't help but look at the person in front of him.

The man was also in black, but Xi Yan did not feel any threats or evil aura.

His voice wasn't cold but instead soft.

And now…

He slowly loosened up the tightly clenched fists. The warmth in his body grew stronger. Xi Yan couldn't help but close his eyes.

In a luxurious but brothel-like room in City of Capital.

"You mean Xi Yan was in Han Tingxuan’s house?” A she-man said casually.

"Yes," it was a man's voice. This voice was rather cold and coarse.

"How did you enjoy the sex with Xi Yan?" There was a hint of ridicule in she-man's voice.

The man paused slightly. "I did not remember anything from that night except that I held a person in my arms, but I'm not sure if that person was Xi Yan."

"Huh?" The she-man seemed surprised. "How is that possible?"

"Originally, I thought that I had sex with Xi Yan that night, but when I went to Xi family again, Xi Yan was locked up and beaten up.  His servant died many days ago, the day after that night. And he drowned himself in a well by accident. I don’t think that it makes any sense.” 

"So, you investigated it?" The she-man raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you really interested in Xi Yan, are you? You actually went to house again.” 

"Please forgive me," the man knelt down.

The she-man waved as though he was generous. "Everyone love beautiful girls. What did you find after that?"

"Perhaps I am overthinking. But it is true that I saw the first son of Xi family and Tian Chuanyun being together.” 

"Hmm?" The she-man sat up slightly. "Tian Chuanyun? Why didn’t you report before?”

"My apologies. I did not tell anyone else about the investigation. So I was planning to tell you when I found out the results."

The she-man was silent for a moment and said lightly, "Don't make your own decisions next time. You don’t need to decide what kind of information is not important to me."


"Apart from seeing the eldest son of the Xi family being with Tian Chuanyun, what else did you find out about that night?"

"Sorry that I didn't find anything else. They have cleaned up every possible clue. When I checked the body of the servant. He probably had sex before he died. In such a short time and in such a cold winter, his body was not rotten. But sex abuse that he had was the only thing I can see. That's why I suspect that the one who had sex with me was not Xi Yan. I, Xi Yan and that she-man servant were just the victims of a trap.”

The she-man did not look happy. "All of you have gone through special training. Ordinary drugs and poisons can't put you down immediately. But you were caught off guard. I believe Tian Chuanyun has the ability to achieve it. After all, he is the vice leader of the Heavenly Extinction Sect."

The man didn't say anything.

The she-man sighed slowly for a long time. "My Big Brother is right. Even if it is the most stupid character, he can't be underestimated when he means seriously to harm others."

The man knelt without saying a word. He knew that he didn't need to say anything at this time.

The she-man waved his hand after a long time. "Keep an eye on the cunning Duke of Guanjing. Tell Eight to keep an eye on Tian Chuanyun. How dare he set up a frame to get my people involved. Tell Eight to get him busy.”

"Yes!" The man immediately responded.

"You are free to go. Pay attention in the future. Don't expose yourself. Tian Chuanyun has many talents. If he didn't see you in Xi’s house, he wouldn't have set up such a trap. One more thing. Don’t do anything to Xi Yan. But if you are exposed, Xi Yan must die!”


The she-man seemed tired and waved his hand again. "You are dismissed."

The man left quietly.

About two quarters later, someone knocked on the she-man's door, which startled the she-man. But he asked calmly, "Who is it?"

No one answered. But the next moment, he pushed the door open and walked in.

When the she-man saw who it was, the corner of she-man's mouth twitched slightly. He even felt more relaxed.

Who was it? If Han Tingxuan were here, he would say that I know him. It is Yang Shuo!

"Xue, are you resting at daytime?" Yang Shuo had been enjoying teasing this beauty in the past few days, thanks to him being the boss.

Yang Shuo did not think he was not an ordinary she-man. It was impossible for him to work at a brothel.

Didn't know his purpose? Alright. He could investigate!

As far as he knew about this person, he was arrogant and easy to get mad. As long as he was really angry, he would leak the truth of himself!

As Yang Shuo was known as the boss of the brothel, he was supposed to be very flirty. Therefore, it was reasonable that he took advantage of the she-men at the brothel. 

"Boss Yang, why are you here?" Xue got up and got out of the bed. Since he had yet to take off his clothes, he was properly dressed right now.

"I am here to see you. How are you handling the life here?" Yang Shuo said as he approached Xue.

"Thank you for your concern! It is just that I am going to be busy at work at night, so I need to get some rest as soon as possible," the implication was that Yang Shuo should go away.

However, Yang Shuo did not bought it. His purpose to come here was to flirt with Xue. Of course, he would not leave.

Whether Xue would have enough sleep before work at night had nothing to do with him.

Therefore, Yang Shuo moved closer as if he did not get the hint and even put his arm around Xue’s waist.
